one direction bromances Club
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added by harry_ginny33
added by xayeishax
added by rusher29
posted by emilypotato
People always talk about the "bromances" between members of one direction. Well, "bromance" is basically a relationship between two dudes that's like a romance, but a bromance. For example, there a two 인기 bromances in 1D; Harry and Louis= Larry stylinson, and Niall and Liam = Niam. There is a joke about zayn having a bromance with his mirror called "zirror". People made this up because zayn Malik of 1D is thought to be very vain and well, "into" his own appearance. I think Harry and louis are quite attracted to each other and if Louis were a girl, he would 날짜 harry, vice versa. Liam and Niall are 더 많이 just really great 프렌즈 I think. For example, Liam said one thing he couldn't live without is Niall. Awww!! I don't really think Liam and Niall find each other attractive, they are just best buds. Zirror is fake and a rude joke, so that's all there is to it.
added by xayeishax
added by hollistergurl
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added by Miraaa
added by BrilLiam
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added by Andressa_Weld
Source: Tumblr
added by rusher29
added by harry_ginny33
added by Miraaa
added by xayeishax
added by xayeishax
added by xayeishax
added by johncenaw85oi
added by Andressa_Weld
Source: Tumblr
added by xayeishax
added by xayeishax
added by Miraaa