개 are man's best friend so when they die
It's a sad sight and those heartless creeps who dont like 강아지 think that money's way better well just take your money and leave me the Hell alone cause 강아지 is what I care about so to see them on the Tv with one eye three legs is really a pity give to 개 and they'll give back to 당신 so dog haters Screw you! It's heartless and creul to cut a dog's ears(and tail) off if 당신 dont care about 개 dont buy one give the one 당신 have to the shelter so they can repair the damage you've done. Dog fights are a one on one fight So dont do this to them it could end their life. If 당신 dog fight 당신 might as well end it's life that's what 당신 doin now just night 의해 night. So do the right thing and stop 또는 someone's ganna catch 당신 and call The cops!
People are cruel to 개 cause "they have no feelings" Yea they do thaths why the jump when 당신 cut their ears!
It's a sad sight and those heartless creeps who dont like 강아지 think that money's way better well just take your money and leave me the Hell alone cause 강아지 is what I care about so to see them on the Tv with one eye three legs is really a pity give to 개 and they'll give back to 당신 so dog haters Screw you! It's heartless and creul to cut a dog's ears(and tail) off if 당신 dont care about 개 dont buy one give the one 당신 have to the shelter so they can repair the damage you've done. Dog fights are a one on one fight So dont do this to them it could end their life. If 당신 dog fight 당신 might as well end it's life that's what 당신 doin now just night 의해 night. So do the right thing and stop 또는 someone's ganna catch 당신 and call The cops!
People are cruel to 개 cause "they have no feelings" Yea they do thaths why the jump when 당신 cut their ears!