My 상단, 맨 위로 5 season 3 episodes:
5. Rap It Up-One of those eppys that I didn't like at first, but over time grew to like. I'm not much into anything rap, but something about RiU I like.
4. Yes Dude Yes-I like CJ & glad she shows up a little 더 많이 now. I find her 더 많이 interesting than Margret.
3. Weekend at Benson's-The whole scene with Mississippi 퀸 was the highlight of the episode for me.
2. Fuzzy Dice-Feels like this should've been in season 1 또는 2. Lots of awesome moments.
1. Think Positive-My 가장 좋아하는 s3 episode. This episode kinda helps with dealing with anger issues, like counting backwards from 100 for instance.
Here's some other episodes I found enjoyable enough:
Exit 9b
크리스마스 Special
Thanksgiving Special
Tgi Tuesday
Pie Contest
Welp, that's it. Hope 당신 liked my lists.
5. Rap It Up-One of those eppys that I didn't like at first, but over time grew to like. I'm not much into anything rap, but something about RiU I like.
4. Yes Dude Yes-I like CJ & glad she shows up a little 더 많이 now. I find her 더 많이 interesting than Margret.
3. Weekend at Benson's-The whole scene with Mississippi 퀸 was the highlight of the episode for me.
2. Fuzzy Dice-Feels like this should've been in season 1 또는 2. Lots of awesome moments.
1. Think Positive-My 가장 좋아하는 s3 episode. This episode kinda helps with dealing with anger issues, like counting backwards from 100 for instance.
Here's some other episodes I found enjoyable enough:
Exit 9b
크리스마스 Special
Thanksgiving Special
Tgi Tuesday
Pie Contest
Welp, that's it. Hope 당신 liked my lists.