Squirrels Club
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added by Chibi-Chipette
의해 Cathy H on Youtube.
cute 동물
added by SRitchieable
Source: http://www.9news.com/news/sidetracks/187547/337/Furring-of-the-green-?odyssey=mod%7Cnewswell%7Ctext%
added by snowflakerose
added by TheCountess
Source: ?
added by queen965
added by glelsey
Source: Did 당신 Know Blog
added by WorshipDwight
This 기사 is reproduced verbatium from the BBC website.

"A scheme to collect information on squirrels 의해 texting sightings has been relaunched in Aberdeen.

"The aim is to collect data on 다람쥐 distribution 의해 getting residents to 신고 seeing squirrels 의해 sending a text message.

"Text-A-Squirrel was first launched in the city last 년 as a two-week pilot.

"Sightings can be reported 의해 texting RED 또는 GREY, followed 의해 the area, 거리 또는 postcode where it was seen, and the person's name, to 88802.

"The pilot was launched 의해 Saving Scotland's Red Squirrels, a partnership project including...
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added by glelsey
Source: wolverxne.tumblr.com
added by WorshipDwight
added by marcoterrigno
Source: Derivative work of an original picture 의해 Julian Rad - Wildlife 사진
added by snowflakerose
added by SRitchieable
Source: http://www.winnipegsun.com/news/winnipeg/2011/03/09/17552291.html
added by ace2000
added by NocKairu
added by NocKairu
added by spyonme515
Source: spyonme515
added by Joannehag
Source: JoAnne
added by Joannehag
Source: JoAnne
added by glelsey
Source: BsnSCB.com