Amora and her friend Rosa
Amora(16)-Princes of peacx,fairy
Tanya(18)-Amoras love,witch
Rosa(20)-Amoras friend,going to become a nun(secretly in 사랑 with Amora)
Gabriela,Gaby(32)-Amoras older sister
Chapter 3-destiny
Amoras pov
A prince?Im not 10 anymore i dont need a prince on a white horse…i need 사랑 and noone can give me that in that sertain way except Tanya…but would my mom understand that if i just said it?She doesnt like her very much…
I lookd at the big fluffy 심장 at the end of my room and hold it tight so it started too play a 사랑 was so beautifull…
I turnd around and soe...
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