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What Pokemon Diamond & Pearl episodes Dawn cracked her knuckles?
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Some 질문 that I have about the Japanese version of the games, but it's true that...?
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are all the eeveelution fox-type pokemon?
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포켓몬스터 opinions that got 당신 in this situation?
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What type of 포켓몬스터 is this?
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Is it worth redeeming the trading card game online (tcgo) codes?
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Which Pokemon do 당신 think would look cute 또는 benefit wearing rain boots/wellies/galoshes?
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What do 당신 have in your Pokemon collection?
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What 포켓몬스터 do 당신 associate users with?
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Who knows how to link my Pokemon Go account to Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu?
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what is your 가장 좋아하는 Pokemon theme song. Not including the original.
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ban thich pokemon huyen thoai nao
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what is the name of the ultra pokemon???
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Could Mewtwo count as a supervillain/superhero?
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In ORAS What Team Do 당신 Reccomend Including Swampert?
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Does Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire take place at the same time as 불, 화재 Red 또는 Leaf Green?
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If the light novel, Pocket Monsters: The 애니메이션 were to be localized, what would changes would 당신 want?
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How many hours have 당신 spent on pokemon?
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I'm Playing Pokemon X and I'd Like To Know If Anyone Would Trade Me A Shiny Sneasel? (For Shiny Zoroark 또는 another good Pokemon?)
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Who'd start a Pokemon Sun and Moon Club?
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Name 5-10 of your least 가장 좋아하는 shiny Pokemon
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Does anybody know when they'll be finished making the 다음 part of Pokemon Duel ?
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whats your best team in any of the games?
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Hi guys, So, what's going on the club ?
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Will Ash and Serena get married someday?
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What game do 당신 have the fondest memories of? (From the main-series)
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Somebody shipp latias and latios? :3
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What Pokemon game(s) should Nintendo\GameFreak make next?
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What is your favourite pokemon theme song?
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What is your favourite pokemon movie ?
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What is your "worst" final evolution?
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Who was the first Pokemon created?
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Mega Charizard X 또는 Mega Charizard Y
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Spoilers ahead
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Post a 포켓몬스터 chibi.
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If Clemont had an eevee that evolved into an Eeveelution,which one do 당신 think it'll be?
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Which eeveelution should my Pokemon XYZ oc's eevee evolve into?
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in what episode of the first season 또는 so of pokemon does team rocket make 사랑 bird jokes about ash and misty
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In the Pokemon movie 2000 The Power of One why does Jessie give Ash 조언 about the opposite gender
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I luv May.But the most beautiful girl with Ash is Serena. Cuz' there friendship was from their childhood. Serena gotta a crush on ash. No girl wanted ash to be their 사랑 in pokemon. They wanted their friendship only.But Serena was the only girl who 엘
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What is your 가장 좋아하는 Ash and Serena moment? Mine is their 키스 on the last episode of the XYZ series. ♡♡♡
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Can I interview someone for a school paper based on the subculture of Pokemon?
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I need help who is the best buizel 또는 chimchar???
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What is your favourite Eveeloution?
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Who is your 가장 좋아하는 cutest Pokemon? Mine is 피카츄 ❤
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Tell me about your best ORAS team. (It's a little late but...)
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Which is favourite character shipping?
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Which pokemon annoys 당신 most?
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Which character(s) from the pokemon 아니메 irritate 당신 most?
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Whos your 가장 좋아하는 Eveelution?
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Exactly what can cause a Pokemon to go rogue?
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What 포켓몬스터 are 당신 indifferent towards?
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Are Legendary and Mythical Pokemon the same type of Pokemon 또는 not exactly?
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What's your response to Ash losing the Kalos League?
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where can 당신 find darki
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What is your favourite episode on pokemon xy and xyz ?
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what is mewtwo
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why is Giovanni so mean to ash
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Favourite and least favourite Mega Evolutions?
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How many Pokemon that resembles a lion and what are there names?
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What pokemon would 당신 like to ship with the 피카츄 of Ash?
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A few 질문 about Pokemon Go
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Which pokemon(s) have 당신 caught in Pokemon GO till now?
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QUickbooks Enterprise phone number,(1-866-316-7735) QUickbooks Enterprise support phone number
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Who in Pokemon xy is Olympia's voice actor
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What was the first Eeveelution 당신 came across with?
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Why is picuchu not like a normal picuchu
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What are your 상단, 맨 위로 3 가장 좋아하는 Pokemon games of all time?
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Current and former 가장 좋아하는 Pokémon?
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Why does Ash always lose in the regional leagues?
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When Jessie says that she is quitting team rocket to live with the doctor I think James just got cheated on
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Does Conway like Dawn
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How's my new Platinum team?
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Which starter 당신 like the best?
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Can somebody try to draw my OC's Scarlett and Finn? Here's a reference image...
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What types do 당신 want the gym leaders and the elite four to use in Pokemon Sun/Moon?
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How's my Platinum team?
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My Umbreon says hi! XD
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If Ash is not included in the next-gen anime, who do 당신 think will? Why isn't he included?
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What do 당신 think of my 불, 화재 red team?
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When doing flashbacks why do they use the current generation 애니메이션 and not that seasons generations graphics
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Who is ur 가장 좋아하는 characters in Pokemon mine is even though isn't smart, oblivious and tons of other things is
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What would 당신 do if 포켓몬스터 was banned?
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what qouls u do if ash's 피카츄 evolved
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What is the dumbest Pokemon theory 당신 have heard?
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Post a pic of your 가장 좋아하는 Dark type Pokémon. XD
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가장 좋아하는 포켓몬스터 Chronicles episode?
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New travelling companions for Ash?
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Do 당신 wish to see Ash's father on an episode of Pokémon?
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If 당신 have any, what is your former 가장 좋아하는 Pokemon?
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Can someone help me I want to see some pictures of Hilda from Pokemon Black & White get her cheeks pulled it can be in any way and if 당신 can as well can 당신 also make so of Serena/May getting her cheeks yeah my 가장 좋아하는 Pokegirls are Hilda,Serena an
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Am I too old for Pokémon?
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Do 당신 think 포켓몬스터 is satanic?
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If 포켓몬스터 were real... (add pros and cons if 당신 like)
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Whom do u want to see as Ash's girlfriend, Ash's wife, Ash's competitor and Ash's journey-companion?
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Think of a couple involving 2 Pokémon. Your own, plz.
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Why everybody hates Iris?
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What do 당신 think about 포켓몬스터 XYZ, which is coming this 월 ?
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