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The Baby-Sitters Club (Netflix) What did 당신 think of season 2?

1 fan picked:
It was okay.
Loved it!
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Really liked it.
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Liked it.
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Didn't like it.
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Hated it.
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Haven't seen it yet.
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 DarkSarcasm posted over a year ago
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1 comment

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DarkSarcasm picked It was okay.:
I yelled at Netflix far more than I did during S1. They changed so much, and smushed so many great stories into 20-some minutes instead of taking their time and giving everyone a chance to shine like in S1. There was a serious lack of Karen, who was still excellent in what little screentime she had.

I can't believe they did The Louie Thing and The Mimi Thing in the same season. I need a word with whoever had this labeled as a "feel-good" show.

Oh, and Shannon Kilbourne sends her regards.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago