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posted by Jeffrey2112
아드리안 팔리키
Adrianne Palicki
Wonder Woman is making a comeback whether we like it 또는 not!

Adrianne Palicki, has been cast to take on the role that made Lynda Carter famous in the 70’s.

Palicki will play Diana Prince, a Los Angeles businesswoman who masquerades as a crime fighting she-ro, in the NBC show.

Although Adrianne Palicki has been 연기 for years, this role will definitely take her to the 다음 level. What I’m trying to say is that she will go from C/D list to A/B list if the show is a hit. That means a lot of magazine covers, free gifts and she gets to 날짜 some hot A-list actors.

What do 당신 guys think of Wonder Woman making a comeback?
아드리안 팔리키
Adrianne Palicki
"WONDER WOMAN" (2017) Review

Since the release of "MAN OF STEEL" back in 2013, the D.C. Comics Extended Universe (DCEU) franchise has been in a conundrum. Although the 2013 film and with the two 영화 that followed - "BATMAN V. SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE" and "SUICIDE SQUAD" - were all box office hits, they had been heavily condemned 의해 many film critics. Then along came "WONDER WOMAN", the first superhero movie that featured a woman in the lead since 2005.

Directed 의해 Patty Jenkins, "WONDER WOMAN" is basically a flashback on the origins of Princess Diana of Thymerica aka Diana Prince aka Wonder...
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I was raised 의해 a really strong woman who, when I was eight, divorced my dad and entered the feminist movement. It was she who bought me my first 'Wonder Woman' book, a hardcover compendium of 'golden-age' comics 의해 Moulton-Marsden himself. That's where my 사랑 of all things Wonder Woman began.

However, I couldn't help but notice that, ABC's WW show notwithstanding, there was an absolute paucity of female superhero shows and movies. Think about it--how many times have they rehashed 'Batman'? Or, for that matter 'Superman'? Who really was there to represent Us? When are they going to do a live-action...
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posted by Smartasses

After the rebirth of old TV Shows like The Bionic Woman, Hawaii 5-0 and Battlestar Gallactica, many of 당신 have been clamoring for a rebirth of Wonder Woman. 당신 clamored even 더 많이 when 당신 heard it was on the table. Well, finally, it appears that the project is going to happen. It was just announced that NBC has decided to give the show a go.

The project is being touted as a reinvention (Yikes, that is almost never good) of the 아마존 Princess, where Wonder Woman, also known as Diana Prince, is a ‘vigilante crime fighter in Los Angeles, but also a successful corporate executive and a...
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Ever since the release of the 2017 DCEU movie, "WONDER WOMAN", film critics and moviegoers have been raving over it and raving over the Diana Prince aka Wonder Woman character as this 레이 of sunshine in the middle of Warner Brother Studio's DCEU’s "doom and gloom". Sigh!

First of all, the main reason I had looked 앞으로 to seeing "WONDER WOMAN" in the first place was my curiosity over the main protagonist's development. I was curious to see how the Wonder Woman/Diana Prince character had transformed into the somewhat cynical and weary woman that I saw in the...
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posted by vider69
Yes, I said that I'd stop creating spots after my tenth one, 'King Kong' and now I'm at it again with my eleventh spot, which just proves to me how addictive 팬팝 can be, and I 사랑 animation, so after creating 'Animalation' and 'Cartoon Babes' I was surprised that no one had created a spot for Wonder Woman, I loved the comic 책 and the 텔레비전 series with Lynda Carter, and when I 'Googled' Wonder Woman I was amazed at how many photos, 바탕화면 and material was available on the subject of someone who I have been a 팬 of for as long as I can remember, so it was a big deal for me to...
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