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Witches of East End - Season 2 - Post premiere TVLine interview

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Witches of East End - Season 2 - Post premiere TVLine interview
Posted by Klutzy_girl at Monday, July 07, 2014 1 Comments
TVLINE | I’m going to start with the question I’m sure is on every viewer’s mind right now: What was that last scene? Was Ingrid dreaming?
[Laughs] Um, no. She’s sleepwalking, and she’s kind of in a trance. It’s a creature who she’s having these encounters with, but she doesn’t remember them. We’ll learn more as the season goes on about who this creature is, why they’re there and what their connection is with Ingrid. It’s pretty sexy, I think. It’s pretty fun. … And God bless Rachel Boston, she was so game to do that. It was pretty weird.
TVLINE | Is it safe to assume that was the other thing that came out of the portal?
It is safe to assume, yes. That creature is not from around here.
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