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added by mia444
added by mia444
added by mia444
added by CullenGirl08
Source: Robbuz
added by Natbr
added by RoseLovesJack
added by PrueTurner61
Source: prueturner61
added by Angie22
Source: everglow
added by Angie22
Source: everglow
chapter four
sry for the wait! i was just waiting for some feed back. i don't like 글쓰기 더 많이 chapters when i don't know if anyone liked my last one. hope 당신 like this one.
Jake's POV
Everyone had already pulled me and edward apart before anything went any further.the only thing i could think about was heavenly.
"edward why would 당신 waste your time fighting off this mutt anyway?" asked blondie.
i couldn't help but let out a growl, she hissed back. everyone was trying to get passed this issue so we could talk about Nessie. why the hell should...
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added by PrueTurner61
Source: prueturner61
twilight saga
casey labow
lee pace
의해 Edward Fairfax:

I was lucky enough to be able to sit down with Jenni Frendswith, the author of the new novel Stonecraft, now available on Amazon.com (Kindle version coming this week). Her book is a part of a web-hosting program at the homesite of author Fletcher Rhoden (fletcherrhoden.com/links) where there is contact information and a discount code and link. In the interests of full disclosure, my own book Views of a Progressive Christian is also on the site.

Q: This is your first book, Jenni. What made 당신 want to write, and why this story?
A: Well, I’ve always been a reader, read just...
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added by rkebfan4ever
twilight saga
added by Natbr
added by PrueTurner61
Source: prueturner61
added by Natbr
added by mia444
added by TwilightSuper
Source: meeee!!!!!!!!!