tails doll Club
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added by frylock243
added by Lilly443
added by tailsdoll0001
Source: tailsdoll0001
added by sasha86600
added by cat100
Source: 구글
added by cat100
Source: 구글
added by cat100
Source: 구글
added by fanofzeldafan
Source: fanofzeldafan
added by TheDarkEmpire
added by alysoph
Source: tails doll 일
added by sasha86600
added by TailsDollsReal
added by larryhedgehog
posted by Taiseam
 Tails Doll
Tails Doll
A doll, not very tall, is deadly as can be.It's gem on 상단, 맨 위로 shines bright red, 의해 the time haters see him, their probably dead.There it sits with a deadly stare, give him care, 또는 if not, don't dare.Sonic R, tag Super Sonic As said, I'm supprized your still 읽기 this, though your not dead.These rumors spread, they have led new terrors of a 여우 Doll, called Tails Doll.Now tell me, CAN 당신 FEEL THE SUNSHINE?DOES IT BRIGHTEN UP YOUR DAY?DON'T 당신 FEEL THE SUNSHINE..LIKE 당신 NEED TO 'RUN AWAY'?....!!!
 Can 당신 feel the sunshine?
Can you feel the sunshine?
added by sasha86600
added by 1dniallover
added by Thirddevision
Source: Me/friend on i scribble.
added by shadowwilfre
Source: Me
added by cat100
Source: 구글
added by ShadowFan05