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The Sorbet Test



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NatyLy said:
You're Sweet Because You're Outrageous
No one knows what you are up to next, and that's very endearing!
You're always plotting something amazingly fun and interesting. You are quite difficult to predict.

You are joyfully creative. You are an expert at making things that other people love.
You are talented in seeing what's good in the world and making it better.
posted over a year ago.
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xangelx said:
You're Sweet Because You're Innocent
You may have been hurt many times before, but you don't carry it with you in life.
You still fundamentally expect people to be good, and you give them the benefit of the doubt.

You're innocent, but you're not naive. You know who could harm you, and you stay away accordingly.
Whenever you can, you open your heart up to possibilities. Life is so much richer that way.
posted over a year ago.
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Vixie79 said:
You're Sweet Because You're Mellow
You're the kind of person who likes to go with the flow. You never want to cause a fuss.
As long as people treat you with respect, you're happy to go along for the ride.

You are an accepting and loving friend. You like people just the way you are.
You may not be flashy or over the top, but people like your steady calm.
posted over a year ago.
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You're Sweet Because You're Innocent

You may have been hurt many times before, but you don't carry it with you in life.
You still fundamentally expect people to be good, and you give them the benefit of the doubt.

You're innocent, but you're not naive. You know who could harm you, and you stay away accordingly.
Whenever you can, you open your heart up to possibilities. Life is so much richer that way

posted over a year ago.