Skipper: The penguins of madagascar Club
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posted by Skiparah

AN/Lame title. It was the best I could think of.

The energetic tune of the bugal tone that sounded at
exactly six thirty every morning sent three penguins
leaping up and out of 침대 in size order. Kowalski, Rico,
and Private all stood side 의해 side in erect posture.
They gazed strait on, Kowalski's expression solid and
serious though still half-awake, Rico, a solemn expression
on his scarred face all the same 당신 could see the phyco
fire in his antarctican eyes, Private, who was last in the order,
carefully wiped sleep from one 라일락 꽃, 라일락 eye, not breaking
his posture however. After waiting several seconds...
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posted by skipperfan5431
It's a beautiful morning in the Central Park Zoo. Lilly and Skipper had just gotten married the night before, and now they were heading off to their Honeymoon in Africa! (They wanted to say hi to some old 프렌즈 too.) ;D ! "Skipper! Im SO excited to finally be going away!" Lilly said cheerfully as she packed her purple duffle bag. "Skipper? SKIPPER!?" Skipper didn't hear her because he was too busy trying to stuff his suitcase with flamethrowers, 총 and other weapons of mass destruction.....Typical Skipper! "Im sorry Lilly, I just wanna make sure were 안전한, 안전 on our honeymoon." Skipper replied,...
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Joey's Pen: Take 1

Julien: "...Ha! Into your face penguin!"

Skipper: "Sh-sh-ssssh! Don't make a sound, we're in James's pen!
Blast! That's not right!"

Joey's Pen: Take 2

Skipper: "Sh-sh-ssssh! Don't make a sound, we're in Joey's pen!"

Julien: "Who's Joey?"

*Joey awakens & approaches them*

Skipper: "That's Joey."

Julien: "A kangaroo! Oooh! How cute!"

*Joey kicks Julien*

Joey: "Joey don't rightly appreciate trespassers mates, makes me mad!"

Skipper: "Now look, marsupal, we don't--"

Director: "Cut!"

Skipper: "What?! What did I say?"

Director: "MarsuPIAL, not marsupal."

Skipper: "Blast!"...
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J; justin beiber,U,usher S;skipper K;kowalski R;rico P;private

while the boys were sleeping they hear a bang on the roof of the HQ

S; what in the name of mike is going on up there
K; i guess that we have two new penguins
S;pushes kowalski out of the way, your right and the girls 사랑 them
S; i know that kid, i know him
P; who is i---
S; 저기요 Justin, Justin
J;!:o Skipper
S yep thats me
J; it has been a long time since we talked
R grgyrhrge ( what are 당신 talking about skipper)
J; what did he just say skip
S; uhh nothing *nuges rico*
U; uhh justin what are 당신 doing down here
S; who is he
J; he is usher
U; the rapper not the person that get 당신 smoothies and stuff
S; ya ya ya i know
J; really!
S; *whispers* no i didn't know who he was in the first place
J; oh ok
U; 당신 need to get up there now justin now
J; ok ok ok ok i get it
S; ya i think 당신 should go up there now
J;*wispers* don't get him mad

To be continued
S:Skipper; K:Kowalski; P: Private; R: Rico; h: Henry b:Brittany k: Karla k:killer m
while skipper and his brother were fighting they both went back to there HQ and skippers team was doing a mission about they been hearing strange noises around the zoo while skipper team figures that out his brother finished their mission
so when his brother went to Marlene's habitat skipper followed him

... Marlene habitat
k: 저기요 Marlene
m: 저기요 killer

m: i was wondering when we kissed did 당신 really say 당신 liked me

k:(*cough).... i may.....(*cough)a little
m:Ummm…(*cough) yeah…me too :)
skippers bro looks at Marlene...
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Chase Scene: Take 1

Julien: "...Ah! A thief!
Keep dancing!"

Maurice: "But there's no music!"

Julien: "I'll pretend I did not hear that!"

Julien: "Come back 당신 음악 hater!"

Skipper: "I don't hate music! I hate--"


Chase Scene: Take 2

Julien: "Come back 당신 음악 hater!"

Skipper: "I don't hate music! I hate noise!"

Julien: *causes Skipper to slip on bananas, causing him to drop a battery which he intercepts*

*Jumps to get another, misses, swings on a pole back around, and retrieves a 초 battery*

2 분 later...

Skipper: "Ha, 로스트 him."

Julien: *swings in on snake...SMACK..."Oops. Sorry Skipper. Are 당신 okay?"

Skipper: "I think I coughed up my spleen..."
posted by gina34
Skipper and kowalski are on the beach, he was 키싱 marlene he loved. Kowalski was surfing in the water, there were high waves. Than an 시간 later marlene would go swim in the sea. Skipper I go for a swim and surf, would 당신 came too? No, skipper said I go sunbathing. Than she was in, the waves are so high that the surfboard fell of her and fell onto her head and she lose consciousness. She fell onto the bottom of the sea, she was drowning. A quarter later, skipper realised marlene isn't coming back and he began to 검색 for her, but he didn't find her. He calls his team to 검색 in the...
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posted by Skiparah
This is sort of a break from my story Crossroads.
The song "Right Here Waiting" Is 의해 Richard Marx.

Screen fades to black..

I could see him in my mind. I remember him standing there on the peir. His head was down. I could tell he was troubled, badly. Perhaps this was not the time. I glanced down at the letter I held in my flipper. Perhaps not. I started to back away, then I stopped. No. I couldn't chicken out. If I didn't do this now I may never be able to do it again. I hesitantly tucked the tall 칼라 of my raincoat over my shoulders and walked out under the dark grey clouds. My feet made little...
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S:Skipper; K:Kowalski; P: Private; R: Rico; M:Marlene; J: Juline; k: killer h:Henry b: Brittany K: Karla

one 일 when the penguins were finish with their mission everybody was watching TV and skipper grabbed a old picture out of the cabinet of him with his brother and skipper sighted a few times and when the team was coming just to know what was wrong skipper quickly put the picture away
P: whats wrong skipper
k: is their something wrong skipper?
r: yok k[ translation 당신 ok?
s: im OK im just looking at my pictures

in till all of the crew figured out that skipper had a picture of him and his brother...
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This may be just a one-shot...IDK? XD

It was a hot summers 일 in centeral park zoo, all the 동물 were either swimming 또는 catching a tan.

Kowalski was fiddilng with some new chemicals he had taken (or "borrowed") from a nearby lab. Skipper groaned as he waddled into the room, he had had a restless night's sleep and had red eyes and his night 캡, 모자 was still on.

P:Whats wrong Skippa?
S:*turns around swiftly* Your LUNACORN!
P:Wa?? Wa bout my Lunacorn?
S:It glows!!! IN THE DARK!!
P: So? I dont see the problem?
S:Its fancy glow keeps me up all night! I have been trained to keep a 빠른, 스위프트 eye out for any...
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S:skipper k:killer M:Marlene h: Henry B:Brittney k:Karla K:kowalski p:Private R:Rico A:alice

while skipper and his brother go to her office they see the other penguins
k:helps us
r: hlp su ples translation( help us please

h: help us killer
B:help me
k: help get us out

while they do the plan that skipper told his brother all of a sudden Alice comes out and knocks out skipper
SB: skipper! skipper wake up i guess its up to me

while skipper unties skippers team and his team skipper brother carries skipper to his HQ

s: what happen?
k: Alice hit 당신 on the back of the head and 당신 knock out if it wasn't...
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M:Marlene S:skipper k: Kowalski k: killer R: Rico P; private H: Henry B:Brittany K: Karla a: Alice
when killerr went to is HQ his crew was all watching TV
h: hello killer
b: 저기요 killer
k: 저기요 killer nice body

everybody stares at Karla and everybody quiet
k:...... uh i mean hi killer how are you
it was the night everybody has gone asleep but skippers team skipper and his team was asleep
k:team follow me leed

everybody fallow's killer into their Hq
k: whisper's ok Henry 당신 go in their and hit kowalski in the head and knock out
h: got it
k: Karla 당신 get Rico and hit him but if he dosent hit 당신 bak then...
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posted by 29Kitty
It all started at a empty park,

"now skipper as 당신 can see this new 레이 i made will turn us into humans wich will alow us to sneak around 더 많이 easly" Said Kowalski, As the 쥐, 마우스 he was going to test it on shook in fear. As kowalski was talking, Skipper saw the 쥐, 마우스 escape. As he went sliding for it kowalski shot the ray, it bounced off a couple of trees and thene instead of hitting the 쥐, 마우스 the 레이 스플릿, 분할 into two. One hitting skipper and the other hitting the 레이 breaking it. "Smashed atoms" screamed kowalski as he looked at the 12 년 old that stood in front of them. "Skipper that you"...
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posted by skippersbro123
one 일 at the new york zoo it was a nice sunny 일 and the penguins just finished doing a mission and the penguins were in the hq private was watching a movie called Bambi kowalski was working on invention skipper was drinking his coffee like everyday and Rico was brushing his doll's hair like always while they were doing that they heard a loud bang the penguins check what was it was a 나무 상자, 상자 Alice bring it to the penguin's habitat and alice said something

why do we always have 펭귄 i hate penguin's

Alice left the penguin's habitat and she went back to her office and the penguins came out...
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posted by skipperluvs
ok so wuz searchin online and i found dis cool trik i edited it!










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