The Winx Gang Make a winx story!

AgyJude posted on Jan 06, 2010 at 09:43AM
Hey this is quite interesting. We will play a game. It's like this. Some one will start a new story. wHICH IS REALATED TO FAIRIES. tHERE CAN BE FIVE CHARACTERS IN THE STORY. those who would like to participate can give their names .The last date to give entries to participate in this story building game is 15 of march! you have lot of time.
To enter you must give:
Your name:
The name of the fairy:
Her Power:

The best five fairies will star in the story.

The Winx Gang 18 replies

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over a year ago AgyJude said…
Plz do join!
over a year ago Winxlove said…
Great idea!

Your name:Stella(It's the real mine name!)
The name of fairy:Carmela
Her power:Love and peace.She also have the power of believe.

last edited over a year ago
 Great idea! Your name:Stella(It's the real mine name!) The name of fairy:Carmela Her power:Love and
over a year ago AgyJude said…
big smile
thanks for joining i'll let you know if your're in
over a year ago TecnaTimmy said…
Here's my one:
Your name:Maisha
The name of fairy:Tiara
Her Power:Water
 Here's my one: Your name:Maisha The name of fairy:Tiara Her Power:Water
over a year ago AgyJude said…
big smile
that's a gud one! I'll let you kno if your are selceted thnx for joining
over a year ago AgyJude said…
this contest will be there in thw winx club spot plz reply to it there!
over a year ago AgyJude said…
over a year ago chrie said…
You're name:chloe
Fairy name:ticca
Fairy power:lightning
over a year ago AgyJude said…
ok thnx
over a year ago samoangirl96 said…
your name: Nayomi
fairy name: Liylanie (lie-lan-e)
fairy power: fire
over a year ago AgyJude said…
big smile
over a year ago bloomrocks said…
your name:habeba
fairy name:willa
fairy power: dragon fire
over a year ago shizra said…
your name: shizra
fairy name: mehwish
fairy power:nature of beauty
over a year ago Horsegirl202 said…
Your name: Claire
The name of the fairy: Amber
Her Power: Fairy of magical horses
over a year ago Zmidy313 said…
Your name:Smitty
The name of the fairy: Lilly
Her Power: Light, Darkness and Mind Controlling powers
Other:She is the younger sis of Stella
last edited over a year ago
 Your name:Smitty The name of the fairy: Lilly Her Power: Light, Darkness and Mind Controlling powers
over a year ago silverstream101 said…
Your Name: Amber
Name of Fairy: Akyra
Powers: elements
Other: princess of Isis
 Your Name: Amber Name of Fairy: Akyra Powers: elements Other: princess of Isis
over a year ago Winx1st said…
Name: Philippa (my name is the same as the characters)
Age: 28 (im 14)
Home Planet: waterma (my character lives there because its about her
Looks: natral blond hair with brown highlights
Powers: water
Favorite Food(s):roast potateoes
Favorite Animal(s): cats and horses
Fairy Form: enchantix(like blooms)
Level of Magic: 2nd best in winx
Moves: water flud ,water sheild , turn small and water dragon furee
Siblings(if any): 1 called simbassa ( female )
Parents: queen montha and king tom
Pets(if any): a waterma cat called lilly and a water dragon called selena that when Philippa faints whilst flying her pet dragon catches her before Philippa touches an attack from her enemy
Status: princess
Pic of character:
last edited over a year ago
 Name: Philippa (my name is the same as the characters) Age: 28 (im 14) 집 Planet: waterma (my ch
over a year ago Winx1st said…
Finaly got the image to work