Thousand Foot Krutch Club
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The song Stranger :)
thousand foot krutch
the flame in all of us
posted by ttmrktmnrfn0830
Lyrics to in my opinion, my 가장 좋아하는 song in the album, Welcome to the Masquerade:


The trouble with truth is it never lies,
and the trouble with wrong that it's never right
So I rest my head onto your light
The trouble with peace is it never fights
And the trouble with 사랑 that it's always blind
I want to walk to the edge of it tonight
And I fall down,

I'm on my knees
'Cause you're everything I need
And I've made a mess of myself on my own
Well I'm on my face
And I'm calling out your name
And I won't run away 'cause I'm already home

The trouble with tears is that they dry
And the troubles within made...
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Hurt 의해 Thousand Foot Krutch
thousand foot krutch
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