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 New ‘House of Hades’ character art features Eros/Cupid
A new character portrait from House of Hades 의해 Rick Riordan reveals what Eros/Cupid looks like
올림푸스의 영웅들
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house of hades
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This 올림푸스의 영웅들 사진 contains 모피 코트, 모피 칼라, 모피 악센트, and 모피 액센트.

posted by WinterSpirit809
Leo Valdez stepped up to the camp that he had been gone from for apparently only a few months. After he left Ogygia, with Calypso, he learned that it was still the same 년 as he had died in, but a few months later. Had he of stayed alive, he would be sixteen, but he didn't really care.

Leo turned to Calypso, who was trailing behind him and announced"We're here, this is- "

"Camp Half Blood." Calypso finished for him.

Leo nodded, unsurprised she knew that. She had fallen for many young men who went to this camp.

Leo continued " This is the closest thing I ever had to 집 after my mother died."...
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added by mimillama123
Source: burdge bug
added by annabeth818
added by darange
added by somisista
Source: um........
added by somisista
Source: ha! meh
added by Zelda4Efas
Source: Me
added by partypony
Source: Me
posted by fangirl-dianne
Hi guys, this is my version of Mark of Athena, if I get enough likes, I'll write some more. I hope 당신 like it.

Chapter 1 Jason

Jason was nervous.
He was pacing back and forth, on the deck of the ArgoII his purple Praetor’s cape hanging on his back. What if Reyna had replaced him? He knew Romans were different from the Greeks. They did not like having an empty Praetor’s chair for long.
Reyna was also another problem. Ever since he came back from that quest, he had remembered a girl named Reyna—his Co-Praetor and girlfriend. If she had been searching for him as desperate as Annabeth was searching...
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posted by Perseus54321
We all know about the 팬 art giving us the little bits of information we need to survive, and I'm going to guess which ones are which and theories about them.

Frank: He's the first one released, and most likely the child of Mars, Roman god of war and the harvest. Pretty much we all know his last name means Master of Bows, which ind of shot down the child of Pluto idea.

Reyna: We've had lot of guesses on her parent, but I think it's most likely Trivia. Rick Riordan said it was a god/goddess that we haven't met yet. Despite the hundreds of minor gods, there are a few that are this powerful to...
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 The cover
The cover
Did 당신 notice something? Something, like, BIG. Like, OMGs-THE-SON-OF-NEPTUNE’S-FIRST-CHAPTER-CAME-OUT-ON-THE-OFFICIAL-WEBSITE big? Oh well, the first chapter of the Son of Neptune just came out. And so did the cover. And boy, have I got a cover analysis for YOU.

Let’s start with the main piece. That would be Percy. 또는 presumably Percy seing as the guy has the first PoV of the book, dude on the cover is coming out of water that must be freezing cold, he is a ‘son of Neptune’ and he seems to be holding a magical item that is probably not his. But it could be another Son of Neptune with...
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added by Phoenix_Stone
Source: Tumblr/ Rick Riordan
added by crash14
added by PJhero02
Source: Burdge bug~ diviantart
added by wisegurl
Source: deviantart
added by kristalovepercy
Source: 4ArtGirls on Deviantart
added by KillerPotato_XD
Source: DeviantArt
added by Alex13126
Source: kat-anni on Deviantart
added by Phoenix_Stone
Source: Tumblr