The Dark Knight Club
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I had never even known about this movie until my neighbors asked me to go with them. I tell myself ok ill have a good time but its only a 배트맨 movie. So I go on openning night which was awesome, and the movie starts. After the first sceen I am blown away!!!!!!!!!! It was spectacular, the best comic book movie of all time. That movie was all I could think about for a week. So I go again. and again. And Im thinking about seeing it again tonight because it is definately the most awesome action packed movie in the world. Great movie everyone. Go see it. Now!!!!!!!!! Although I worn you, this movie may be addictive. Please people 코멘트 thank 당신 for reading.
Understand something McG. Christian Bale isn't just a good screen presence, he takes good projects that have good authors and competent directors behind them. Mary Herron and Christopher Nolan are two people everyone knows 당신 can rest assured with when 당신 put your name on a project. McG you're talented and gets lots of bumper I'm sure, but being the most creative one in K301 Business Administration doesn't matter to the upper echeleon of ACTUALLY GOOD FILMS and Christian Bale's anger comes from the fact that only arrowone and a few good 팬 on 팬팝 understand this. Bale could very easily...
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posted by axlluver43
Today I saw The Dark Knight for the first time. I saw Eagle Eye right before that so it was a bit of a change: for the better!

My stupid 프렌즈 were late getting in because we had to sprint to one movie to the other. We missed the opening scene so at first I thought "Wow, now it's gonna be confusing." Turned out I was wrong!

Now onto the review:

This was indeed the best movie I've ever seen. I'm not just saying this, it has a high gross for a reason. I heard so much about it I just HAD to see it. I was always a big 팬 of 배트맨 and this made me a bigger fan. I admit the other non-animated movies...
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I've got another good night blog for the twilight girl club, but basically this is to let all 당신 good dark knight 팬 know that stephen king, the only writer who truly matters, gave twilight a stomping. Stephanie Meyer literally got to be on 상단, 맨 위로 of the world for two seconds. He gave alot of lesser authors a stomping. And all I got to say is -- Dark Knight could be under attack next. Someone will ask Stephen King what he thinks about Dark Knight and I PROMISE 당신 ALL WE WON'T LIKE IT. Why? Not due to plausibility 또는 mistakes 또는 anything like that, but because he's been discussing the very...
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This 기사 was not made to offend anyone, 또는 start any arguments. In fact, I 사랑 the movie. And his plot. It was all amazing. Any who,

We would expect a ridiculously long and drawn-out murder plot from a villain like the Joker, a man 의해 whom all clearly deranged and psychopathic murderers are measured. But this one had to have taken the assistance of a room full of supercomputers, and several psychics.

We're guessing the planning went something like this:

"First, we find two empty buildings. Without the cops noticing, we'll secretly sneak in hundreds of drums of explosive liquids,...
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Long knight rider 또는 dark crystal 또는 whatever this thingamajiggy was -- it was too f'in long, okay? I don't care. There's a guy who dresses up like a bat and doesn't do anything until it's time to fly from the 99th floor of a building to the 95th floor. The guy in the clown outfit is supposedly referred to as a "Joker" but he didn't tell one single joke. He did a magic trick where he made one of the mobsters fall asleep, probably because he was bored 의해 the movie. There's so many 질문 I have about this movie. It made no sense. Plus I couldn't SEE HALF OF IT!!! My boyfriend is the best...
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I'm going to give it a try. Like that Colbert 신고 guy. Alright here we go.

1. If I want my kids to see the Godfather, I'll rent them the Godfather.

2. The 일 these same kids weep over anything a district attorney's going through is the 일 I bathe

3) The 일 these kids ever stop being mad at aaron eckhart for what I bet appears to the 9-year old to be an obstruction of the action caused 의해 eckhart and his dilemma always being in the way. WE like it because we're adults and it separates 배트맨 from even superman, the idea that he WOULD and DID take a murder rep for the good of the people...
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posted by Starwarschick18
I 사랑 the Dark Knight because the movie is so well made. I 사랑 how clear and crisp the movie is. Of course I 사랑 the actors. Micheal Kane is so funny as Alfred he brings much needed humor towards this extremely dark film. Christian Bale is phemeonal as the Caped Crusader. Aaron Eckhart is crazy amazing as fallen hero Harvey Dent, I also loved how good Maggie Gyllenhaal is on how she portrays Rachel and her conflicted feelings she has about Harvey and Bruce. Its tragic that she had to die and the first time I saw the film I was devastated 의해 her loss and cried silently throughout the rest...
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This isn't another comic book movie... This is a crime epic.

I'm gonna cut it short, I loved this film. Everything was perfect. Nolan's imagery, The stunning IMAX visuals and of course Heath Ledger's portrayal of the one and only Joker.

There were many different aspects of the film that will make 당신 fascinated with the film. If 당신 look past the set pieces 당신 will find that The Dark Knight is a eye-grabbing motion-picture.

Based on the great DC Comics, the film is a sequel to 배트맨 Begins (2005) in which Christian Bale reprises the lead role. Batman's primary conflicts in the film include...
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The Dark Night has Been Nominated 의해 the Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards, for for 가장 좋아하는 Movie. If your as much as a 팬 as I, 당신 would follow this link to post the widget on your myspace, 구글 account 페이스북 또는 whatever social network, 당신 may have. I happen to know that 당신 may vote daily. I honestly would like to see The Dark Knight rise to the 상단, 맨 위로 of Gotham ( the World Wide Web) and to see once again 배트맨 prevails. This widget is on link and I suggest 당신 post this widget everywhere.
As 당신 all know, audio tape has surfaced in which my client the American Psycho himself went off on his director of 사진 for the 터미네이터 shoot for nearly three and a half 분 because he jumped in front of his view. For the record, my client was not mad at the director of photography. He was frustrated because his career, and the 터미네이터 franchise, is now in the hands of McG. That means not only will the action be as up-close, quick-cut and unwatchable, but the new score will be something Chingy did 또는 something. McG is one of those directors who sits in the back of the room...
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posted by J_Bones
Raise your hand if 당신 went to film school. Come on, raise them up, don’t be shy; I went there too. Alright, so now that we’ve got that sorted out, do 당신 remember what it was like the first time 당신 watched The Godfather 또는 Citizen Kane 또는 Casablanca in class and realized that those films actually are as amazing as everybody through the decades has said they are? Sure, there were a few detractors here and there, and Citizen Kane isn’t exactly a film that 당신 pop in during a party - but (much) 더 많이 often than not, it’s clear why the classics are considered the best. Accompanying the...
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posted by JustASimpleMe
Me and my friend Marwa (or as she is always called, Zack) made this sonnet about The Dark Knight movie, enjoy

I went to watch The Dark Knight with Bruce Wayne. 
We even get to see Harvey Two-Face. 
Me and my friend hope to do it again.
The Joker got captured with ease and grace.

The Joker's quote was "why so serious?".
It was shocking that Joker threw Rachel.
The Dark Knight is very mysterious.
 My friend thinks that Joker needs a facial. 

Anyway, the movie was great and cool. 
And Dr. Jonathan 기중기, 크레인 was in it. 
Whoever never watched it is a fool. 
Altogether the movie was a hit. 

Joker did a very cool magic trick. 
Heath Ledger's performance was very slick. 
I heard Katie Holmes asked off the project because other people who like 배트맨 said she was too chirpy and Dawson's Creekish and holier-then-thou as if cathedrals as dark as this one can't benefit from a single ridiculously bright candle. What is wrong with people? This internet needs a better class of 배트맨 fan. I'm only one of the many who have come before me who know better then any other group of 팬 that 당신 must NEVER judge an actor 또는 actress on their prior works. Only Dark Knight 팬 know BEST that 당신 can take a guy from brokeback mountain and make him a bad guy the most sarcastic...
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The Dark Knight was a perfect movie, with two minor caveats.

While the Joker recieved exceptional development and a fitting conclusion (one can simply assume that he is locked up in a maximum security prison), harvey dent/two face was not explored fully as a character.

The transition from Dent to Two Face was far too rapid. In the comic books, dent had a history of psychiatric problems that were confidential and thus unknown to anyone before he ever became two face. It made sense that he could go mad. But in the movie, it portrays a strong willed character, who just because the person he loved...
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posted by dustfingerlover
She inhales sharply.
She hates the irony, and the pain is too much.
She cannot see his face;
He has advanced from behind.
But she does not need too,
She knows his face too well.
His 칼, 나이프 digs deeper into her soft cheek.
He is carving a heart;
Mocking her obsession of him.
He whispers something incoherent to her.
She wishes she had listened closer.
He caresses her unmarked cheek with his gloved hand.
She closes her eyes,
Half wishing it was over,
Half wishing it would never end.

-Emily Rose-
posted by arrowone
So we've got 배트맨 accused of murdering a bunch of cops. And we've got Coleman Reese having a complex about it. And so...he will get captured 의해 the Riddler. What happens 다음 is essentially a whole plot where 배트맨 and Gordon go looking for Reese because Reese figures out the death trap the Riddler has him in, despite his little game and clues, is fruitless. He's screwed. He's going to die. And so as the movie progresses, he gives away just a little bit 더 많이 details without actually squealing because to Reese, the prospect of 10 million dollars a 년 is too wonderful to throw away AFTER...
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