Okay, so i found some of these online and I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THESE! These are some funny twilight 인용구 또는 ways to look at Twilight from a different angle.
-(About Edward) He moves quickly, he doesn't kill, he sparkles; face it. Edward sin't a vampire: he's a fairy!
-Jacob 또는 Edward? Man, Bella's stupid! How could she pick Edward?
- Edward watches Bella sleep. It's not nice 또는 protective! it's stalking! That's right! Edward Cullen is a stalker!
-I wanna La Push Edward off a cliff!
-Wanna see my dick? It sparkles!-Edward Cullen
-What were 당신 guys doing last night; discussing the national debt?-Emmett Cullen
That last one was just one of my 가장 좋아하는 인용구 of Emmett's. 당신 may be able to tell, but I am Team Jacob. But if i could pick ANY guy in the Saga, it'd probably be Emmett 또는 Seth.
-(About Edward) He moves quickly, he doesn't kill, he sparkles; face it. Edward sin't a vampire: he's a fairy!
-Jacob 또는 Edward? Man, Bella's stupid! How could she pick Edward?
- Edward watches Bella sleep. It's not nice 또는 protective! it's stalking! That's right! Edward Cullen is a stalker!
-I wanna La Push Edward off a cliff!
-Wanna see my dick? It sparkles!-Edward Cullen
-What were 당신 guys doing last night; discussing the national debt?-Emmett Cullen
That last one was just one of my 가장 좋아하는 인용구 of Emmett's. 당신 may be able to tell, but I am Team Jacob. But if i could pick ANY guy in the Saga, it'd probably be Emmett 또는 Seth.