The Boys of Kingdom Hearts Wall

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lynnyukimara02 said …
Sora will always be my fave!!! ^-^ 게시됨 over a year ago
fansfunsz said …
wow 게시됨 over a year ago
Trixta947 said …
doesn't Utada Hikaru's 음악 go finely (ah, thats a weird word(?) ) with kingdom hearts? 게시됨 over a year ago
jewelvang99 commented…
yea it dose. I 사랑 to wach remix because when I'm older I want to make the 다음 hingdom hearts I already got ideas it's going to be called kingdom hearts 로스트 memorys, it's about time riku gets a girlfriend so I named riku's girlfriend Rina, Riku also has a sis called Rika. srry I got carryed away this is very long 코멘트 over a year ago
KairiLover94 commented…
i 사랑 utada shes amazing i have all her albums!!! over a year ago
KairiNamine commented…
Awesome XD over a year ago
shadowlover239 commented…
T_T over a year ago