Okami Amaterasu Wall

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Displaying wall entries 1-10 of 13

Purple-Enderman said …
I'm a Link X Amaterasu fan! :D 게시됨 over a year ago
Skrillexia said …
And yes... I gotta say, Okami is the best game ever. The story is very interesting, and all the characters, it's just amazing. 게시됨 over a year ago
Skrillexia said …
Okami is a great game.Amaterasu is a special wolf,I 사랑 her. <3 게시됨 over a year ago
Kazemaru-chan said …
Hey~ Guys~ Did 당신 know Capcom is releasing Okami HD? Do 당신 guys wanna buy the game? It can only be played on PS3 though... X( Still~ Do U guys wanna buy it? XDD 게시됨 over a year ago
chibiretue_cute commented…
akari_kirishima commented…
yeah i want, but the problem is, i don't have PS3 XDDD over a year ago
percabeth97 commented…
omg!! yay!! and i have a ps3 too >_< ...are 당신 jelly???? :P over a year ago
heavymetalfan commented…
Omg yush, see thats why 당신 have to have all the game consoles like me then 당신 can play everything X3, Seriously cant wait for this game! over a year ago
Sir_Auron said …
Beautiful games that deserve 더 많이 attention. Personally, I think Okami is an even better story than FFX. Okamiden is the best 3DS game yet. 게시됨 over a year ago
imnotakitty said …
anyone know what the name of amatarasus story in japanese mithklogy 게시됨 over a year ago
imnotakitty commented…
mithology spelled it wrong over a year ago
loorofzadaa commented…
mythology over a year ago
Okami_Amaterasu commented…
linkYou Go! ^^ over a year ago
katealphawolf said …
So is this like a tv show, movie, 또는 game? I have seen and heard a lot of this name floating around, but not sure what the craze is all about LOL 게시됨 over a year ago
Okami_Amaterasu commented…
Okami, is a PS2/Wii game, Amaterasu is the character, a female 늑대 Goddess, its a amazing game and deserves all the praise it gets <3 over a year ago
katealphawolf commented…
Oh cool, too bad I sold my PS2, now probably wont ever get to play it! Dx over a year ago
imnotakitty commented…
get a wii over a year ago
Okami_Amaterasu commented…
^Exactly 또는 당신 can play the sequel, "Okamiden" on the DS 또는 even if 당신 have a PS3, 당신 can play PS2 games on that. over a year ago
Ginga-Gin said …
I actually got Okami yesturday I found it in game stop and it was pre-owned but doesn't matter I actually got the game is all that matters really. So I'm going to play it today...so excited! 게시됨 over a year ago
Patchy3 commented…
How far in the game are 당신 over a year ago
mattthelynx said …
I played okamiden for my ds,I liked the part where amy and...that guy whos name I forgot attack orochi with that sword 슬래쉬 attack.IT WAS EPIC! 게시됨 over a year ago
PoweredKaoru commented…
Susano, hehe over a year ago
mattthelynx commented…
right,hehehehe,poor memory over a year ago
imnotakitty commented…
su-sa-NO over a year ago
okami1994 said …
i relly 사랑 ammy 게시됨 over a year ago
Ginga-Gin commented…
me too!!! over a year ago
pkmnkat said …
i 사랑 ammy's blade of tsukuyami :) its awsome! 게시됨 over a year ago
metalwolf116 said …
i 사랑 ammy with abundance!!! ':) 게시됨 over a year ago
SnapeSoulmate said …
OH MY GOOOOOSH x3 I 사랑 당신 AMMY!!!! <3 게시됨 over a year ago