Rock Lee Club
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added by Itachi4747
Source: 10
added by SweetSponge
Source: me ( i drew this)
added by mariayukiuchiha
added by suzyisbrute
Source: This is a picture I found on another fp spot but, the original artist is Masashi Kishimoto.
rock lee
added by chubzter
posted by SweetSponge
Lee: so Xania, how do 당신 think you'll do when they test you?
Xania: I don't know Lee kun, i haven't used ninja skills ina long time.
Lee: so 당신 have used ninja techniques before...
Xania: yes.
Lee: well, why did 당신 stop?
Xania: its sort of a long story....
Lee: thats ok, we dont have to get 당신 registered at a certain time, 당신 can tell me. *smiles at her*
Xania: ok, well then I guess i'll start with when I was at my 집 in the forest...
Lee: so 당신 did have a home?
Xania: yes.
Lee: how come 당신 left?
Xania: well, i was in my house and my father was out doing his missions,
Lee: where was your mother?...
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added by suzyisbrute
Source: idk
added by Lotus-Flower
posted by suzyisbrute
Lee's Pov

I finished my 23rd lap around the village. Tenten stood leaning against a training post with crossed arms.

"C,mon Lee, it's getting late and we should break for dinner." she said with the tone in her voice that meant she wasn't going to take no for an answer.

"Okay Tenten." I said wiping my brow with a white towel. Neji hopped down from his balancing post.

She turned to Gai sensei. "Are 당신 coming 또는 what?" Tenten said with an eye roll.
Gai sensei stood on the tip of a training dummy doing a one armed hand stand. "I'll catch up with 당신 all later." He said with a thumbs up. Tenten...
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Hello fellow 팬 of the leaf's green beast! Today I would like to share my story on how I became a 팬 of Naruto/Rock Lee/Anime in general. But instead of just telling 당신 IM GONNA HAVE FUN SO HERE WE GO!

People: Besties(Wolfy and Violet.) Bestie's mom(Rose.) Me (Suzy)

Okay lets begin!

It was a cold 일 as I walked leaving church with my best friend's mother into a red geep. Snow was still piled high and I wore a heavy 담홍색, 핑크 winter 코트 of which I felt I could barley 옮기기 in. When we arrived at Wolfy's house I took my 코트 off and hung it up.

"Wolfy should be upstairs Suz." Rose said motioning...
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added by peteandco
posted by AvatarTH
(Naruto is walking in the Hidden leaf plains)

???- Hello Ninja....

Naruto: Huh???Who are you???
Bruce Lee: I'm Lee....
Naruto: Oh..Hello Bushy Brows..That's a wonderful Disguise!!!!!
Bruce Lee-'s BRUCE LEE!!!!!
Naruto: Oh...So That's your Disguise Name!!!

(holds 나루토 의해 Neck and Lifts Him in the air)

Bruce lee: From Now on...Don't 당신 ever call me Rock Lee!!!!
Naruto: G..Got it!

(Bruce Lee Throws 나루토 Away)

Naruto- *Whew...That was close*

(At the hidden leaf village.... 나루토 Found rock lee sitting under a tree)

Naruto: 저기요 Bushy.....No..I mean Bruce Lee....

(Rock Lee Looks At Naruto)

Rock lee: Are 당신 insulting me?????
Naruto: n.n.n.NO!!!!!

(Rock Lee Beats up Naruto)

Rock Lee: And Let that be a lesson to you!!!!!Never insult the Konoha's beautiful green Beast!

Naruto: Oh..I don't know..Dattebyou.....
added by usernameinvalid