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The Gifted (TV Series) Which team are 당신 on?

10 fans picked:
The Hellfire Club
The Mutant Underground
 Articuno224 posted over a year ago
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Articuno224 picked The Hellfire Club:
I'm on both sides (I root for both) But tbh I'm #TeamHellfire more!!
posted over a year ago.
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Omega_Creation picked The Hellfire Club:
I'm SO Team Hellfire! Without a doubt!!!
posted over a year ago.
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nermai picked The Hellfire Club:
I agree, The Mutant Underground is great, but The Hellfire Club will be amazing! :D Anyway, I don't want for them to fight each other.
posted over a year ago.
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Articuno224 picked The Hellfire Club:
^Same I want the best for both teams, I don't want them to fight each other, but I want them to fight for a better world for Mutants. And hell yeah Hellfire is awesome! XD They get me so hyped, like finally mutants are gonna fight back and fight to make the world better for mutants, instead of accepting how the world treats mutants.

And I'm really hoping to see a lot of interaction between Andy and Lorna, they have so much potential together, and they've always been similar in so many ways and that's also why they both chose this path! :D
posted over a year ago.
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RobbStark234 picked The Hellfire Club:
#TeamHellfire all the way! It was sad to see them splitting apart, but Andy and Polaris remain my faves and I fully support them... Time to fight back!

So exited to see what Andy and Polaris will be doing in Season 2.
posted over a year ago.