I am not much of a coffe drinker i only drink the coffee my nana makes me in the morning wuen i spend da night at her houselol and even then i add like half a cup of sugar and a fourth cup of creamer to get rid o the taste but i have aj addiction to 스타벅스 and i will drink the coffeebthere as long as its not strong anyway i get theblended 딸기 lemonde, passion 레몬 에이드, 레모네이드 ( i think tht wat its called ) 또는 the 딸기 frap. Any suggestions? I likebfeuity drinks 또는 any non 또는 light coffe tasting drinks really
posted over a year ago
LOL my mom went to 스타벅스 and i gave her mycard cuz i owedher one and i told her to get my lil nro somin so he didnt deink all of mine andshe got him some gross super strong coffee he was all over the place... he thought it was 초콜릿 우유 LOL he didnt even wanna share
I 사랑 all the frapps but two of my 가장 좋아하는 are a green 차 frapp with a shot of 에스프레소, 에 스 프레소 또는 and a double 에스프레소, 에 스 프레소 frapp... Yum!!!! They are the best. Lol.
Ugh this is a pretty tough question, but I have two favorites. My first is a Tall 쿠키 N' Creme Frap. 다음 would have to be a Tall 캐러멜, 캐 러 멜 Frap!! Now when 당신 ask the lady/man for the 쿠키 N' Creme Frap they may not know what 당신 mean, its double 초콜릿 chips with white mocha instead of just regular mocha:) Hope that helped