The fans pick: Kovu and Simba
The fans pick: Kovu & Kiara
The fans pick: Nuka & Sahardi
The fans pick: Yes, but then he comes back to life
The fans pick: None above
No he got knocked out and woke... |
The fans pick: Simba and Nala
The fans pick: Kiara and kions big brother killed 의해 Zira
Kiara and kions big brother... |
Their big brother who was... |
The fans pick: Ambush on Simba
The fans pick: Adds character devolpment for Nala and a brother-like finger for Kiara.
The fans pick: Helped Kiara in trying to stop the exile and/or 가입하기 her in arguing with Simba
Helped Kiara in trying to stop... |
Helped the lionesses in... |
The fans pick: He left Zira
The fans pick: A 랜덤 암 사자, 라이오 네 스
The fans pick: They were rouges taken in 의해 Scar.
The fans pick: She is a really heavy sleeper and wouldn't be so chill if she heard him
She is a really heavy sleeper... |
She pretended she was asleep |
The fans pick: Simba and Nala
The fans pick: A few months
The fans pick: yes of course!
The fans pick: 1-5 years old
The fans pick: Outlanders
The fans pick: Yes! They are still in 사랑 so I'm sure they have their intimate moments
The fans pick: Yes he loves Nala so he would definitely jump to save her
The fans pick: Yes, 당신 can obviously tell he loves her
The fans pick: Yes, Simba can obviously support her weight
The fans pick: kovu adult
The fans pick: scar and simba
The fans pick: princess Kiara
The fans pick: All of them
The fans pick: Nala's Eye
The fans pick: Lion king 2
The fans pick: Kovu and Kiara
The fans pick: Simba and Nala
The fans pick: protective fathers
The fans pick: kovu and kiara
The fans pick: Kojo (Nala & Tojo)
The fans pick: Zira & Chumvi
The fans pick: She only loves him as a son in law not a mate.
The fans pick: We are one
The fans pick: Vitani/Timon's Mother/Timon's Uncle Max
Vitani/ Timon&# 39; s Mother/ Timon&# 39; s... |
The fans pick: Yes it will be so CUTE!!♥♥♥
The fans pick: Yes of course♥♥♥
The fans pick: Noooooo if he kiiled simba i would kill him!!!
The fans pick: Kiara&Kovu♥♥♥
The fans pick: All Of Dem :D
The fans pick: To make it true, Your 심장 will lead 당신 there
The fans pick: She should treat her children better no matter who the father is.
She should treat her children... |