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Spuffy vs Sprusilla Who was 더 많이 cruel to Spike?

36 fans picked:
Buffy (Generally being cruel to him)
Drusilla (Going off with Angelus)
Cecily ("You're beneath me")
Harmony (Turning him away after he got a chip)
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 Buffygirl1988 posted over a year ago
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JulienBangel picked Buffy (Generally being cruel to him):
Why Harmony?? Poor Harm! She was the one mistreated xD!
posted over a year ago.
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maryksand picked Drusilla (Going off with Angelus):
Dru. She kept pining for Angelus even being in a relationship with Spike and betrayed Spike on a regular basis.
posted over a year ago.
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SpikesSlayer08 picked Buffy (Generally being cruel to him):
She got really cruel in season 6 but even before that she was mean to him most of the time it was sad to see cause i love the Spuffy pairing
posted over a year ago.
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EastendersRox picked Cecily ("You're beneath me"):
or buffy I suppose buffys winning so cecily I felt so sorry for spike, I dont know why it was so bad it was probaly the way she said it and how william ran out crying
posted over a year ago.
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snowwhitesilver picked Buffy (Generally being cruel to him):
Dru may have broke his heart, but Buffy humiliated, hurt, used, and abused him. I love the shit out of Buffy, she's still my #1!!!!!! But, no...she was awful to him, and it may have not have been entirely her fault, she was going through hell! But, not 'cuz of Spike! He was the only one who made it tolerable for her, and she should've appreciated that!
posted over a year ago.