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 Walt Disney's 28th Animated Feature, The Little Mermaid (1989)
Walt Disney's 28th Animated Feature, The Little Mermaid (1989)
Hello my fellow 디즈니 Fans.

As 당신 all know, I 사랑 디즈니 Animation. I 사랑 to watch the movies, hear the songs and look at the characters. But one thing I really 사랑 is watching the 애니메이션 in slow motion. It gives a great insight to how much work the animators puts into their work. It's facinating to me to watch a scene 또는 a sequence in slow motion, as then I get 더 많이 details the 다음 time I see the movies.
Now, 당신 all know how much I 사랑 The Little Mermaid. My 가장 좋아하는 movie of all-time. Ever since I was a little boy, I enjoyed to watch the movie, even in slow motion. When I discovered...
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The Encyclopedia of Walt Disney's Animated Characters: From Mickey 쥐, 마우스 to Hercules by
John Grant

Character 설명 of The Blue Fairy from "Pinocchio" (1940)

The Force of good might seem to be underrepresented in the movie when compared with the force of evil, incarnate in John Worthington Foulfellow, The Coachman, Stromboli, Lampwick... On the side of good are only Gepetto (a fairly passive ally), Jiminy Cricket, the Blue Fairy and eventually towards the end, the late-discovered integrity of Pinocchio himself. Yet good, of course, eventually triumphs (although, as noted, it does not destroy...
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 The hero of the movie, Aladdin.
The hero of the movie, Aladdin.
The Encyclopedia of Walt Disney's Animated Characters: From Mickey 쥐, 마우스 to Hercules by
John Grant

Walt 디즈니 Character 설명 of Prince 알라딘 from "Aladdin" (1992)

As is very often the case in the 디즈니 animated features, the story of Prince Aladdin as a character is that of growth from selfunderestimation to the realization that the individual has worth and can achieve a particular aim, which is generally living happily ever after with the mate of his choice. The different here is that 알라딘 tries to cheat - he makes the Genie turn him into a prince so that he can woo Jasmine, and...
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 Walt Disney's 12th animated classic, 1950's Cinderella.
Walt Disney's 12th animated classic, 1950's Cinderella.
7th 기사 of my 디즈니 Slow Motion Gifs is the classic Cinderella from 1950.

Hello fellow 디즈니 Fans.

As 당신 all know, I 사랑 디즈니 Animation. I 사랑 to watch the movies, hear the songs and look at the characters. But one thing I really 사랑 is watching the 애니메이션 in slow motion. It gives a great insight to how much work the animators puts into their work. It's facinating to me to watch a scene 또는 a sequence in slow motion, as then I get 더 많이 details the 다음 time I see the movies.
Cinderella was not a movie I really watched much as a kid. But when the 2-Disc Platinum Edition
Special Edition...
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 Shanti, the human girl.
Shanti, the human girl.
The Encyclopedia of Walt Disney's Animated Characters: From Mickey 쥐, 마우스 to Hercules by
John Grant

Walt 디즈니 Character 설명 of Shanti, The Girl from "The Jungle Book" (1967)

The little lass with a red spot on her forehead who comes down from the manvillage to captivate Mowgli is full of eastern promise. Although it will be a decade 또는 so before the promise turns into anything else, she nevertheless enchants Mowgli as she fetches water from the river and sings the song "My Own Home", yet another fine piece of work from the Sherman Brothers.
She has little 의해 way of character except her basic allure, which weaves a 더 많이 powerful spell upon Mowgli than even Kaa's hypnotic attempts. Baloo advises the boy when he sees a female human for the first time: "Forget about those - they ain't nothin' but trouble!"
Mowgli, though youthful, has 더 많이 sense.
 Mowgli did not want to become part of humanity... Until, that is, he saw the Girl.
Mowgli did not want to become part of humanity... Until, that is, he saw the Girl.
 Walt Disney's 32nd Animated Feature, The Lion King (1994)
Walt Disney's 32nd Animated Feature, The Lion King (1994)
Hello again, my fellow 디즈니 팬 :)

This 기사 is similar to the one I did a while back with The Little Mermaid, but this one will be about The Lion King. Now, The Lion King, for me, is also one of my 상단, 맨 위로 가장 좋아하는 디즈니 Classics. I think it has really gorgeous animation, both character 애니메이션 and also the backgrounds/locations. The way the animators brought all these 동물 to life is just astonishing!
Like I wrote in the piece for Mermaid, I think it's funny to watch certain scenes in slow motion. That way 당신 get 더 많이 of out the animation. 당신 can see where the animators have animated...
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 The beautiful Cinderella.
The beautiful Cinderella.
The Encyclopedia of Walt Disney's Animated Characters: From Mickey 쥐, 마우스 to Hercules by
John Grant

Walt 디즈니 Character 설명 of 신데렐라 from "Cinderella" (1950)

The character of 신데렐라 was posed in live action 의해 Helene Stanley who, to jugde 의해 stills of her performance, was even 더 많이 beautiful than the screen 신데렐라 - although she was brunette rather than blonde. In a 1982 interview with Kur Wiley, Marc Davis, largely responsible for animating Cinderella, compared the character with another of his "creations", Cruella De Vil:

"I think that 신데렐라 would have to be the more...
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 Walt Disney's "The Lion King"
Walt Disney's "The Lion King"
With the stunning success of "The Lion King" this weekend, 디즈니 might re-release other classics in 3D, its distribution chief told TheWrap Sunday.

"It's probably one of the first things we're going to be having a conversation about 다음 week," studio distribution chief Dave Hollis said. "When 당신 look at our library, there are some very special gems as it were, and for those that transcend time -- and a lot of them do ... to bring them through 3D is a great opportunity."

He stressed that there are no plans yet. But, he said, "The Lion King" success "gives a lot of hope to the possibilities...
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 The beautiful Pocahontas
The beautiful Pocahontas
The Encyclopedia of Walt Disney's Animated Characters: From Mickey 쥐, 마우스 to Hercules by
John Grant

A recurrent characteristic of the 디즈니 animated features over the past few years - at least since 1989's The Little Mermaid - has been the presence of a strong female character in a central role. Belle, 재스민 속, 재 스민 and Esmeralda are other examples. None of these, however, can compare with the figure of Pocahontas: She is the movie, to the extent that, when everything else might be forgotten, her image persists in the memory. The reasons for this phenomenon are multiple, involving not only her conceptualization...
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Third in my Slow Motion 애니메이션 Gifs 기사 Series, I give 당신 Beauty and the Beast from 1991.
Now, Beauty wasn't one of my 가장 좋아하는 디즈니 영화 when I grew up, but over time, I've come to be rather fond of it. The 음악 is great, I have the whole score (songs in instrumental included) on my computer. The 애니메이션 is good as well, but there are a few scenes where I think 디즈니 could have done it better. But I'll get to them as I make 더 많이 GIFs from the movie.

Image 1: Princess Belle

Single cel set-up applied to a matching watercolor background of the town.
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 Baloo, the true 별, 스타 of "The Jungle Book".
Baloo, the true star of "The Jungle Book".
The Encyclopedia of Walt Disney's Animated Characters: From Mickey 쥐, 마우스 to Hercules 의해
John Grant

Walt 디즈니 Character 설명 of Baloo from "The Jungle Book" (1967)

It had been originally planned that Baloo should have no 더 많이 than a cameo role, but the animators (Ollie Johnston was largely responsible for him) found Phill Harris's vocalization fascinating to work with and so in due course Baloo became one of the movie's major stars. Indeed, in terms of popularity and screen presence, he is the main 별, 스타 of The Jungle Book, eclipsing even Bagheera, whose role is much 더 많이 fundamental to...
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 Jodi Benson.
Jodi Benson.
It's often been said that good things come to those who wait. But no one knows that axiom better than voice actor Jodi Benson. Who had to wait a full 년 after handing in her The Little Mermaid audition tape before Jodi then learned that she had won the role of a lifetime.

"Back in the Fall of 1986, I was appearing in Smile, a Broadway musical that Howard Ashman had written with Marvin Hamlisch. Given that Howard and Marvin were such huge talents, everyone thought that this show would run forever. But that isn't what happened with Smile. It closed at the Lunt-Fontanne Theatre after just 48...
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 The evil Fairy, Maleficent.
The evil Fairy, Maleficent.
The Encyclopedia of Walt Disney's Animated Characters: From Mickey 쥐, 마우스 to Hercules by
John Grant

Walt 디즈니 Character 설명 of Maleficent from "Sleeping Beauty" (1959)

Of all the characters in Sleeping Beauty, the one that everyone remembers, even decades later, is the wicked fairy Maleficent. She is one of the finest creations ever to come out of the 디즈니 studio - and the brilliant transformation of her into the Dragon to fight Phillip merely adds to the strength of the characterization. Even her name - a wonderful combination of "malice" and "malevolent" - testifies to her pure evil....
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The Encyclopedia of Walt Disney's Animated Characters: From Mickey 쥐, 마우스 to Hercules 의해
John Grant

Walt 디즈니 Character 설명 of Jake from "The Rescuers Down Under" (1990)

The character of the Australian Mr. Competent, Jake, has a very difficult role to perform: he must be simultaneously an adventure hero and a comical figure; moreover, he mustn't be 악어 Dundee. This last point the animators seems to have taken very much to 심장 for, although Jake's persona has many of the macho, tough-guy attributes of that hero and countless other Australian stereotypes, the core of the characterization...
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 The handsome Gaston
The handsome Gaston
The Encyclopedia of Walt Disney's Animated Characters: From Mickey 쥐, 마우스 to Hercules by
John Grant

Walt 디즈니 Character 설명 of Gaston from "Beauty and the Beast" (1991)

Where the Beast is ugy on the outsider but proves to be beautiful within, Gaston is the exact reverse: his devastatingly handsome exterior conceals a vile interior. His supervising animator, Andreas Deja, has recounted how at first he had some difficulty getting to grips with this: his natural inklination was to give Gaston something 더 많이 of the looks of a villain. Then it was put to him that it was crucial for the movie...
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The Encyclopedia of Walt Disney's Animated Characters: From Mickey 쥐, 마우스 to Hercules by
John Grant

Walt 디즈니 Character 설명 of Cruella De Vil from "One Hundred and One Dalmatians" (1961)

What can 당신 say about Cruella De Vil, probably the finest 디즈니 villain of them all? Well, over the years, people have said quite a lot about her, most notably Marc Davis, whose screen creation she was. The reviewers and the public agreed, for once, on a 디즈니 character. As one critic put it:

"The real triumph of the film is Cruella De Vil. She is the most sophisticated of the 디즈니 bad guys."

She is...
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 Pocahontas' best friend, Nakoma.
Pocahontas' best friend, Nakoma.
The Encyclopedia of Walt Disney's Animated Characters: From Mickey 쥐, 마우스 to Hercules by
John Grant

Pocahontas's best friend, Nakoma is something of a character in 검색 of a personality; in their pairing, Pocahontas is certainly the dominant one and certainly the brighter. Nakoma represents, in a subtler way than Kocoum, the reluctance of most of the Native Americans to embrace change, and thus contrasts completely with Pocahontas, who is a wild, free spirit enthusiastic to find adventure in each new moment. Their physical appearances reflect this: Pocahontas has a genuine Native American face...
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The Encyclopedia of Walt Disney's Animated Characters: From Mickey 쥐, 마우스 to Hercules by
John Grant

Character 설명 of Ronno from "Bambi" (1945)

The part of Ronno, the buck whom Bambi fights over Faline, is small yet quite vivid, all the 더 많이 so as the animators adopted a semi-abstract treatment for large sections of the fight. The striking thing about Ronno is that he is much 더 많이 solid than Bambi: darker in colour and heavier of build, he seems to be definitely heavier and definitely older than our hero. Clearly it was important to portray him in this way, for thereby 디즈니 ensured that our sympathies are doubly engaged on Bambi's side - he is the underdog, triumphing even although the odds are stacked against him.
 The regal Mufasa, given life 의해 the booming voice of James Earl Jones.
The regal Mufasa, given life by the booming voice of James Earl Jones.
The Encyclopedia of Walt Disney's Animated Characters: From Mickey 쥐, 마우스 to Hercules 의해
John Grant

Walt 디즈니 Character 설명 of Mufasa from "The Lion King" (1994)

With his great 주황색, 오렌지 mane and his powerful physique, the first of the movie's two Lion Kings, Simba's father appears much as we might expect him to, and he is voiced appropriately in the deep tones of James Earl Jones. In a way, after the initial scene where Rafiki is presenting the new cub to the massed animals, we see Mufasa only from the viewpoint of the young Simba; he is not so much large as huge, and we have the feeling...
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 Tough, crass and jaded, Ursula is trying to find a way to get back from King Triton the power that once was hers.
Tough, crass and jaded, Ursula is trying to find a way to get back from King Triton the power that once was hers.
While the 애니메이션 department was busily trying to complete Oliver & Company 의해 the imminent deadline, Ron Clements and John Musker, the two directors of The Great 쥐, 마우스 Detective were working on an adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen's beloved story "The Little Mermaid." There had been astounding growth in every branch of the department from computer-generated 이미지 to the finest character animation. There was also a villain in this new picture that would take her place alongside the greatest villains the studio had ever created. In the 투표 that showed Cruella De Vil as the most...
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