Hey~ Guys~ Did 당신 know Capcom is releasing Okami HD? Do 당신 guys wanna buy the game? It can only be played on PS3 though... X( Still~ Do U guys wanna buy it? XDD
게시됨 over a year ago
Omg yush, see thats why 당신 have to have all the game consoles like me then 당신 can play everything X3, Seriously cant wait for this game!over a year ago
Beautiful games that deserve 더 많이 attention. Personally, I think Okami is an even better story than FFX. Okamiden is the best 3DS game yet.
게시됨 over a year ago
So is this like a tv show, movie, 또는 game? I have seen and heard a lot of this name floating around, but not sure what the craze is all about LOL
게시됨 over a year ago
I actually got Okami yesturday I found it in game stop and it was pre-owned but doesn't matter I actually got the game is all that matters really. So I'm going to play it today...so excited!
게시됨 over a year ago
I played okamiden for my ds,I liked the part where amy and...that guy whos name I forgot attack orochi with that sword 슬래쉬 attack.IT WAS EPIC!
게시됨 over a year ago