The Medicine 고양이 Of Warriors! Wall

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KittyKat0008 said …
Hi! I am Nightheart, the medicine cat of moonclan. Nice to meet 당신 ^^ 게시됨 over a year ago
Icetail_love said …
The answer to the Question, What does 비, 빗자루 do? is (drumroll) for Broken 본즈 and Wounds!!! if 당신 chew the leaves into poultice and applay to wounds, it will help close the wound and stop infection, If 당신 feed the leaves to a cat with a broken bone, it will help strengthen the cat and the bone for faster healing! 게시됨 over a year ago
big smile
Icetail_love said …
Feel free to add pictures of your cat 또는 pictures of a cat 당신 just helped!! 게시됨 over a year ago