뉴 걸 Wall


Displaying wall entries 1-10 of 105

fayshay1224 said …
Does anyone still check in? Can we have a New Girl comeback? 게시됨 over a year ago
drewjoana said …
여우 has renewed New Girl for a seventh and final season. While an official episode count has yet to be determined, sources say the final season will be a shorter run. 게시됨 over a year ago
SherlockStark said …
I thought the plot of this show sounded so lame, but two episodes and I'm hooked :) 게시됨 over a year ago
big smile
drewjoana said …
Nick & Schmidt Spot:

link 게시됨 over a year ago
Sara92 said …
Hannah Simone and Max Greenfield spot:
link 게시됨 over a year ago
drewjoana said …
Damon Wayans Jr. Leaving New Girl at the end Of season 4!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
drewjoana said …
It was announced today 의해 여우 that New Girl as been renewed for a fourth season!!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
big smile
KotokoAihara said …
I like the banner! Its new, right? 게시됨 over a year ago
LuluTheGnome said …
It's slap stick comedy is priceless. Plus I 사랑 the actors. Did 당신 know that Jake Johnson (Nick) improvises sometimes? Amazing! 게시됨 over a year ago
ZiaHope said …
Adore New girl, best series everrrrr!!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
big smile
Doodlebug81 said …
Anyone wanna play 뉴 걸 quote game in forum? 게시됨 over a year ago
miguelvidal20 said …
link please vote :)) 게시됨 over a year ago
deedeedot said …
Nick and Jess make out session in tonight's episode was priceless!!!! GO NESS! 게시됨 over a year ago
TheKingsWard12 said …
I 사랑 nick and jess! Soooo glad my 아기 kissed xxx 게시됨 over a year ago
drewjoana commented…
Yeah thats right. It was totaly unexpected, meanful and romantic. I adore it! It felt right for both Of them, it was at the right moment and wasn't a forced kiss. We could see how much in 사랑 they trudly are. I am very proud to called them one Of my 가장 좋아하는 shippings! over a year ago
ratava123 said …
SOooo... Nick and Jess. Let me just say that 키스 they had was sooo worth the 년 wait. It was great. Loved it. I just wish now that it happened there'd be 더 많이 development with them now. I just feel like no progress was really made and it kinda sucks. But oh well. 게시됨 over a year ago
deedeedot said …
I swear Schmidt is such a cockblocker LOL That Jess/Nick conversation was getting hot and he just came like, no you're not gonna hook up bitches LOL oh. 게시됨 over a year ago
drewjoana said …
“I think people were seeing the chemistry growing between [Nick and Jess], and at some point 당신 want some kind of payoff.” - Zooey Deschanel 게시됨 over a year ago
drewjoana said …
I am so happy that my banner was finally used on the spot! Thanks you;) 게시됨 over a year ago
KarinaCullen commented…
Well done! over a year ago
deedeedot commented…
It's cool, however the yellow 우주 should be on the other side so Cece doesn't get New Girl over her face LOL over a year ago
Claire1896 said …
My mom has an unhealthy obsession with New Girl!! It's so funny seeing her getting all worked up over Ness!! I finally converted her into a true shipper!!! NESS FOREVER <3<3 게시됨 over a year ago
drewjoana said …
Lamorne Morris Spot:


Please Join! 게시됨 over a year ago
Renesmee_08 said …
The funniest show ever! Who's that girl..It's Jess! :D 게시됨 over a year ago
Tinker111 said …

For my bachelor thesis I do research about how often people watch sitcoms and what the reasons are for watching. Thus, if 당신 ever watched a sitcom, it would be very nice if 당신 could answer the following questions. The questionnaire is short and will cost 당신 15 분 at most. The questionnaire is completely anonymous and confidential and 당신 can stop any time.

Thank 당신 a lot for your participation, TInker111

Use this link: www.studentenforschung.de/web/?id=290752 게시됨 over a year ago
superjustinfan4 commented…
hi, i've watch this everyday over a year ago
MissySissy97 said …
When does the new season start? 게시됨 over a year ago
hey-hofstadter said …
Who's that girl..... It's Jess!! 게시됨 over a year ago
ezzera said …
i luv jess she is so awkward and wierd which makes me like the show even 더 많이 게시됨 over a year ago
angel265 said …
I wonder if zooey dechannel would have a 팬팝 :) 게시됨 over a year ago
neilandcobie said …
nick and jess nick and jess best couple
YAY XD XXXXX :) :) 게시됨 over a year ago
Gigi_1D said …
This my other new fav TV show!:) 게시됨 over a year ago
big smile
iandamonfan said …
New Girl is the only show (that I watch) I could get my 18 년 old brother hooked on! It's never happened before!
I talked to him about it and how it was really funny, but there was the whole "girl" thing and he wasn't very convinced... but one 일 he didn't change the channel after The Simpsons and watched the two episodes 여우 airs (FOX Latin America airs two episodes of New Girl after the Simpsons on Tuesdays).
게시됨 over a year ago
iandamonfan commented…
He was immediately hooked (Schmidt was the main reason) and he's watched the entire season online 의해 now. over a year ago
amshafe said …
Sooo glad Nick in the end decided not to 옮기기 in with Caroline. I loved the dancing at the end of the season finale. And yeah, Nick and Jess need to get together. They are so different but that's why they work. Can't wait for Season 2! 게시됨 over a year ago
csiAthens96 said …
Nick is so sweet, i'm happy that he stayed with them in the end. And 다음 season i want Nick and Jess together. 게시됨 over a year ago
detty4ever commented…
Same!! All the Ness stuff were AMAZING and they defo hinted a possible relationship in S2!! And yeah I actually kinda have a crush on Nick!! over a year ago
drewjoana commented…
Me too i have an huge crush on Nick;)))) He is Awesome, I wish he was mine;))) over a year ago
big smile
deedeedot said …
Nick and Jess got the passion! Yay, hope they'll finally make out soon LOL 게시됨 over a year ago
detty4ever commented…
Preach it!! I'm guessing that the session will happen somew there in the middle towards the end of S2! And to be honest, even though I ADORE them, I'm not in a rush to see them together, cause I don't want to see the ON/OFF tiring thing with them! I want them to be EPIC!! over a year ago
deedeedot commented…
Yes! but at the same time I don't want him to be dating Caroline and her dating Russell LOL over a year ago
nicole_23 commented…
They do have passion! I hope they happen soon! over a year ago
DegrassiCastle said …
Who watched tonights episode? TOTALLY Epic! I thought Nick and Jess were gonna 키스 for a second! And CeCe and Schmidt!: "I like you"! FINALLY! an another thing theey are being renewed for a season 2! woohoo! oh and the season finale is called see ya! who's going bye bye? ??? 또는 is it just cuz its a season finale? 또는 both! hmmm... 게시됨 over a year ago
detty4ever commented…
Oh darn it!! I still haven't seen the episode!! About the finale, SPOILERS I think I read somewhere that Nick will 옮기기 out, but I'm not sure!! over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
^Yep. SPOILERS: They wind up getting a new male roomate aswell apparently when he moves out. But personally I wouldn't worry, I highly doubt Nick will be moved out for long. over a year ago
detty4ever commented…
Yeah I don't worry either! The show is about all of them living together, it'll only be temporary! over a year ago
fansfunsz said …
wow 게시됨 over a year ago
lovefat00 said …
사랑 this show its hot 게시됨 over a year ago
StormySkies said …
I ♥ Zooey!!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
nglenn9 said …
I 사랑 Jess! she'd make the best friend; so funny, sweet and quirky! 게시됨 over a year ago
royalbadd said …
sleep mode 게시됨 over a year ago
royalbadd said …
게시됨 over a year ago
big smile
Sinna_Hime_chan said …
I think what I will do later tonight is watch some episodes I have recorded! ;) Zooey Deschanel is "za bomb"! 게시됨 over a year ago
DegrassiCastle said …
Ok, I've been doing Jess and Nick couple names for the pass few months! There's ness, Jen, Jeck, Jick, Niss. But, I like Ness and Jen the best-- why don't they have a nickname yet! And whatya think about CeCe and Schmidt? HMMM 게시됨 over a year ago
detty4ever commented…
I'm going with Ness! Hmm CeCe and Schmidt are tricky..Maybe since 'Schmidt' is his last name we can combine it with Meyers..Schmeyers?? 또는 Midt? Lol! They suck don't they? Maybe we should just call them Scmidt and CeCe!:D over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
I think Ness is the most common pairing name for Nick and Jess that I've seen. over a year ago
DegrassiCastle commented…
okay yeah Ness is the official nickname and I like Schmeyers too! over a year ago
detty4ever commented…
당신 know, I think I like Schmeyers as well!! At first when it occur to me, I thought it was stupid, but now I actually think it's cool!:):) over a year ago
detty4ever said …
Have 당신 guys heard that there are some concerns about the show's ratings?? 게시됨 over a year ago
levinstein commented…
I Watch The Voice & DWTS Some Reason... over a year ago
DegrassiCastle commented…
What! over a year ago
detty4ever commented…
Same! Even though I did notice a slight change in Jess' character..She seems a tiny bit less weird sometimes and some of the storylines in the latest episodes, e.g Nick being with younger girls didn't had me going crazy..But, still the show is fresh and funny and the characters are awesome!! Not to mention that I want my Ness to happen!! In short, it deserves to keep going for many years!!! C' mon Americans! Don't give up on it!! over a year ago
drewjoana said …
Please add the spot for Jake M. Johnson the actor that best know as Nick Miller;)


Thank U!!!

게시됨 over a year ago
titanicfan1 said …
"Who let the slut out of the slut house" says Shmit
and Jess says in a british accent "Probably the slut butler!"
omg i 사랑 her:) 게시됨 over a year ago
demididi15 said …
i 사랑 this show!whos that girl?whos that girl?it's jess! 게시됨 over a year ago
RachyMerrygold said …
Boy will be boys, jess will be jess ♥ 사랑 this show so much! ♥ oh can some people 가입하기 my club - ♥ 랜덤 ♥ People ♥
thanx 게시됨 over a year ago
Hi-Lo said …
사랑 this show, who's that girl, who's that girl *Its Jess* 게시됨 over a year ago
JulieMeeus said …
저기요 everyone!!!

Some of 당신 may know that there's the PaleyFest this year,starting in March. each day, a new show comes and answer questions. On the 5th of March , NEW GRIL is coming!!!!!!
I know 당신 can't all be at LA to see it. That's why I recommend 당신 to watch it LIVE on Livestream: New Girl on the New Livestream. Live. Redefined.

It'll start at 10pm EST!!! Don't miss it!!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
melissa_star said …
such a funny show! 게시됨 over a year ago
melissa_star commented…
i just 사랑 this show! over a year ago
tracy_star commented…
so do i! over a year ago
smellyelli commented…
and melissa and tracy 당신 arn't stars over a year ago
batjokerman said …
I loved the last episode! CeCe is SO hot! Oh, and I'm surprised that Schmidt didn't ask CeCe if she liked being "full of Schmidt"... what, what?? 게시됨 over a year ago
melissa_star commented…
i 사랑 CeCe's hair over a year ago
detty4ever commented…
I missed the last 5 분 of the episode! What happened with them? Schmidt wanted them to have breakfast! Did she take him seriously? over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
^They wound up having breakfast but she takes him to some place that like out of town so no one will see them togther. Cece the says she'd let Schmidt tell the waitress he was "hitting that" if he wanted to. He instead of course yells it to the whole room and does parkour off the 벽 XD over a year ago
amshafe said …
So the last two epiosdes of this show (The Landlord and Valentine's Day) have been hilarious!! I personally think they were the two best episodes yet. 게시됨 over a year ago
melissa_star commented…
i know! over a year ago
RocRoaylll said …
저기요 is there anyone that can help me im new

게시됨 over a year ago
fungurl commented…
저기요 wat it do over a year ago
nicole_23 said …
Does anyone have a link to watch the new episode "The landlord"? 게시됨 over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
GO to tv - 링그 . eu and 검색 new girl :) there are tons :) ..ps--i'll respond to your wallpost as soon as I can! over a year ago
nicole_23 commented…
Thanks Steph I found a site already, but thank 당신 anyway :) And okay =] over a year ago
heybuddyiloveu said …
Every time I watch this I think about how much I wish I had her hair! haha :) Super funny show... 게시됨 over a year ago
iamfeeby1234 said …
People say this is gonna take over glee... 게시됨 over a year ago
60abbye commented…
They're two completely different shows! New Girl is an awesome show, but it won't take over Glee. In my opinions they can't even compete. over a year ago
brembo123 commented…
same over a year ago
fetchgirl2366 commented…
Sure, New Girl is funny and stuff. But 글리 will never be taken over. Still like both, though. over a year ago
heybuddyiloveu commented…
I don't know if it's just me, but I feel like 글리 is losing its momentum. But I don't even watch it so what do I know, I guess? haha Just have 프렌즈 and magazines to base my opinion on... over a year ago
so amazing :) 게시됨 over a year ago
NinaDobrev13 said …
사랑 this show sooo much!! 게시됨 over a year ago
iamfeeby1234 commented…
same :) over a year ago
nicole_23 commented…
Me too :) over a year ago
smellyelli commented…
same:) over a year ago
brembo123 said …
i 사랑 this progame so much.
Who's that girl. who's that giiiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrllllllll? IT'S JESS!
so funny 게시됨 over a year ago
iamfeeby1234 commented…
Haha. i 사랑 how she's shameless! over a year ago
brembo123 commented…
i know right over a year ago
brembo123 commented…
ikr over a year ago
IamayaJimm said …
why is it that black are always neglected from 팬팝 게시됨 over a year ago
brembo123 commented…
what 당신 on about? over a year ago
IamayaJimm commented…
when i talk with some white i see no reply , it is that the have many friend that they can read message ? for that now i donnt care . So how are 당신 man , happy new 년 to 당신 over a year ago
IamayaJimm commented…
wow ... thank 당신 now i feel releif , ok i. so happy 년 over a year ago
iamfeeby1234 said …
I heard glee's heather morris will be appering in this. yay!!!!!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
megumi17 commented…
like it 사랑 new girl (jess) over a year ago
iamfeeby1234 commented…
yeah, shes hilarious!!!! over a year ago
iamfeeby1234 said …
Whos that girl. whos that giiiirrrrlll? ITS JESS! 게시됨 over a year ago
IamayaJimm commented…
hi over a year ago
iamfeeby1234 commented…
heya, how are you? x over a year ago
NewGirl14 said …
I 사랑 this show I wanna be lyk Zooey Deschanel when I grow up 게시됨 over a year ago
callianltm commented…
me too:) over a year ago
iamfeeby1234 commented…
she was in 500 days of summer. thats how i known her. over a year ago
iamfeeby1234 said …
Jess is so funny! XD 게시됨 over a year ago
fanfangirlfan said …
i just know that the intro to this show is something i'll never get sick of. i laugh everytime at schmidt's face when jess is done her song..
"Who's that girl... it's Jess!....*whistle*" 게시됨 over a year ago
unikwa said …
i 사랑 watching this show its kool LOL 게시됨 over a year ago
ratava123 said …
"Judaism son!" ~ Schimdt
Hahaha. Oh how I 사랑 him. 게시됨 over a year ago
barbiecat said …
this is the girl who was in the movie elf and now she has her own TV show, she is one lucky 오리 :D :) :P 게시됨 over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
I always remember her from 500 Days of Summer lol. over a year ago
barbiecat commented…
i 사랑 that movie it is the bets :D over a year ago
big smile
CutiegirlXtreme said …
Congratulations, New Girl and Zoe Deschanel, for your Golden Globes nominations! Let's hope they win :D 게시됨 over a year ago
bubblyboo said …
사랑 jess she's so adorable and random. i really like this show!! 게시됨 over a year ago
justingir said …
I'm Bored and i 사랑 ur 암퇘지, 뿌리 다 게시됨 over a year ago
justingir commented…
*show over a year ago
iamfeeby1234 commented…
yeahhh xx over a year ago
hyundaioto said …
you're so beautiful...love you.

link 게시됨 over a year ago
bdavis98 said …
nick is so into jess,he just doesn't knows yet 게시됨 over a year ago
r-pattz commented…
Totally. <3 over a year ago
justingir commented…
Yupe ;} over a year ago
iamfeeby1234 commented…
agreeeed 100 percent over a year ago
723johnnyd said …
I'm so addicted to this show that I get sad when it goes off!! 게시됨 over a year ago
justingir commented…
Oh Me too over a year ago
CutiegirlXtreme commented…
Now we have to wait till January for a new episode of the show T.T, I really can't wait! over a year ago
723johnnyd commented…
I wont make it til January!! over a year ago
barbiecat said …
did anyone know that the girl who plays new girl is in the 인기 크리스마스 movie elf but back then she had blonde hair 게시됨 over a year ago
r-pattz commented…
ORLY? >_> over a year ago
nicole_23 said …
For Australian 팬 I just saw a commercial on channel 10 New Girl will be airing in 2012 :D 게시됨 over a year ago
emmalouisee commented…
yaay! over a year ago
browie98 said …
i find it hilarious how her older sister takes on such a serious roll of a forensic anthropologist while her sister is so bubbly on her show oi\n the same network as her..im a 팬 of both of their shows 게시됨 over a year ago
bdavis98 commented…
i fel the same,i also find funny that her sister is like as tall as david B and she is so tiny over a year ago
bdavis98 commented…
did u notice how the have the same bone stracture and they have these verey brith eyes u can totally tell that they r sisters over a year ago
deedeedot commented…
Deschanels rules! over a year ago
nicole_23 commented…
They seriously do! <33 over a year ago
143alldaycody said …
사랑 IT! <3 LOL :) 게시됨 over a year ago
DramaNut said …
Ness!!!!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
cocoluci12 said …
this is a reallyyy good show :) 게시됨 over a year ago
nicole_23 commented…
It is :D over a year ago
Sarah1224 commented…
Me and my family crack up! over a year ago
TVD_Lover said …
My 사랑 for Schmidt cannot be expressed through words. 게시됨 over a year ago
deedeedot said …
Nick & Jess, CeCe & Schmidt <3 get someone for Winston and this show is sorted :D LOL 게시됨 over a year ago
143alldaycody commented…
hahah i totally agree :D over a year ago
nicole_23 commented…
Yes he needs someone :) over a year ago
ratava123 said …
This is definitely my 가장 좋아하는 new show of the year. It's just soo hilarious. :) 게시됨 over a year ago
Amber950 said …
I 사랑 Schmidt he is awesome and he is so freaking hot!!! :) 게시됨 over a year ago
nicole_23 said …
OMG i'm offically in 사랑 with Jess and Nick. Get together already! <3 게시됨 over a year ago
othobsessed92 commented…
IKR! They're so freaking adorabole <3 over a year ago
emmalouisee commented…
i know! over a year ago
143alldaycody commented…
100% agree! over a year ago
RockLife101 said …
nicole_23 commented…
It's amazing! <3 over a year ago
143alldaycody commented…
i know righttt! hilariousssss <333 over a year ago
cameronissexey commented…
me 2 just al little over a year ago
rockEMOgirl commented…
yeah same sis. over a year ago
deedeedot said …
why is 팬팝 saying it's a new episode tonight when it's not? :/ it's rather confusing LOL 게시됨 over a year ago
CelestialDream said …
Anyone else totally missing New Girl? Only 16 더 많이 days til a new episode. 게시됨 over a year ago
elina1996 commented…
me! over a year ago
CutiegirlXtreme commented…
Me DX 15 days seems so far away ;-; over a year ago
callianltm commented…
Me:( over a year ago
cammietot said …
where can i watch New Girl online? are there any good 링그 where i can watch it for free? 게시됨 over a year ago
nglenn9 commented…
maybe movie2k..i haven't tried it yet,though. over a year ago
emmalouisee commented…
i watch it on watchseries :) over a year ago
deedeedot commented…
sidereel.com :) over a year ago
Amber950 commented…
I watch it on hulu.com and it is free over a year ago
oth-rocks said …
I 사랑 NEW GIRL <3 게시됨 over a year ago
Britotheanne commented…
me too. XD over a year ago
Amber950 commented…
I 사랑 it 더 많이 haha :) over a year ago
I 사랑 NEW GIRL!! ITS SO FUNNY!! I WATCH IT AFTER GLEE!! 게시됨 over a year ago
Amber950 commented…
Haha me too!!!! :) over a year ago
_arianagrande said …
she's going out to find a rebound who's that girl it's jess 게시됨 over a year ago
Amber950 commented…
haha 사랑 the theme song it funny!:) over a year ago
_arianagrande said …
저기요 guys i luv that show 게시됨 over a year ago
karlyluvsam said …
what channel is this on 게시됨 over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Fox. Which is usually channel 5. over a year ago
karlyluvsam commented…
damn i dont have that channel , in my room over a year ago
DamianLUVR said …
i 사랑 this show. Jess reminds me soooo much of myself. like seriously. idk if thats a good thing 또는 not... 0.o 게시됨 over a year ago
big smile
nglenn9 said …
I was so excited about this show and I'm even 더 많이 excited that I wasn't dissapointed! it's shaping up to be a new fave for me! 게시됨 over a year ago
EclecticFan78 said …
Truely a funny, touching, and quirky show. Two episodes in and I already 사랑 it as if it has been on for years. 게시됨 over a year ago
723johnnyd said …
Best new show this Fall!!! Its so funny!!
게시됨 over a year ago
Jada143Bridges said …
i 사랑 your show 게시됨 over a year ago
ILoveMySeries said …
jess is such a weirdo♥
'Did she just make up a theme tune for herself :o' 게시됨 over a year ago
ILoveMySeries commented…
i'm already completely in 사랑 with this show! over a year ago
DramaNut said …
She's goin' out to find a rebound, who's that girl? IT'S JESS! 게시됨 over a year ago
ana_tai_tadase commented…
LOL over a year ago
Tigerlilyzzz commented…
lol! over a year ago
callianltm commented…
사랑 that song xD over a year ago