TDI's Noah and Cody Wall

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Displaying wall entries 1-10 of 67

M3NIC said …
this 팬팝 club made me very obsessed with noco and i dont blame it 게시됨 10 months ago
CylinShinhoster said …
I dont see it... 게시됨 over a year ago
TDI_Angel said …
I'm baaaacck! (For those of 당신 who don't know, I'm the creator of this spot)

NoCo forever! 게시됨 over a year ago
codyfan77 said …
Man, I wish the show was ment for teens a LITTLE older, so we could have a REAL NoCo. But I also like AleNoah. 사랑 triangle? 게시됨 over a year ago
PuppiesXD said …
I really want both of them in all stars 게시됨 over a year ago
HarleySkywalker commented…
Me too over a year ago
Maddiethehedgie said …
Maddiethehedgie said …
link (<--- obviously inappropriate content if 당신 don't wanna read that sort of thing don't go to that link)
Okay so my OTP is NoCo and I'm drooling right now going through the thing in that link omg 게시됨 over a year ago
Anonomus said …
Can someone pplz plz become a 팬 of me cause I just started and I really need fans. Thnx 게시됨 over a year ago
mehparty3 said …
can someone read my 기사 plz thanks 게시됨 over a year ago
koalagirl9 said …
im gonna work super hard for NOCO 게시됨 over a year ago
iPsychic commented…
Yaaaay! :D over a year ago
AwesomeFangirl said …
Hi! I've been looking at the Noah and Cody site and 읽기 fanfics before I joined Fanpop! This place AWESOME! I 사랑 all the fanfics you've done! 게시됨 over a year ago
iPsychic commented…
Behalf of all the NoCo fans, thank-you so much!! (Even though I've only written like one xD ). over a year ago
koalagirl9 commented…
i wrote a few have 당신 read mine (there not good) over a year ago
AwesomeFangirl commented…
Yeah I've read yours koalagirl9! I loved the syrup one! It was so cute! And I also read yours iPsychic! I think that was the first one I read… The one about if it was the last 일 on Earth! over a year ago
iPsychic commented…
Aw, no xD My one was terrible, I wrote that ages 이전 but thanks anyway! xD over a year ago
jeffgordon24 said …
This is soooooooo funny 게시됨 over a year ago
koalagirl9 said …
I had my first noco dream last night noah and cody were married and noah was pregnant (that partwas a bit scary) 게시됨 over a year ago
iPsychic commented…
Whoa, that sounds funny! I've had two NoCo dreams. The first one was when I was on the computer and the creators leaked a deleted scene. I clicked on it and up came a video of Noah's elimination. They showed him going on the 보트 and then as the 보트 was sailing away, Cody ran up on the dock yelling 'Noah, I 사랑 you!!' The 초 one was, I was at Playa De Losers and I found out Noah and Cody shared a room. Izzy and I peeked into their room and they were both cuddled up together xD NoCo dreams are awesome! over a year ago
koalagirl9 commented…
LOL your dreams sound better over a year ago
koalagirl9 said …
New Noco rp please 가입하기 게시됨 over a year ago
iPsychic commented…
Joined!! :D over a year ago
koalagirl9 said …
Im gonna make a better fanfic 게시됨 over a year ago
iPsychic commented…
Your Fanfic before was still heaps good, but I can't wait until 당신 write the 다음 one then :D over a year ago
koalagirl9 commented…
Im working on a mike series but i will make one over a year ago
iPsychic commented…
Cool! Can't wait :) over a year ago
koalagirl9 said …
Im the NoCo Cop im gonna make the haters pee themsselfs 게시됨 over a year ago
noco_luver commented…
LOL ill be ur debuty over a year ago
iPsychic commented…
Yay! xD I shall help along >:) over a year ago
koalagirl9 commented…
Ok 당신 guys can be cops to :) But im the head cop :) over a year ago
iPsychic commented…
Okay dokie then! :D over a year ago
koalagirl9 said …
당신 know i wasn't such a 팬 until a few weeks 이전 when i noticed
1.They'd be so cute
2.Noah is practically a girl
3.It annoys my sister
4.If Samcota can be real any couple can 게시됨 over a year ago
iPsychic commented…
IKR? I became a 팬 about a 년 ago, though XD Thanks for loving NoCo! over a year ago
koalagirl9 commented…
I think the series is hinting them all the time over a year ago
iPsychic commented…
Thanks! I saw you, you're 13? Awesome! I am too :) Cool! I cosplayed as Beth (as said in my video) xD I put my hair in a side ponytail, wore my sisters 담홍색, 핑크 jeans, found an old green short dress and then put sneakers on :) It was fun xD over a year ago
noco_luver said …
im happy im not the only one that looks at this stuff! :D i luv u peepol!!! <3 and i luv noco!!! forever* 게시됨 over a year ago
iPsychic commented…
YAYZ! So glad 당신 사랑 NoCo <3 over a year ago
koalagirl9 commented…
Noco forever over a year ago
Girl_U_Dontno said …
Hello guys. D: NoCo is my 가장 좋아하는 total drama pair so I really hope the fandom's not gone. 게시됨 over a year ago
mehparty3 commented…
same here! noco is so awesome. why did sierra even join? over a year ago
noco_luver commented…
u no wat, i totally forgot that she wuz even in the competition! o.o over a year ago
iPsychic commented…
@Girl_U_Dontno: So true, he looks like both of them combined!! XD over a year ago
starwars748 said …
Um hi 게시됨 over a year ago
luz-anwar-light commented…
Hi! Are 당신 new around here? =D over a year ago
iPsychic commented…
If 당신 are new, welcome! XD over a year ago
starwars748 commented…
thanks :) over a year ago
NoahFanNumber1 said …
Is anyone even here anymore? I remember when we were here constantly uploading everything and commenting on everything. Yep, those were the days. 게시됨 over a year ago
iPsychic commented…
I'm still here but I guess barely anyone goes on here anymore because nothing new of NoCo has been happening :| I was never around when NoCo was 인기 here, I only started to like it last year. I wish heaps of people came back here. over a year ago
canddfan29 said …
please read my new NoCo fanfiction, here's the link:

게시됨 over a year ago
Freaxxx said …
I'm back <3

Check out my new fanfic 'This, Cody Wasn't Use To'

Warning; IT'S SUPER LEMON. It's seriously rated R.


I've got plenty of other fanfics for NxC but most aren't finished. I'm just so busy so I forget to finish them. And I get bored after they get together lol.

But I hope to have the energy to finish this one <3 게시됨 over a year ago
Debauchery commented…
Made a new account, this old one was way too full of oooold 나귀, 엉덩이 photos. ._. over a year ago
iPsychic commented…
Welcome back! I'll read your story XD I <3 NoCo. I don't have a fanfiction account though. over a year ago
Debauchery commented…
it's ok ((: over a year ago
iPsychic said …
350 fans! NoCo's the best! :) 게시됨 over a year ago
nocofangirl218 said …
Attention all "Love?" fans: Since I decided to make "Things change, 또는 do they", I'm sorry to say I'm feeling over-worked. :( much as I hate to do it......I'm stopping "Love?" as of now , but it will be back once I finish TCODT. Sorry for the sudden cancellation. 게시됨 over a year ago
iPsychic commented…
:( Guess I"ll be waiting! over a year ago
nocolover4evr commented…
nocolover4evr commented…
noooooooooooo....ok :( over a year ago
TDI_Angel said …
This club needs 더 많이 activity. :( 게시됨 over a year ago
iPsychic commented…
Yeah, I agree!! over a year ago
nocofangirl218 commented…
I agree! over a year ago
iPsychic said …
I used to think this couple was ok, now they're my favourite! :) 게시됨 over a year ago
TDI_Angel commented…
Cool! :3 over a year ago
Freaxxx said …
I'm so sad right now =( Turns out in TDR there aren't many cute skinny, gay looking guys except for Mike. He's like the only one that's even possible. 슬래쉬 for me this season v-v 게시됨 over a year ago
TDI_Angel commented…
Well, maybe one of the characters doesn't look gay but might act effeminate. Don't give up hope! I personally can find 슬래쉬 anywhere... I even find it when I watch wrestling. XD over a year ago
Freaxxx commented…
good point ^-^ over a year ago
Errr said …
Die-hard Medaaaaal wooooooH! and guys guess what! i finally found the exact 일 that i become a NoCo 팬 it was the 01 August of 2009 <8D !! 게시됨 over a year ago
RingoO commented…
LOL ur so freaking old bby <3 over a year ago
Errr commented…
chris stfo! you're so cheesy! over a year ago
Errr commented…
haha Thanks <3 over a year ago
Sugartooth900 said …
I've finally seen the light! I'm gonna join. From a hater to a lover! I'm starting to like this couple! In my opinion, I like this better as fanon than canon. 게시됨 over a year ago
Sugartooth900 commented…
300th fan! over a year ago
Errr commented…
yaay over a year ago
big smile
noahnstar1616 said …
I didn't even know they had this club! Go NoCo! Yay! 게시됨 over a year ago
luz-anwar-light commented…
Actually, there's so many NoCo 팬 who doesn't know about this club! So, if 당신 can tell about it to other 팬 that 당신 know, it will be awesome!!! 당신 know, to be all we together. Anyway, thank 당신 for 가입하기 us, sweetie. I hope that this spot will become one of your favorites. over a year ago
big smile
gwuncanfan said …
*ponders* *hesitates* *joins club*
I am officially a NoCo and Coderra 팬 O_O
:D 게시됨 over a year ago
luz-anwar-light commented…
Yeah! But well... As long that 당신 like, accept 또는 be normal with the fact of seeing this lovely boys together as couple, 당신 are welcome here, darling. Because the thing that we actually want is accepters! Than soon 또는 later will become lovers, 당신 just wait!!! XD over a year ago
nocofangirl218 commented…
Cool! Welcome 2 the club gwuncanfan! Here r ur free cyber cookies! *hands u cookies* Enjoy! over a year ago
luz-anwar-light commented…
... Cookies!!! =D over a year ago
Freaxxx said …
I-I-I miss this D'< WAAAAHHH!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
luz-anwar-light commented…
So, why don´t 당신 come here, sweetie? We all 사랑 you. over a year ago
Freaxxx commented…
Cuz I iz a buzy girl thiz zemezter v.v over a year ago
luz-anwar-light commented…
But not anymore!!! XD over a year ago
NoCoLover said …
The cutest TDI/A/WT couple ever!!!!!!!!!!! I 사랑 them together!!!!!!!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
luz-anwar-light commented…
Girl! They will be forever, the most greatest couple of the series! No matter what the hell the other people think! over a year ago
NoCoLover commented…
Ikr over a year ago
nocolover4evr said …
I had the WEIRDEST dream Last Night. Noah was the aftermath host and the final three (Heather, AL and Cody) were racing to the studio. Noah was talking about how he wanted Cody to win, but he looked 사랑 struck.....THEN Cody got there first, but he wasn't paying attention and fell on Noah!! And 당신 know, they were all happy!!.....yea I bet No One really cared but I thought I should say It anyway. Has anyone else had NoCo dreams, no matter how strange? 게시됨 over a year ago
luz-anwar-light commented…
Yes, I had! And yes, I care. Friend, is thanks to all 당신 which I fell normal with myself! Once time, I had so many NoCo dreams in a week, that I don´t even knew what do. I just can´t to hold them and put them together in my 심장 and mind. They all felt so real! But in fact, they don´t had any sense at all. over a year ago
luz-anwar-light commented…
I think that my weirdest dream, after the NoCo world tour especial, was when I dream that the the losers has to pick up Noah from London. But somehow Cody too! And in fact, a lot of other people that actually get 앞으로 that him. And who knows how 또는 why, when they are about to level 런던 and earthquake cause that the bus slip, releasing to all the contestants to the right side of the bus. 당신 can see how beth, trent, justin and the others are falling very slowly; And in that 당신 can see how Noah falls in one of the 침상, 소파 of the bus, then 당신 can see how Cody falls exactly all over Noah, just that he is backward. And just when they see each other become to flirt wiht themselves. Unfortunately, they stop when they realize that Blaineley, which no one knows that she was there, become to say things to the cameraman about this lovely moment. over a year ago
luz-anwar-light commented…
Awesome theory! 당신 should definitely write it! Ps: All your NoCo dreams are so lovely, buds =D over a year ago
neonwalflower said …

사랑 Is Love
♂ + ♂ = ♥
♀ + ♀ = ♥
♀ + ♂ = ♥
게시됨 over a year ago
luz-anwar-light commented…
And love, as always, is the most wonderful feeling ever. over a year ago
luz-anwar-light said …
"...But everybody loves NoCo" Quote said it 의해 my best friend male who has no idea about Total Drama. And which in fact, make my day. =D
게시됨 over a year ago
Girl_U_Dontno commented…
:DDD That's pretty funny, actually. xD over a year ago
luz-anwar-light commented…
He won my 심장 so much that day, girl =D over a year ago
Freaxxx said …
DO 당신 KNOW HOW LONG IT'S BEEN SINCE I'VE BEEN ON THIS CLUB?!?! But I'll NEVER loose my faith for NoCo!!!!!!!! It's my OBSESSION and always has been since 6TH FREAKING GRADE!!!!!!

(btw, I'm in 7th now xD)

Read my NoCo fanfics on this link!!!

link 게시됨 over a year ago
luz-anwar-light commented…
Of course, I'm gonna do it, friend!!! over a year ago
luz-anwar-light commented…
Ps: I'm a 2- years- old NoCoholic! XD over a year ago
Freaxxx commented…
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay :D xD thanks Luz :') over a year ago
TDIlover226 said …
I got a yellow medal on this spot.
I'm so happy. I screamed out of joy and my dad got mad at me, but it doesn't matter, I got a FUCKING YELLOW MEDAL <333
Sorry, I'm just really surprised xD 게시됨 over a year ago
luz-anwar-light commented…
Awwww! Congratulations!!! 당신 deserve it, girl! =D over a year ago
RingoO said …
저기요 you, yes....U sharing the nocolicious love? >_>? 게시됨 over a year ago
Errr commented…
I am foo ;D over a year ago
nocolover4evr commented…
yupp over a year ago
luz-anwar-light commented…
Man! Tell me, when I don´t sharing the NoColicious love?! XD over a year ago
RingoO commented…
yeah that's something hard to say over a year ago
neonwalflower said …
2day "The Big Sleep" was on and me and my brother we're waiting for the 키스 and when i was screaming and awwwing at them my bro was laughing so hard afterward xD ya i think im obsessed LOL i don't think i can watch TDI anymore without saying something that i know now 게시됨 over a year ago
luz-anwar-light commented…
I'm so agree with you! Because when 당신 know that NoCo exist... everything changes. over a year ago
Noah4ever said …
저기요 guys if you've noticed in episode 4 Cody always looks Noah..and is the episode after the ear kiss!! true love!xD u.u 게시됨 over a year ago
neonwalflower commented…
hell yeah xD over a year ago
nocolover4evr commented…
Of corse it is!!!!!!!!!! they are ment 4 each other over a year ago
Noah4ever commented…
Yes!!! over a year ago
luz-anwar-light commented…
Man! That's the only reason of why I 사랑 so much that episode! That and the fake "WooHoo" form Noah. It was so sweet =3 over a year ago
neonwalflower said …
this s he petition to make NoC happen for real!!!! if you're really a fan, you'd sign this :D
here the link: link 게시됨 over a year ago
luz-anwar-light commented…
If 더 많이 people know about this, 더 많이 people can sign it. =D over a year ago
neonwalflower commented…
yea ive been posting this on myspace, facebook, youtube, everywhere xD over a year ago
luz-anwar-light commented…
Your are not alone, my friend! ;D over a year ago
neonwalflower said …
u know i had a dream and im so mad my sis woke me up but since i fell alseep 2 taylor swifts new album (weird ik O_O) anyway it was the song 'speak now' and Noah stopped Cody from marrying Sierra like someone should do something like this in a vid 또는 pic 또는 im gonna die! xD any1 can use this idea LOL my paint is fuckd up so do it!!!!! ill give u props and if u dont ill eat ur 쿠키 >:D LOL plz! 게시됨 over a year ago
Noah4ever commented…
LOL!In my dream there was a Noah and Cody Show ._. over a year ago
gwuncanfan commented…
xD over a year ago
luz-anwar-light commented…
Yeah!!! =D over a year ago
Freaxxx said …
...I'm REALLY sad...since season 4 is all new 당신 think they'll make a NoCo Season 5 come back?
I really hope so, cause in season 3 absolutely NOTHING happened! :'( 게시됨 over a year ago
neonwalflower commented…
maybe i mean if the creators have been showing this much like in tda noah sleeping on coyd, the sleep kiss, then hell they have to make something else happen!!!!! like LOL atleats a hug!!! over a year ago
luz-anwar-light commented…
I don't know why but I really think so. I mean, the Duncan-Gwen 팬 had to support all a season full of Courtney! Maybe it could be the same for us... Because, well, how they even supposed to know that we will be here (as we are) if they don't put us in a test. In fact, I believe that NoCo is the reason of why Sierra exist, 또는 at least her crush in Cody. But hey! I think that we proved enough that no matter what we are the NoCo army! over a year ago
Freaxxx commented…
Damn right :DDD Thnks Luz ^^ over a year ago
luz-anwar-light commented…
It was a real placer, my friend! over a year ago
TDIlover226 said …
Have 당신 guys ever seen the noahxcody club on deviantART? It's full of dorkish love<3 게시됨 over a year ago
Errr commented…
i do XD over a year ago
luz-anwar-light commented…
I see it all the time! It is a great place with awesome 팬 and artists. And I'm talking about you, guys! =D over a year ago
nocolover4evr commented…
Im always heer, 또는 there, 또는 NoCo fanfiction on FF.NET over a year ago
Errr said …
pinch me because i think i dreaming Im seeing so many 팬 talking interacting sharing stories and pictures Oooh hoho hou so many 사랑 for this Lovely Club ♥ ♥ ♥~ 게시됨 over a year ago
Errr commented…
sooo many :'D over a year ago
Freaxxx commented…
Ikr?! I really think this is the most loved fanon/canon couple 의해 their 팬 on the series. over a year ago
luz-anwar-light commented…
Oh wow! I understand 당신 so much!!! It's just so many happiness, joy, 사랑 and enthusiasm that 당신 can´t believe it's real... And actually the producers said that this is the 가장 좋아하는 true fannon homosexual couple of all the series! Oh! Also that I 사랑 this comment! 당신 can feel the 사랑 with which it was created. =D over a year ago
Freaxxx commented…
yep! over a year ago
TDIlover226 said …
Okay, so I'm trying to get on Total Drama Wiki, and for some reason my browser isn't letting me access any pages of it. After trying numerous other pages, I could finally get on only one page - The Noah-Cody Friendship page ._.
xD 게시됨 over a year ago
luz-anwar-light commented…
HUGE MEGA LOL!!! Seriously, that was awesome! XD over a year ago
nocolover4evr commented…
A SIGN!!!! IT IS TRUE 사랑 <3 over a year ago
neonwalflower said …
its obvious cody will choose noah and here are my reasons-
noah is book smart :) - sierra is cody smart O_O
noah 스톨, 훔친 codys 심장 :D - sierra 스톨, 훔친 codys toothbrush o_0
noah is hot <3 - sierra is not :O
what sounds better? NOCO ^_^ 또는 coderra o.0
and finally -
does cody want 2 be loved by(noah) -or- obsessd by(sierra)
>:D 게시됨 over a year ago
TDIlover226 commented…
This made me laugh, especially the "sierra is cody smart" one xD over a year ago
bakes2389 commented…
All valid points! :D over a year ago
luz-anwar-light commented…
It's amazing the well it fix. over a year ago
neonwalflower said …
252 팬 come on lets make it 300! 당신 know 당신 like this couple so come on and join!... 또는 i'll eat all your cookies! 게시됨 over a year ago
Liepe commented…
What if your monster already ate your cookies...? :P. Man, I need to hid them from not only 당신 now, but 프레드 *sigh*. over a year ago
neonwalflower commented…
xD over a year ago
luz-anwar-light commented…
Of course! ;D over a year ago
TDIlover226 said …
Me and my friend, Arianna were having a chat, earlier.
Arianna: So your Birthday's coming up on the 20th, what do 당신 want for a present?
Me: I want something that I probably won't get, but I still hope for it every day.
Arianna: What is it? ._.
Me: I want Noah and Cody to become canon o3o
Arianna: *Pats my back* I feel your pain D: Don't worry, just hope for it!
Me: Let's just believe :D 게시됨 over a year ago
TDIfangirl commented…
TDIlover226 commented…
Why must 당신 gloat? WHY!? D: I have school tomorrow because my school district sucks ;_; over a year ago
luz-anwar-light commented…
Hell yeah, dude!!! But shhh.... Is a secret. XD over a year ago
Noah4ever said …
Oh my god I 사랑 this couple!*__* 게시됨 over a year ago
Errr commented…
high five! over a year ago
TDIlover226 commented…
Me too >ω< over a year ago
luz-anwar-light commented…
LOL! =D over a year ago
Markiey_Dear_10 said …
NOCO! 게시됨 over a year ago
luz-anwar-light commented…
Hell Yeah!!! over a year ago
soxfan89 said …
I Want To Do A NoCo Story Called "Cody And The Beast". Should I Try That? 게시됨 over a year ago
cooleeo commented…
sounds interesting!! over a year ago
soxfan89 commented…
Yes. over a year ago
Duncney commented…
Cute! over a year ago
luz-anwar-light commented…
Man! If 당신 want to do it, do it!!! But, in my personal opinion... It sounds amazing! Believe me. over a year ago
RingoO said …
Happy Holidays Folks!

Love~Chris 게시됨 over a year ago
luz-anwar-light commented…
Yeah!!! Happy Holidays for 당신 too, Chris! “Scrumpadoochous” XD over a year ago
luz-anwar-light said …
“Dear Santa: The only thing that I really want for this Christmas; is that Noah and Cody become into a real true couple as soon as 당신 can. That would make me very happy!!! I promise. So please let me know if 당신 can´t. Although that I’m totally sure I will not have to resort to January 6, right?! Anyway; millions of Lolz, hugs and stuff. Your very own 가장 좋아하는 good friend.”
Yeah!!! I wish 당신 all happy holidays and a great Christmas/party time! =D 게시됨 over a year ago
Errr commented…
Yeah Santa She was a good girl all this 년 Santa make is wish come true :] over a year ago
luz-anwar-light commented…
Aww! I hope so. I bet so. I know so!!! Right, Santa?! XD over a year ago
rollercartoon said …
This is a Cartoon Couple!!! OMG!!! loving it loving it loving it! ;-D 게시됨 over a year ago
luz-anwar-light commented…
I´m loving it too! =3 over a year ago
RingoO commented…
what is this McDonalds?... over a year ago
nocolover4evr commented…
McDonalds, could 당신 please bribe the producers who are secret NoCo 팬 to make it cannon, I mean, 당신 have enough money (Not being a Mickey D basher) over a year ago
Errr said …
OH MY GOOOOOOD THE BANNER!!! EEEEEE THANK 당신 ALL <33333 <3 <3 :D especially -Toradora- :DDD Thaaaaank youuuu aernlenfkdsngtlinrowmfsdkjngl <333 :> x) 게시됨 over a year ago
RingoO commented…
someone was a little bit too excited... over a year ago
luz-anwar-light commented…
Oh sorry, Chris! Is just that I can´t control myself... I 사랑 it!!! XD over a year ago
RingoO commented…
<33 over a year ago
TDIlover226 said …
GUUUUYS, the banner's been changed!!!
Oh my God.. It's so beautiful! xD
게시됨 over a year ago
luz-anwar-light commented…
It´s divine!!! The best banner, in the world, that this spot can have!!! over a year ago
Errr said …
i have a dedicated 팬 medal on this lovely spot Ok Now Going for the Hard Die one!! >:D 게시됨 over a year ago
TDIlover226 commented…
You'll totally get the Die-hard medal soon. Your drawings certainly awesome enough 8D over a year ago
JayKayStone commented…
O_O over a year ago
shoooock commented…
hard die......................shoot x_x over a year ago
JayKayStone said …
No soy un fanatico grande de esta pareja, pero creo que son muy lindos juntos, asi que, voy a provar el sabor de NoCo. ;) 게시됨 over a year ago
Errr commented…
over a year ago
CRAZYCOW365 commented…
?... over a year ago
luz-anwar-light commented…
Suena muy interesante!!!! y dime como les fue? =D over a year ago
SaborChocolate said …
NoCo is that feeling that 당신 get when 당신 see them together~~ <3 *sorry bad spelling* 게시됨 over a year ago
Errr commented…
over a year ago
luz-anwar-light commented…
Friend, I feel exactly the same... is just a pure ball of happiness! =3 over a year ago
luz-anwar-light commented…
Me too!!!! XD over a year ago
luz-anwar-light said …
Noah and Cody means everything to me. Is all I can say... 게시됨 over a year ago
Errr commented…
over a year ago
luz-anwar-light commented…
Awww, thank 당신 buddy! =D over a year ago
shoooock commented…
cute 코멘트 really cutie over a year ago
luz-anwar-light commented…
Awwww! Thank you, dude! =D over a year ago
Errr said …
i'm NOT into "Yaoi", But I am into equality rights, characters can be Gay too!! thats all lovely people keep sharing the NoColicious 사랑 :) 게시됨 over a year ago
RingoO commented… mean all the animefangirl stuff right? over a year ago
Errr commented…
yup i dont know anything about that i doesn't even watch anime!...i just 사랑 this two dorks as a couple that's all... oh C'mon Chris 당신 get it is a cartoon over a year ago
shoooock commented…
sharingsharingsharinsharingsharing over a year ago
ZeppelinLed said …
this cartoon couple blow my mind!
(in a good way) 게시됨 over a year ago
luz-anwar-light commented…
friend, i totally understand you! ;D over a year ago
ZeppelinLed commented…
yay!:) over a year ago
shoooock commented…
¡POW! over a year ago
Freaxxx said …
Whoever doesn't like mentaly exact and doesn't have even a speck of imagination what so ever!!!!! And, has no taste in a fun life ;) 게시됨 over a year ago
RingoO commented…
could not have said it better over a year ago
luz-anwar-light commented…
they are so lovely just like your 코멘트 ;D over a year ago
shoooock commented…
THAT IS! over a year ago
RingoO said …
NOAH X CODY ROCKS! \(°o°)/ 게시됨 over a year ago
Errr commented…
my socks over a year ago
RingoO commented…
exactly... over a year ago
picklepiecow commented…
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D over a year ago