Yugioh 5ds Club
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added by Ryuuto013
(It has been almost a 년 since Yusei and Akiza had their now 10-month old daughter, Aurora Destiny and later, Team 5D's added two new members of their team, Akiza's two best friends, Zoey Spencers, who has a 12 월 old daughter Keyshia with 19 년 old boyfriend, Justin and Amber Evans, Crow's girlfriend and Yusei's frenemy since she started hating him as Yusei talked smart to her and Akiza wants them to get along and Amber helps Yusei and Bruno get through making 더 많이 engines to Yusei, Jack and Crow's runners. Team 5D's had won the 2nd Grand Prix just before 까마귀 announces his upcoming...
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added by Ryuuto013
added by Ryuuto013
added by newworldXD
added by Ryuuto013
added by Ryuuto013
added by Ryuuto013
added by Ryuuto013
added by Ryuuto013
added by Ryuuto013
added by irinaguzun
added by Ryuuto013
posted by Courtneyfan6
[The beautiful morning sunlight was bright and warm, pouring into the room through the window beside Yusei and Akiza. Akiza squinted, her eyes slowly opening and adjusting to the brightness. She enjoyed the feeling and stretched out my body.]
Yusei: (yawns)
Akiza: (sighs)
Yusei: Good morning.
Akiza: Good morning.
(Then, the door opens to see Jack, Crow, Leo, Luna, Kalin and Carly interrupt them)
Crow: (singing) Good morning, good morning, the sun is shining through...... good morning, good morning to 당신 and 당신 and you!
Jack: 당신 guys are growing up so fast.
Yusei: Not fast enough, Jack.
Kalin: Okay....
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added by Ryuuto013
posted by Courtneyfan6
(Cut to the hopsital; the duel runners and Carly's car race to the front enterance.The gang arrive at the reception desk.)
Nurse: Oh, Akiza! 당신 weren't due till two weeks, now, dear. Well, I guess we could try and squeeze 당신 in somewhere, huh?
Jack: What if is another false alarm again.. (Yusei turns at him sternly).. Oh, right, Akiza's water breaks.
Akiza: Ahhhhhhhh!!!
Yusei: 당신 okay, Akiza?
Akiza: Get this thing outta me!!!!
Yusei: Okay, Akiza, just relax and breathe.
(Akiza breathing deeply)
Crow: I think she's okay. She's crazy!
Jack: I think 당신 mean "crazyier".
Akiza: Aaahh!!!!
Carly: Speaking...
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added by Ryuuto013
added by newworldXD