Sabaku no Gaara 질문
Does my boyfriend look almost like Gaara?
Sabaku no Gaara 답변
BabyBlud said:
I'm very sorry to say this, but that's not you're boyfriend, in fact that's not even a boy! It's a FEMALE cosplayer named ereptor on
iluvusagi said:
thats your boyfriend!? kyaa luv the costume!! i have seen pics on 구글 leik evrywere <3
MarMar_XigLux said:
Yup 8D Awesome costume+ Hot boyfriend= Gaara? Lul am I right? xDDD
Annedax said:
Did 당신 make your boyfriend dress up like Gaara? If 당신 did then 당신 are a genius!
Ram0niK said:
WoW....I'm soo agree with BabyBlud!! 1.He's a SHE! 2.This pic is everywhere on Google! 3.Don't lie people anymore!!>:(
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