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Purebloods Would 당신 Hate Mudbloods,Bloodtriators And Gryffindoors?

90 fans picked:
 11relaxing posted over a year ago
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marizzza picked no:
R u guys crazy or what?????
Gryffindors are the best!
Griffindor 4ever!
posted over a year ago.
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11relaxing picked no:
I dont hate gryffondor but i like slytherin the most.
posted over a year ago.
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hanababey picked yes:
I love all things 2 do with Bellatrix and Voldemort the greatest couple ever I love them!!! I would be in slitherin because I am a pureblood!!!
posted over a year ago.
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Flourishco picked yes:
I'd only hate Huffepuffs :P
posted over a year ago.
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mrsvoldemort picked yes:
hey hanababey voldemorts mine not bellas
posted over a year ago.
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tooch picked no:
why would i.

posted over a year ago.
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anaksunamoon picked no:
I wouldn't hate them, maybe just treat them with sarcasm
posted over a year ago.
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super-bratt picked yes:
me 2!!!!!!!!
posted over a year ago.
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BellatrixFan picked yes:
As bellatrix and Voldemort do!
posted over a year ago.
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terhenetar picked yes:
marizzza - yes, gryffindors are the best... when they die ^^
posted over a year ago.
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dmt00003 picked no:
Hate is too strong a word- dislike perhaps...
posted over a year ago.
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zelix21 picked yes:
yes there filth,
as bellatrix would say
posted over a year ago.
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Catbr picked no:
No. To hate them, I'd have to care about them. XD
posted over a year ago.
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mat29cool picked no:
I think i might hate them but I like some of the Gryffindors so I don't think I could hate them That much.
posted over a year ago.
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LadyL68 picked yes:
I don't hate Gryffindoors, even though I am more of a Slytherin myself, but I do hate mudbloods.
posted over a year ago.
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adieee picked yes:
yes of course, i'm a death eater!
purebloods and slytherins rule!
bloody mudbloods!
posted over a year ago.
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NessieCarrow picked yes:
I Hate Bloodtraior but Mud**** I ok with
posted over a year ago.
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Poseidon3 picked no:
No, of course not
posted over a year ago.
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Darkshine picked yes:
I only hate mudbloods though.
Sorting is more about personalities,if you have an intelligent,logical pureblood,they will be sorted to Ravenclaw,am I right?
If the one is brave,they will be in Gryfindor. If they are good finders,they will go in Hufflepuff and be stupid.
posted over a year ago.
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LiptonGold picked no:
I do hate Gryffindors, but mudbloods are ok.
posted over a year ago.
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ecpjll picked no:
not HATE, just see myself as better if I were a pureblood witch.
posted over a year ago.
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Roxas1314 picked yes:
Yes. Damn Gryffindorks. Stupid Hermoninny mudblood brat. Slytherin is the best!
posted over a year ago.
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MerlinBBC picked yes:
I`m a Slytherin! Eww! And mudbloods? Double ick!
posted over a year ago.
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bellatrix114 picked yes:
yes of course i would hate them why would i like filth like them?
posted over a year ago.
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lyna-malfoy picked yes:
I already hate them all :)
posted over a year ago.
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Perfidia picked yes:
filthy mudbloods!
posted over a year ago.
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bellatrix114 picked yes:
all scum in my book
posted over a year ago.
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BellaPureblood picked yes:
Do you even have to ask?
posted over a year ago.