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Displaying wall entries 1-10 of 15

BB2010 said …
I saw the RWBY 6 premiere in theaters yesterday and it was amazing!
The 애니메이션 (now going to be a mix of 2d and 3d) was smoother
The fights were choreographed better and 더 많이 fun to watch compared to season 5
The banter and jokes we saw in the first 3 seasons are finally back
All the characters played a part in the premiere instead of just standing around 또는 being there

Downside is they didn't show the new opening but just gotta wait one 더 많이 일 for that so that's fine. 게시됨 over a year ago
LBShire said …
Hi guys!
I have noticed that the Rooster Teeth club on 팬팝 is pretty dead which is unfortunate since the RWBY and RUB Clubs have a lot of fans. So I have been adding a lot of stuff to the Rooster Teeth club to make it 더 많이 welcoming.
Please check it out! 게시됨 over a year ago
MaryZaki commented…
Ok i'll check it out over a year ago
alinah_09 said …
Volume 3 Turn-down Reaction: HOLY MOTHER OF- GODDANGIT MERCURYYYY!!!!
>NOOOOOO...!!! PENNY....!!! SHE WAS MY 가장 좋아하는 SIDE CHARACTER...!!!! D:
>WHOA! NEOOOO!!! BLOWN OFF AGAAAAINN...!! (Team Rocket,bruh) *Roman does his speech*Yeah...okay Roman... *get's eaten* pfft...that's actually kinda that he's gone...DANGIT!
>Nononononono....Don't 당신 dare---!!! AGH FREAKIN' PHYRRAAA!!!!

[Safe to say, most of my reactions for this season were of anguish. ;-;] 게시됨 over a year ago
alinah_09 commented…
*reactions for Yang and Penny multiplied even 더 많이 because of apparent foreshadowing. (i.e. Ruby's "break a leg" remark...) over a year ago
FlamboYang said …
Have 당신 guys heard of the new controversies surrounding RWBY again 게시됨 over a year ago
katjaneguen said …
Thanks for creating the world of RWBY for us Monty! We shall miss you. 게시됨 over a year ago
Cerudays said …
Rest in peace, Monty.. 게시됨 over a year ago
mikuoxmiku said …
I'm so killing my 프렌즈 4 getting me hooked 게시됨 over a year ago
mikuoxmiku commented…
(on the show) over a year ago
kingdom23 said …
I 사랑 this game. It deserves 더 많이 attention. 게시됨 over a year ago
iceandsummer commented…
Of course~! I dislike how little people support it.. over a year ago
OrangeExpoRWBY said …
I'm happy to think that I'm in that group of people who started watching RWBY the 일 that "Red" trailer came out without any reference to what it was. I feel like a hipster. Props to Monty, Miles, and Kerry for the show. 게시됨 over a year ago
ChadKumada commented…
cool over a year ago
iceandsummer said …
I look on Rooster Teeth's channel almost everyday for RWBY. I've watched all the episodes. Don't worry, guys. This club is gonna grow a lot! I'll keep it active, too. Of course, when I have the time. 게시됨 over a year ago
ChadKumada said …
So happy there's a new American CG action show that I can enjoy alongside 트랜스포머 Prime and 별, 스타 Wars Clone Wars. And it's 아니메 influences are must appreciated. I gotta go catch up one some Red vs Blue now too. 게시됨 over a year ago
ChadKumada commented…
First heard of RWBY and started watching it when they added it to Crunchyroll. over a year ago
KenichiTMD said …
RWBY is awesome I cant wait for 더 많이 the only thing I'm not liking about it is the really short episodes 게시됨 over a year ago
Mutaliation said …
Someone finally made a fanclub for RWBY, awesome. :D 게시됨 over a year ago
peterpanreal said …
Did 당신 guys see episode 1 yet? It's on the RWBY website. 게시됨 over a year ago
peterpanreal commented…
It's on YouTube now :) over a year ago
peterpanreal commented…
Whoa! Episode 2 is out on the website already!!! link over a year ago
Yuzuri commented…
Ikr? I 사랑 RWBY!! over a year ago
garthlover commented…
LOL yuzuri! i was watchin my lil' 조랑말 when i saw your pic over a year ago
MokonaFlower said …
Awesome contributions 당신 made, tubby20002!!! 게시됨 over a year ago