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Bonnie grabbed her head and fell on her knees. She’d been struck with a sudden brain attack and she imagined this was what Damon had felt when she attacked him.
“Bonnie!” Matt exclaimed. He wanted to help her stand, but she raised her hand at him. She then stood herself.
“Damon tried to talk to me” she started. “Veronica has Elena. She and Jeremy are in the same place. There’s fire”
“This is ridiculous” Matt muttered. “Can 당신 do something about it?”
“I’m going to try” Bonnie replied determined.
Katherine and Stefan felt their skin burn 의해 the sun, when suddenly grey clouds floated before the sun. A 초 later rain poured down on their sore skin.
“Damn it!” Veronica cursed. “Stupid Bennet witch. Hey!” she yelled at one of her minions. “Go to my house and kill the girl”
The minion turned around and came face to face with Kol.
“Hello” he smiled and he reached out a hand. “We haven’t been introduced yet. I’m Kol Mikaelson” The girl accepted the hand and Kol bent her arm painfully until he heard something snap.
Veronica gasped and tried to prepare her crossbow, while Kol drained the minion from her blood. He dropped the body and Veronica fired an 애로우 at him. Kol didn’t even flinch. He pulled the 애로우 out of his stomach. “Well, that’s no way to greet an Original Vampire”
While Kol distracted Veronica, Klaus and Rebekah rushed to the other vampires. Klaus stopped at Caroline and ripped off the chains, while Rebekah freed Stefan. She tried to pull Stefan away, but he freed himself to unchain Katherine.
“Are 당신 alright?” Klaus asked Caroline. Caroline nodded and Klaus lifted her in his arms, despite the fact that she could walk herself.
“Get Katherine out of here” Stefan told Rebekah. “I’m going to help Damon” He walked around the stake and broke the chains.
“No!” Veronica screamed as her prisoners escaped. Then she got an inspiration. “Damon!” she shouted desperate. “Elena’s in the fourth room. If 당신 want to save her, 당신 have to be quick”
Damon rushed inside the building and Veronica smiled evil. Elena was not in the fourth room. Kol noticed her satisfaction and he grabbed her arm. He dragged her to the building and entered it.
“Now, the sooner 당신 tell me where that girl is, the sooner we’re out of here”
Bonnie had managed to keep Elena and Jeremy’s room fireproof. However, any other part of the building was burning.
“Elena!” Damon yelled. Elena looked up. “Damon! I’m in here!” she shouted as loud as she could.
Kol was faster than Damon and he opened the room where Elena and Jeremy were captured. He walked towards their cell and ripped the door off.
“Who are you? Where’s Damon?” Elena asked afraid as Kol walked towards them.
“Don’t be afraid. I already fed” Kol said casual. He bit his wrist and forced his blood on Jeremy. “Your boyfriend’s walking around here”
“I heard him” Elena nodded. “What about the others?”
“They’re safe” Kol promised.
“Good” Elena sighed relieved. She looked at Jeremy to the exit. She was being torn between helping her brother and finding Damon, but help arrived in the form of Stefan. Knowing Jeremy would be 안전한, 안전 with Stefan, Elena ran out of the cell.
Katherine ran to Fell’s church and climbed down. Rebekah had grabbed the phone out her hands and told her how stupid she was.
“They’re using 당신 to find that witch, 당신 idiot!” she had snapped.
Katherine hurried to the tomb and opened it. “Get out” she said to the weak Bonnie, who was lying close to the door. Katherine grabbed her hand and Bonnie shrieked. It was the hand with the hurt finger. “Come on, get out. I need to 옮기기 you” Katherine said agitated. She dragged her out of the tomb, ignoring her cries.
But as soon as Bonnie was out of the tomb Katherine felt two hands on her shoulders that pushed her forward. She fell and turned around to see Caroline helping Bonnie stand up. “What the hell are 당신 doing?” she asked. Caroline looked up. “I can ask 당신 the same question” she fired back. She bit her wrist and forced Bonnie to drink, so her wounds would heal. “Come on, I’ll bring 당신 home”
“Where is that?” Bonnie asked depressed.
Damon opened his eyes, but couldn’t see a thing. He tried to get up, but couldn’t move. “Elena?” Then he realized Elena was in the room 다음 to his, probably fast asleep, so she wouldn’t hear him. He felt a sudden weight on the bed, but couldn’t rotate his head to check who it was that was crawling towards him. But it was Elena. Of course it was Elena. Who else would it be? She hooked her fingers in his and cuddles her face in his neck. He felt her warm breath on his cold flesh.
“I can’t move” Damon said hoarse.
“Sssh…Everything’s going to be fine”
Damon’s eyes widened...
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Caroline was standing with Elena, her cell phone in her hands, while cheerleading practice was on.
“I can’t believe I quit this a 년 ago” Elena said.
“Why? 당신 miss it?” Caroline asked as she was dialing a number.
“Not really, no” Elena sighed. “Maybe I should just get rid of my costume. It’s not like anyone’s going to see me in it anymore, right?”
Her eyes still on the phone Caroline replied mumbling: “Oh, I could think of someone who would 사랑 to see 당신 in it”
Elena elbowed her friend, but smiled at the same time. “So, what’s up with 당신 and Tyler?” she tried...
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Gabe and Rachel Lindy were watching a reality show when the doorbell rang. Gabe let out a deep sigh. “What kind of idiot comes clinging on doorbells at this time of evening?” he said annoyed.
“I’ll get it” Rachel said and she got up. She opened the door and when she saw sheriff Forbes in the doorway her 심장 beat in her throat.
“Good evening, Mrs. Lindy” Liz said. “Can I have a word with 당신 and Mr. Lindy?”
Rachel nodded. “Gabe! Can 당신 come here for a second?” she shouted trembling. “Who is it?” Gabe shouted back. “The cops” Rachel replied. She heard Gabe getting...
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A twenty-three 년 old woman entered the Grill. She was wearing a sleeveless mid-dark blue 블라우스 of which she left the three upper and lower buttons open so her belly button was seen, a black leather mini 치마 and high heels. Her dark red hair was tied up loosely and she wore heavy makeup. She headed to the bar, very well aware of all the eyes on her back.
“I hear you’re looking for a new bartender” she said to the man behind the bar. He nodded. “You’re signing up?”
“I need a job” the woman said. “And I like to socialize. I like to talk. I’m a good listener”
“Do you...
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Katherine climbed out of the church and came face to face with someone she had rather not seen ever again.
“Hello, Katerina” Klaus said. “Have 당신 missed me?”
Katherine stared at him, her eyes wet from fear. She didn’t notice the blond woman 다음 to Klaus.
“Please let me introduce 당신 to my sister, Rebekah” he continued.
“Why are 당신 here? Why have 당신 come back?” Katherine asked shaking.
“Oh, haven’t 당신 heard? Elena’s blood is the key to making hybrids” Klaus explained. He pulled Katherine against him. “And now that you’ve become such good 프렌즈 with her 당신 would...
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Twilight took over the day. Bonnie was in Caroline’s room. She was lucky her friend had been so kind to offer her a place to stay now that her house was ruined. Bonnie had tried to call Elena, but the line had been busy all day. She just wanted a chance to say she was sorry, but she realized at this point it was too much to ask.
So when her phone rang and she saw it was Elena calling she hastily picked up. “Elena?”
“Bonnie, are 당신 alone?”
“Yes” Bonnie said. “Elena, I’m so glad 당신 called. I’ve tried to reach you, but 당신 were busy. Anyway, that doesn’t matter. I just want...
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It was the 다음 morning. Bonnie slowly opened her eyes. She saw a silhouette sitting 다음 to her bed, but her view was too blurry to see who it was.
After a 분 또는 three the room became sharper and Bonnie could see who the visitor was. She looked Caroline afraid in the eyes.
“Hi” Caroline said soft.
“Hi” Bonnie said hoarse and shy. “How long have I been here?”
“About 24 hours” Caroline answered. Bonnie nodded. “How, eh, how’s Elena doing?...And Damon?” she asked careful.
“They’re okay, considering what happened” Caroline said. “They’re dealing with it”
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This 기사 is to every SE 팬 who says that Damon “stole” Elena from Stefan, this 기사 will prove 당신 wrong so prepare to face reality forthe first time TVD wise.

“I thought I can WIN her from 당신 FAIR and SQUARE, she didn’t want me, it’s for the best, I’m better off being the bad guy anyway”-Damon 3X15 about Elena. Like Damon said to Stefan he thought he can WIN not STEAL Elena from him, he though without playing games on Elena, to try to get her to like/love him 더 많이 without acting/pretending like a “goody good boy” (like Stefan did) that he can WIN her over 의해 just...
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“What do 당신 mean, he’s gone?”
Elena told Stefan Damon was gone and so was Katherine.
“I mean he’s not here anymore” Elena said nervous. “He’s left…with Katherine” she added a little bitter.
“Maybe he’s with Ric” Stefan tried to reassure her. “They haven’t been able to talk since…the events”
Elena took her phone and dialed Alaric’s number. When he didn’t pick up immediately she got angry. “Goddamn it, Ric, pick up your freaking-”
“Ric!” Elena said.
“Is something wrong?” Alaric asked. Dumb question, if nothing was wrong Elena wouldn’t...
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A couple of hours later
Elena was lying in Damon’s arms, when the door opened and Stefan and Katherine appeared in the doorway.
“Damon? Can I talk to you” Katherine asked careful. Damon nodded, but prevented Elena from leaving. “In private?”
“It’s okay, Damon” Elena sighed and she freed herself from his hold. “I’ll be back” she said with a faint smile. She walked away from the 침대 and followed Stefan outside.
“Elena, I’m sorry” Stefan said.
“Not now, Stefan” Elena said.
“Yes, now” Stefan said. “I know 당신 hate me and 당신 have every right to. 당신 should hate...
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“Before I kill 당신 there are a few things 당신 have to know” Bonnie rolled him on his back with her feet. “You’re evil. You’re a worthless, useless waste of space. You’re not even worth spitting on. You’re a monster. You’re a sinner and for your sins 당신 have to make amends”
She walked around him pouring water over him and Damon knew what was to come. But this time he did not have the strength nor the courage to try and prevent it.
Bonnie looked at Damon and set him on fire. The flames started at his feet and searched their way to his chest. Damon rolled over the floor, but instead...
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Bonnie woke up and a bright light hurt her eyes, so she covered them. She looked around and learned she was in the hospital. She climbed of the 침대 and stared upon her own unconscious body.
“What’s going on?” she asked, not expecting a reply.
However, she did get one.
“You’re in coma”
Bonnie’s breathing went faster when she recognized the voice. “Grams?” she called.
Sheila appeared. Bonnie wanted to go to her, but she raised her hand and stopped her. “I’m not here for a family reunion” she said cold. “I’m here in name of the Bennett witches. You’ve seriously screwed...
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Damon almost let go and fell back, but Stefan tightened his grip on him and pulled him up. They were outside, standing in the wreckage that used to be Bonnies house. Damon jerked his hand and walked away from his brother.
“Damon, wait…” but Damon walked to Katherine, who came his way. She lay her hands on his upper arms.
“Are 당신 alright? How do 당신 feel?” she asked worried.
“Like someone who’s been tortured” he said with a faint smile.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there to help you” Katherine said. “I had to keep an eye on Stefan”
“It’s okay” Damon reassured her. “Elena...
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Once again Elena pulled Damon’s arm over her shoulder.
“I can walk myself now” Damon said, but Elena ignored him.
“You’re not strong enough yet” Elena said.
“Geez, Elena, just admit 당신 can’t resist touching me” Damon joked. Elena’s cheeks turned red, but she recovered quickly.
“Good to know 당신 can make jokes again” she said. They walked further.
“Can I ask 당신 something?” Damon said. “How did 당신 find me?”
“I had a dream” Elena began to explain. “In which your voice guided me to you…In my dream 당신 died”
She paused to breath. Then she carried on. “Anyways,...
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Caroline and Tyler dropped on the ground. They looked up and discovered they were outside. A red glow enlightened the scene and the sun was slowly rising.
“Good thing Bonnie gave him back his ring” Tyler said.
“Can 당신 please not say that name?” Caroline asked. “I don’t want to think about what she got me involved into, let alone hear her name, especially not from you”
Tyler took her hand and nipped it softly. “I’m sorry’
“ ‘s Okay” Caroline said, treating him with a little smile.
“Ehm, shouldn’t they have come out 의해 now?” Tyler asked looking at Bonnies house.
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After what felt like hours they managed to dig a whole big enough to jump in. The moment Elena landed on the ground, which was pretty low, her phone rang. “Now what?” she said agitated. She looked at the screen. “Not now, Ric” she mumbled in herself and she pressed decline. It was then she saw she had two messages on her voicemail and Damon had tried to call her. She listened to the latest one. “Oh, shut up, Damon, you’re not going to die” she said with a fierce determination. Then she listened to the 초 one. She let out a cry, grasped her throat and dropped her phone.
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Stefan grabbed Elena 의해 her hair and dragged her back into the house, his ripper face still on.
“Stefan, let go of me. You’re hurting me” Elena cried.
“Well, you’re hurting me!” Stefan growled. “We haven’t even officially broken up yet and you’re already clinging on my brother like a fetus on a navel string”
He dragged her to his bedroom and wanted to throw her inside, when he felt a sudden aching in his back. He looked aside and saw Katherine. He brought his arm back until he found the stake.
“Okay, first of all, ouch!” Stefan said and he pulled out the stake. “Second...
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This is so my 가장 좋아하는 chapter =)

Elena looked around and learned she was in Damon’s bedroom. She looked at her hands. They were covered in blood. That way she knew she didn’t just have a dream, she knew it meant something. Damon needed her.
She heard her phone ring and saw Alaric was calling her. Remembering what Stefan had said she picked up. Giving him no chance to say anything she said: “Damon’s not with you, is he?”
A little confused Alaric replied: “No, but Elena...something happened with Jeremy”
Fear came over Elena. No, not Jeremy too.
“Damon stabbed him, but it was really...
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Tears rolled over Elena’s cheeks as she held Damon in her arms. This could not be happening. This had to be a nightmare, one she needed to wake up from. She closed her eyes and memories of her and Damon flashed through her mind.
“I’m coming with you” she said. “Really?” Damon asked suspicious. “Damon, I ran through the rain. I’m soaked. Don’t go 질문 my honesty now” Elena said. “Okay, I just… I assumed you’d stay with your friend” Damon said still surprised. “You assumed wrong” Elena said calm. Damon focused on the car again, with no success. “I can’t...
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