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posted by FloraBoricua
The 다음 일 at Alfea in Winx room

Stella: I miss Flora
Every girl: Me too
Layla: I just can't be here and think that we don't know if Flora is coming back after we told her that things back in Amazonia, and the news about Diana being her mother and Helia getting married
Tecna: But, what we can do? We don't have any clue of her where to be
Bloom: Your right. I just hope she's okay
-every girl nodded-
-Diana suddenly appeared-
Diana: I know how we can know about Flora
-Every girl jumped from where they were sitting-
Bloom: How?
Diana: I'm the Fairy of Nature
-Then Stella continue talking-
Stella: And 당신 can communicate and see what the trees and 꽃 see
Diana: That's right, but I need to find where was she close by
Tecna: I know! We can go to the palace's garden. She had to go through there if she went to see Helia
Stella: We need to call the boys
Diana: NO, there's no time
Musa: Diana's right! We don't know where could Flora be, if she's in danger?
Layla: Don't say that Musa! She has to be okay
Bloom: Well... Let's go Winx!
Diana: Don't forget about me
Bloom: Oh yeeeah!
-She said while scratching her head awkwardly-

At Planet Azool

Bloom: We know how to get there, let's go
-The girls flied to the palace-
Diana: Be careful with the guards, we dont want any trouble
Stella: Too late
-she said worried looking behind her-
Tecna: But we can't hurt them! They're just protecting the palace
Musa: I know how to keep them away
-Musa used her powers to put them to sleep with a slow and peaceful song-
Stella: Good job Musa! Now Diana tells us what the trees sees
-Diana put her hand on the 나무, 트리 and closed her eyes to concentrate. In a few 초 she had a scared face, and instantly open her eyes. She took a big and deep sigh angustiated-
Diana: The witches took her
-Every girl was stunned-
Layla: But how?
Diana: They tricked her
Bloom: But where did they take her?
Diana: I don't know
-Stella threw a fist in the air-
Stella: Those witches are gonna pay for it
-She said very angry-
Tecna: And what we should do?
Bloom: We have to talk to Miss Faragonda
Tecna: Why?
Bloom: She can talk with Miss Grisselda if the witches are at the CloudTower
Tecna: I don't think they should be there. They're not dumbs to be at the most obvious place hiding
Musa: I guess Tecna's right
Bloom: Or... Maybe... They want us to think that they're not there because is the most obvious place, and that's were they're at because we would not find them there. Tecna you're a genius
-Bloom hugged Tecna and kissed her on the cheek-
Tecna: I guess I am
Stella: Let's go then

At Alfea in Miss Faragonda' office

-The girls opened the door rudely. Miss Faragonda got up-

Miss Faragonda: What's the matter girls?
Diana: We need your help
Miss Faragonda: And what you're doing here Diana? And help on what?
Diana: Flora has being captured 의해 the witches
Miss Faragonda: What witches?
Bloom: The Trix
Miss Faragonda:Are 당신 sure Bloom?
Stella: We're positively right
Miss Faragonda: And what 당신 need help on?
Bloom: 당신 have to talk with Miss Grisselda to see if the witches are there
Miss Faragonda: I'm afraid the Trix were expulsed months ago
Layla: What! Why?
Miss Faragonda: Apparently, for bad behaviour and getting CloudTower a bad reputation
-Diana was looking very bad but at the same time concerned. She knew Flora was in trouble, and a BIG one and her two. She knew that this can cost the life of Flora and hers too-
Musa: And what we should do now?
Diana: Wait for the witches to attack
-She said very angry but in a low voice-
Bloom: Wait! That's all... I thought we would not give up anymore. We need to find her, shes in big danger
Miss Faragonda: We must know that we cannot do anything, we need to wait for them to take the first step
-Every girl looked frustrated, angry and sad. They had mixed feelings. Frustrated because they didn't knew where the witches had Flora, angry with themselves for treating Flora they way they treated her the last time, sad because they didn't knew if Flora was going to be okay-

At CloudTower

-Icy observed through the magic ball one last time, then she turn her back to her sisters-
Icy: I think now it's the time
-The two other sisters started to laugh loudly and evilly making Flora to awake-
Flora: uuh?...
-The witches got closer to where she was tied up-
Icy: Are 당신 ready darling? hahaha
Flora: You're not gonna get away with it
Darcy: Oh yes we are
-The witches started to used their powers over Flora. It was like a spell to change her personality viceversa, from good to bad. She was a calm, positive, happy girl, but now... it was the opposite. Flora break the rope from where she was tied, she no longer was the Flora we knew, she was dark now. She started to smile evilly-
Icy: Now, you're under my power hahaha. Now we don't have to destroy 의해 ourselves Diana and those little dumb fairies. Now that we have you, we know they're not gonna want to harm 당신 hahaha

In front of Alfea

-Tecna communicate with Timmy and told him everything that the girls discover, Tecna was very sad so the boys decided to go to Alfea and give support to the girls-
Timmy: We are coming right now

Bloom: What did Timmy said?
Tecna: They're coming now
-Stella took a big sigh.She was sitting with Musa 의해 her side. Musa touched her back-
Musa: We must be strong, that's how Flora wants us
Stella: uuh.. I really wish Flora was fine, I hope she is
Musa: I know shes going to be fine, shes strong
-Stella hugged Musa, like if she was a little kid scared of the monsters and needed to find someone to protect her-
Stella: I'm so stupid, I regret telling her everything I said to her
-She started to cry. But then she looked up, the boys were here-
Bloom: That was fast
Layla: I know right
Sky: How 당신 girls are feeling?
Bloom: 당신 can't imagine how we feel
Nabu: 당신 have to be very positive
-Each girl hugged their boyfriends-

-Suddenly... someone was walking out from the shadows of the trees, it was getting 더 많이 and 더 많이 closer-

Brandon: Who's there?
-He screamed-
" Its me"
-It turns out to be Helia-
Helia: It's me, Helia
Brandon:And what are 당신 doing here?
Helia: To know about Flora, where is she?
-The girls looked him and then to the ground. Helia had a concerned look now-
Helia: What happend to Flora?
Stella: The witches took her
Helia: And why didn't 당신 stop them?
Bloom: We couldn't because we weren't there
Helia: And when did it happend?
Layla: When Flora runned away from you
-She looked at him very angry-
Stella: I believe this is all your fault. If it wasn't for you, for marrying that princess, Flora wouldn't be in danger right now
Bloom: No, that's not true. No one is guilty for what happend to Flora.
-Everyone nodded-
Helia: And what we should do now?
Sky: Wait
-Helia looked him surprised but didn't say other word-

-Then, they saw a shadow hidding behind the trees, it looked like Flora. The shadow started to run everywhere, laughing sweetly like a child playing innocently-

Bloom: Flora?
-Everyone kept looking at the shadow-
Musa: That is Flora
Stella: Flora!! Wait!
-Stella started to run to the woods-
Brandon and Bloom: Stella wait!!
-Everyone started to run behind Stella-
Stella: Flora wait! I'm very sorry for what I said, we need to talk. And how did 당신 escape from those witches?
Bloom: Wait Stella!
-Stella runned and then stopped, the shadow dissapeared and she was sorrounded 의해 trees in a circle. Everyone gathered around her-
Bloom: Stella, are 당신 sure that was Flora?
Stella: I'm very sure
Musa: 저기요 Flora!! If this is a game, heey 당신 got us all. We're very sorry, please forgive us all

-Suddenly, a magical power coming from nowhere hit Stella on the back. That knocked her out-
Stella: aaah!! uuh...
Everyone: Stella!!
-Brandon hugged her in his arms, she was very hurt-
Bloom: HUH!! This isn't funny, get out right now who did this


-Everyone was surprised to see who was-

-Well the final is coming and now I really need at least 7 코멘트 to post the final, and from at least 3 different users. Sorry, I haven't being feeling good this days and I'm making an effort to write this. Thanks for reading, and as 당신 know, leave a 코멘트 below of what 당신 have thought about all the story and what 당신 think is going to happend at the final. Take care ;) Oh and 가입하기 my new club "Winx Specialists"
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added by Winxclubgirl202
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Source: 페이스북
added by Winxclubgirl202
Source: 페이스북
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Source: rittik-d3h924l from DA
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