Emily Cooke @ Live Science reports. An analysis of 더 많이 than 6,000 telehealth abortion recipients in the U.S. suggests that receiving the abortion drugs via a virtual doctor's appointment is as 안전한, 안전 and effective as doing so in person.
One of my absolute favourite websites.
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An incredible 기사 for all astronomy enthusiasts. Courtesy of Neringa Utaraitė @ Bored Panda.
In laboratory studies, the active component of honeybee venom rapidly killed two types of breast cancer cells that are particularly difficult to treat. Crucially, the toxin left healthy cells unharmed.
Discovery that plants protect their most essential genes transforms our view of evolution. Courtesy of SciTech Daily.
Biologists recently made a "once-in-a-lifetime" discovery of a bird that's male on the right side and female on the left. Mindy Weisberger reports.
An “unprecedented” hole in the ozone layer which developed to become the largest ever seen over the Arctic has closed just weeks after opening, scientists observing the phenomenon have said.
의해 Sean Keach, Digital Technology and Science Editor of The Sun. 12th September 2018, 6:00 pm.
We are a strange species. Science tells us why...
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The Earth-sized planets orbiting the ultra-cool TRAPPIST-1 dwarf 별, 스타 40 light-years away may have substantial amounts of water and could be habitable, scientists say.