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Princess 복숭아 질문

why do 당신 think princess 복숭아 is the main princess?

 ppggal23 posted over a year ago
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Princess 복숭아 답변

cuteprincess11 said:
Because she is pretty and girly and better than daisy
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posted over a year ago 
soniconpudaisy said:
because 닌텐도 made her before 데이지 또는 rosalina and plus she the princess of the 버섯 kingdom :)
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posted over a year ago 
peachloverxx said:
because she has mario who rescues her about each day.
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posted over a year ago 
NintendoFan364 said:
Because Shigeru Miyamoto created Princess 복숭아 to be a part of the main cast.

데이지 doesn't get the same luxury because Super Mario Land was made without Miyamoto's knowledge. (Or so I was told.)
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posted over a year ago 
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