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I really mean it! What would 당신 be able to do if SOPA/TPP censors the internet? What would 당신 be able to do if 글쓰기 fanfics and drawing fanarts become illegal? What would 당신 do if it's illegal to do a cover of your 가장 좋아하는 song on YouTube? What would 당신 do if downloading things from the internet (music, movies, TV episodes, etc) became illegal? What would 당신 do if SOPA/TPP wins the war and takes away internet freedom? Net Neutrality is already dead so far, we can't risk the freedom of internet...
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I found this link.

Step 1: Get a 사진 of your car,something medium resolution is good, if the 사진 is two low then the cars parts will look odd, if its a crazy detailed , the final product will look 더 많이 fake. The 사진 im using is at the bottom of the screen.

Step 2: Go to the cars 바탕화면 site-- link and find a car mouth and eyes that suit your picture. It dosent mater if the car is facing left 또는 right, 또는 the perspective angle, we can change all that later. for this one i'm using Flo. Open this 바탕화면 at the highest resolution.

Step 3: with your CARS 바탕화면 and using the freehand...
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당신 can do that on Photoshop in case 당신 didn't knew.

Please don't post this anywhere else nor claim it as your own.
Enjoy ♥

Made in Photoshop CS5

Step 1
Open Photoshop. Go to File → Open → and choose the video 당신 want to screencap.

Make sure your video is .mp4 format, because if it's on another format it won't work.

Note: If a message saying "QuickTime 7.1 또는 later is required" appears, don't worry. Just download QuickTime and try to open it again.

Step 2

Make sure 당신 see the 애니메이션 toolbar (it has a red mark all over it, on the picture). If 당신 don't see, go to Window → Animation...
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posted by cmrm
Made in: Adobe Photoshop CS5
Don't claim as your own.
Enjoy ♥

1. Find your image and crop it to 100x100.
Then go to Layer → New Adjustment layer → Selective Coloring:
Yellow: -61

2.Layer → New Adjustment layer → Curves:
Output: 54 Input: 79
Output: 189 Input: 161

3.Layer → New Adjustment layer → Color Balance:
Magenta: +10
Yellow: +10

4.Layer → New Adjustment layer → Color Balance:
Cyan: +45

5.Layer → New Fill layer → Solid color:
Color: #f2d798
Opacity: 21%

6.Layer → New Adjustment layer → Selective color:
Cyan: -72
Magenta: +5
Yellow: -32...
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posted by krtl
The story of one of the original "killer apps" begins in Ann Arbor, Michigan (USA) with a college professor named Glenn Knoll. Glenn was a 사진 enthusiast who maintained a darkroom in the family basement. He was also a technology aficionado intrigued 의해 the emergence of the personal computer. His two sons, Thomas and John, inherited their father's inquisitive nature. And the vision for future greatness began with their exposure to Glenn's basement darkroom and with the 사과, 애플 II Plus that he brought 집 for research projects.

"Photography was a hobby of mine in high school," explained Thomas...
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