First and foremost, if 당신 have not completed 읽기 the 왕좌, 왕위 of Fire, do not continue reading. There will be spoilers.
OK, this is my first 기사 so . . . 곰 with me. The sole purpose of this 기사 is to give those of us who've completed the 왕좌, 왕위 of 불, 화재 a place to share our thoughts on the book beyond a 코멘트 written in all capital letters, along the lines of "I FREAKING LOVED THE BOOK, ANUBIS IS SOOO HOT!!!!!!" (which are welcome, as I appreciate enthusiasm).
So I'll start us off.
I thought the 왕좌, 왕위 of 불, 화재 was good, but I found the Red Pyramid to be better. Why? I don't...
continue reading...