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added by MortalAnonymous
added by MortalAnonymous
added by MortalAnonymous
posted by sturmelle15
It had been a typical Monday at Third 거리 School and Principal Prickly arrived in the classroom to inform the kids Miss Finster was back, but she had Tourette's syndrome. If 당신 hear her yell out vulgar phrases, just pay as little attention to it as 당신 can. She can't help herself. said Principal Prickly, leaving afterwards. Miss Finster, can I use the bathroom? asked TJ Fuck 당신 kid. You're a Dick. yelled Miss Finster, suddenly covering up her mouth. A while later, some stuff fell off her desk, she shouted vulgar phrases at the stuff that fell, causing the kids to laugh. Who the fuck said...
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added by MortalAnonymous
added by MortalAnonymous
added by AubreeRubble12
added by megloveskyle
Source: 구글
added by MortalAnonymous
added by MortalAnonymous
added by MortalAnonymous
added by MortalAnonymous
added by MortalAnonymous
added by MortalAnonymous