ot hard at all. Vampie academy is the better choice for me. An_Davis9890, if twilight didn't make 당신 cry, than tell me what emotions 당신 felt with it? When i read it i felt sleepy. When i read VA it was like an emotion cpoaster, and those are often the better books. The ones that 당신 do cry with, 또는 laugh with. Becuse your FEELING something. 사무용 겉옷, 전반적인 though,i like VA Better becuse the charries were 더 많이 develped, it was a way better plot, and 더 많이 realistic. Plus 당신 get to see how rose changes
게시됨 over a year ago
this isnt even a hard choice....i like twilight and read them all but i 사랑 VA i have read the whole series four times....cant get enough......plus twilight never made me cry.....VA made me cry like five times......
게시됨 over a year ago
this is a harder choice than edward and jacob but i have 2 pick twilight because i could never betray them but i swear VA is a close 초 and a truly amazing book! team dimitri!!
게시됨 over a year ago
well, i started 읽기 Twilight 3 years ago, i have read all of the twilight 책 and i loved them all. I finished Frostbite yesterday. I like them both (even thought i haven't read the hole VA series)! I can't wait to read the 3 book of the VA.!
게시됨 over a year ago