ty lee Club
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added by smartone123
added by TwinCherryVee
added by princessAries
Source: tumblr 아바타 rokku
posted by bobos
Abilities EditTy Lee blocking Chi.
Added 의해 RenatablsMaster Acrobat: Ty Lee was extraordinarily acrobatic. Even at a young age, she was able to execute cartwheels and somersaults in mid-air with a skill that surpassed even the agile Azula's. Her acrobatic abilities allowed her to 가입하기 the 불, 화재 Nation circus, where she frequently performed high-wire acts with balance and grace. People traveled for miles to see her perform.[12] Because of this, she was very fast and agile in battle, able to outmaneuver almost any opponent she came across. Her abilities allowed her to dodge dozens of powerful Earthbenders,...
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added by bobos
added by BB2010
added by princessAries
Source: tumblr 아바타 rokku
added by bobos
added by princessAries
Source: tumblr 아바타 rokku
added by bobos
Twentieth Century 여우 텔레비전
episode 25
posted by bobos
Ty Lee was a cheerful and energetic teenage girl, hailing from the 불, 화재 Nation. The daughter of a nobleman, she attended the Royal 불, 화재 Academy for Girls with her longtime friends, Princess Azula and Mai. As a child, she dealt with six sisters that shared an identical appearance to her, which caused Ty Lee to feel a loss of individuality, a longing to be a distinct, recognizable person, and a desire for attention from other people.[1] Because of this, after she matured, she ran away from her 집 and joined a 불, 화재 Nation circus, becoming a skilled acrobatic performer and gaining 더 많이 personal...
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added by bobos
added by princessAries
Source: tumblr 아바타 rokku
added by bobos
added by bobos
added by veryzen
Source: distant Horizon (an 아바타 fansite)
added by veryzen
Source: Distant Horizon (an 아바타 fansite)
added by bobos
added by bobos