프리티 리틀 라이어스 Club
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added by Any_SJ
Source: tumblr.com
added by charmedgirl1996
added by kellphie363
Source: kellphie363
“Mom?” Ezra asked.
    “Yes. Who are you?” Ezra’s mother asked Aria.
    “I’m Aria, Ezra’s wife and the mother of his children. I’m sorry that we haven’t met before, Mrs. Fitz.” Aria told her mother-in-law.
    “It’s Fitzgerald. Dianne Fitzgerald.” Dianne told her.
    “Are 당신 telling me that our children’s last names and mine aren’t Fitz like 당신 led me to believe, Ezra?” Aria asked.
    “Look, I’m sorry. Everything in my past was before I met 당신 and we had...
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added by Makeupdiva
added by ForeverEternity
Source: plldailly.tumblr.com
프리티 리틀 라이어스
프리티 리틀 라이어스
lucy hale
added by ForeverEternity
added by PLL_OrRiot
added by xShuttingStaar
added by Any_SJ
Source: tumblr.com
added by laaureenn
Source: tumblr
added by -letlovein
Source: http://-insignificance.tumblr.com/
added by sammydean
added by laurik2007
Source: ABC FAMILY/Ron Tom @ tumblr
added by Makeupdiva
added by Makeupdiva
added by PLL_OrRiot