William Shakespeare Updates

a video 추가되었습니다: 상단, 맨 위로 10 Words Shakespeare Just Made Up 7 months ago by jasamfan23
a photo 추가되었습니다: This Thing of Darkness over a year ago by wabatch
a video 추가되었습니다: 상단, 맨 위로 10 영화 당신 Didn't Know Were Inspired 의해 Shakespeare over a year ago by Makeupdiva
a pop quiz question 추가되었습니다: Who has Hermia got romantic feeling for? over a year ago by bobsburgerlover
a poll 추가되었습니다: Which is your 가장 좋아하는 version of Hermia? over a year ago by bobsburgerlover
a poll 추가되었습니다: Which is your 가장 좋아하는 Shakespeare couple? over a year ago by bobsburgerlover
a poll 추가되었습니다: Who looks prettier from the animated tales version? over a year ago by bobsburgerlover
a poll 추가되었습니다: Who Looks Younger from the animated tales version of his plays? over a year ago by bobsburgerlover
a comment was made to the fan art: norse over a year ago by cassieeatsme
a pop quiz question 추가되었습니다: In the Tempest, which character is not a servant/slave of Prospero? over a year ago by Portia0623
a pop quiz question 추가되었습니다: What is Hamlet's mother's name? over a year ago by Portia0623
a pop quiz question 추가되었습니다: Which of the following is a poem written 의해 Shakespeare? over a year ago by Portia0623
a pop quiz question 추가되었습니다: Which Shakespeare play involves a statue coming to life? over a year ago by Portia0623
a pop quiz question 추가되었습니다: In the play "Cymbeline", what is the name of Cymbeline's daughter? over a year ago by Portia0623
a question 추가되었습니다: How is the power of persuasion in used throughout the play, Julius Caesar? over a year ago by Caesarsalad
a comment was made to the answer: 'to be 또는 not to be, that is the question' I know it's such an obvious quote but have been asking myself it a lot lately! over a year ago by Cedar_Wilde
an answer was added to this question: is there 1 quote u find urself saying over and over? over a year ago by Cedar_Wilde
a comment was made to the poll: what is your 가장 좋아하는 shakespeare play? over a year ago by xx_cordelia_xx
a comment was made to the poll: Of my 가장 좋아하는 Shakespeare couples, which is yours? over a year ago by xx_cordelia_xx
a comment was made to the poll: Is Shakespeare your 가장 좋아하는 writer? over a year ago by xx_cordelia_xx
a comment was made to the poll: Romeo And Juliet: Which movie is better? over a year ago by xx_cordelia_xx
a video 추가되었습니다: Shakespeare 의해 me, a video about the 400 aniversary of Shakespeare's death over a year ago by chessiam
fan art 추가되었습니다: Resource over a year ago by Moacir
a video 추가되었습니다: 16th Century Fuck Boys over a year ago by Ophelia23
a link 추가되었습니다: Original movie costumes from 2015's Macbeth on display over a year ago by jasonhollywood
a comment was made to the poll: Favourite Female? over a year ago by anaswill
a poll 추가되었습니다: Of my 가장 좋아하는 Shakespeare couples, which is yours? over a year ago by anaswill
an answer was added to this question: who was the cousin of rosalind in AS YOU LIKE IT? celia or audrey? over a year ago by KittyBlue
a comment was made to the poll: Have 당신 ever been involved in a production of a Shakespeare play? over a year ago by Sergeant_Waddle
an icon 추가되었습니다: the dog of cold over a year ago by sydnielynn
a comment was made to the poll: Best Shakespearean character over a year ago by Sigyn
an answer was added to this question: Does anyone know a good Shakespeare biography? over a year ago by msiobhan
an answer was added to this question: who was the cousin of rosalind in AS YOU LIKE IT? celia or audrey? over a year ago by msiobhan
a question 추가되었습니다: Does anyone know a good Shakespeare biography? over a year ago by moodyred
a comment was made to the link: Romeo and Juliet A 사랑 Story 의해 William Shakespeare over a year ago by sky-rocks
a comment was made to the poll: What's your 가장 좋아하는 Shakespeare famous quote? over a year ago by sherlocked88
an answer was added to this question: is there 1 quote u find urself saying over and over? over a year ago by SweetHoneyBunny
a comment was made to the poll: With how many Shakespeare plays are 당신 familiar? (Which ones?) over a year ago by SweetHoneyBunny
a comment was made to the poll: Who's your 가장 좋아하는 character in "A Mid Summer Nights Dream"? over a year ago by Laisalves8
a video 추가되었습니다: King Lear at Chichester Festival Theatre over a year ago by Ccon
a comment was made to the poll: Would 당신 like to 가입하기 Poets&Writers Spot? [link in comments] over a year ago by Gabri3la
a poll 추가되었습니다: Would 당신 like to 가입하기 Poets&Writers Spot? [link in comments] over a year ago by Gabri3la
a video 추가되었습니다: Drunk Literature: Hamlet over a year ago by ETphoneH
a comment was made to the poll: Favourite TRAGEDY?(Comedies and Historical plays will follow in other questions) over a year ago by alismouha
a question 추가되었습니다: who was the cousin of rosalind in AS YOU LIKE IT? celia or audrey? over a year ago by sini12
a comment was made to the poll: Favourite COMEDY? over a year ago by Perfidia
a comment was made to the poll: Favourite HISTORICAL PLAY? over a year ago by Perfidia
a video 추가되었습니다: Cliff's Notes - Macbeth over a year ago by DramaQueen1020
a pop quiz question 추가되었습니다: He has been commemorated in many statues and memorials around the world, including funeral in Southwark Cathedral and Poets' Corner in Westminster Abbey over a year ago by DonnaRider
a pop quiz question 추가되었습니다: Before 1623, a funerary monument was erected in his memory on the north wall, with a half-effigy of him in the act of writing. Its compares to Nestor, Socrates, Virgil.. over a year ago by DonnaRider