Species: Echidna
Age: 16
Color: Red
Eye Colour: Purple
Friends: Tikal,Knuckles,Rouge,Sky, and Monica
Enemies: Tails,Sonic,Shadow,and Eggman
Powers: Chaos Punch, Chaos Quake, and Master Chaos
Family: Knuckles
History: When he was born his mother died, his father divorced his mother, and was left with his brother Knuckles. Him and Knuckles were chosen to protect the master 에메랄드 from anyone who dared take it away from them.
Birth Date: 9/9/01
Crush: Tikal the echidna
Outfit: White wrap,spiked gloves,and purple sneakers
Hobbies: Drawing, guarding the master emerald,and writing
가장 좋아하는 Colour: Orange
Hero: Knuckles