I'm not sure what goddessoflife is planning. I say we come up with a plot line in an 기사 here where we can share, save the 기사 on a Word file 또는 whatever, and destroy the 팬팝 기사 so nobody knows what we are planning. This could be the workshop for a series we could 게시하기 on the PJO spot and the HoO spot. So like, 당신 put an article, everybody helps revise and junk, then POOF publish! We could each right one chapter then another. What do 당신 think?
게시됨 over a year ago
Hey! I got your message. Sorry I didn't answer! FP hasn't been working for me! I'll post the 기사 in a 분 and get 당신 up to 날짜 on whats happening.over a year ago