My Babysitter's A Vampire Wall


Displaying wall entries 1-10 of 381

ssook78 said …
there should be a season 2 i swear 게시됨 over a year ago
ssook78 commented…
wait there is a season 2.... over a year ago
LoveMBAVJesse said …
Hi! I hope someone'll read it.
Is there someone who likes Jesse and Jarah's pairing? (Don't kill me, there's no accounting for taste)
I never can find Jesse's 팬 and that's really sad. I would like to find a person that can write for me a fanfiction after the Lucifractor, about the hatreds, the loves, and the friendships, the new adventures between the guys, and specially between J/S. I have some ideas in my mind to give you, please help me:( 게시됨 over a year ago
fpolar said …
Someone please tell me, How do 당신 watch my babysitters a vampire on teletoon? 게시됨 over a year ago
fpolar said …
Is there going to be a season three of this show? 게시됨 over a year ago
bvbandvampires commented…
ikr, i think they replaced it with woflblood, but thats also a good show over a year ago
fpolar commented…
i dont really like 늑대 blood...sorry over a year ago
asdfkiara commented…
not really, they say might be a 초 movie in the future. over a year ago
teentop449 said …
Were to watch : Netflix 게시됨 over a year ago
Kelisb117 said …
I 사랑 Erica she's funny and pretty and she's an Awsome vampire! plus i like Rory and Benny. 게시됨 over a year ago
fpolar commented…
Benny is so hot!!! over a year ago
carolina12 said …
the season 3 is on october 25 2013 , link 게시됨 over a year ago
rikkilover1 said …
it did not come out on june 28 it is july 27 and it still has not come out. If anyone knows the right 날짜 please tell me. 게시됨 over a year ago
taini said …
am i the only ethica 팬 out there? (Ethan and Erica)? if there are others out there please respond. 게시됨 over a year ago
rikkilover1 commented…
i think that would be very cool over a year ago
PinkaminaD said …
June 28th is the premeire 날짜 i beleive 게시됨 over a year ago
vampylover1 said …
when exacly will the show come on Kate? 게시됨 over a year ago
dejhanec said …
im about to cry. i mizz diz show so dang on much.wen i was 9 @n 10 yrs. Old.diz was my show an still iz luv everyone on diz show im yaw num.1fan.Ill all wayz remem. Diz show.i can sit up all 일 everyday and watch diz .im missing 당신 cum bck.we dont wanna neva end.(y u stop making episodes im bout to herl 게시됨 over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb said …
i miss this show 게시됨 over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb said …
i 사랑 erica so much 게시됨 over a year ago
realkate commented…
awwww over a year ago
fpolar commented…
kate is there going to be a season three? over a year ago
vampylover1 said …
Kate can u please please please tell me if Ethan gets bitten in season 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
realkate commented…
yeah he turns into a vampire over a year ago
vampylover1 said …
Kate how often do u come on fanpop?
Just so I know when I can talk to u. 게시됨 over a year ago
realkate commented…
i mostly go on 팬팝 on sundays in 9:30 over a year ago
vampylover1 said …
Kate how can i make u a buddy? 게시됨 over a year ago
realkate commented…
sure u can anyone can over a year ago
vampylover1 said …
Kate did utell matthew that i think Ethan is really really cute yet?
If u did can u tell me what he said? 게시됨 over a year ago
realkate commented…
yes he said that its nice of u to think he is cute he is also making a account on here over a year ago
realkate said …
hi guys just letting 당신 know that my babysitters a vampire is going to come at in the summer 게시됨 over a year ago
animalcop1 commented…
Hi kate thx for letting me know this over a year ago
realkate commented…
Your welcome over a year ago
Winterose said …
Did the show get canceled? 게시됨 over a year ago
realkate commented…
no over a year ago
vAmPiReNiNjA45 said …
Having an MBAV marathon for no damn reason... 게시됨 over a year ago
vampylover1 said …
GGGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRR how do i change my icon????????? 게시됨 over a year ago
animalcop1 commented…
u see that little person under ur pics just click on it over a year ago
animalcop1 commented…
when i was new i was having the same prombles over a year ago
vampylover1 commented…
thanks a million over a year ago
vampylover1 said …
kate dose mathew camren venessa 또는 arttacus have an acount on this website? P.S sorry if i spelled any thing rong iam not the best speller in my grade. 게시됨 over a year ago
realkate commented…
Yes I'd 저기요 I am kate Todd over a year ago
realkate commented…
Oh yeah umm none of them know of 팬팝 only me because I searched kate Todd 팬 clubs but I am so feel free when ever u want to talk over a year ago
vampylover1 said …
Kate i think 당신 rock! 게시됨 over a year ago
realkate commented…
Awwww thx u rock to over a year ago
vampylover1 said …
Kate can 당신 tell matthew that i think Ethan is really really cute!? 게시됨 over a year ago
realkate commented…
Ok I will :) over a year ago
vampylover1 commented…
THX over a year ago
realkate commented…
your welcome over a year ago
vampylover1 said …
ok how do i make an icon? 게시됨 over a year ago
realkate commented…
U already have one over a year ago
vampylover1 commented…
ya i maneged to figer it out over a year ago
vampylover1 said …
My babysitters a vampire is the best show ever!!!!!!!!!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
realkate commented…
Thx over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb said …
i 사랑 kate todd 게시됨 over a year ago
animalcop1 commented…
me too 사랑 ur 아이콘 의해 the way over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
thanks i like ur to over a year ago
realkate commented…
Awwww thx sbbbbbbb ur the best 팬 ever over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
Ur the best kate btw u should 날짜 Michel ster Derek from life with Derek over a year ago
taliaruby1 said …
i have a 질문 who sings the theme song? 게시됨 over a year ago
realkate commented…
corrpot and me and vanessa but mostly corrpot over a year ago
taliaruby1 said …
I totally 사랑 my babysitter's a vampire my 가장 좋아하는 is the pilot for some reason 게시됨 over a year ago
realkate commented…
:) over a year ago
damonsgirl2 said …
I know yall would hate me but,I 사랑 THE VAMPIRE DIARIES MORE,than My Babysitters a Vampire!
SORRY! 게시됨 over a year ago
taliaruby1 commented…
then how come 당신 told every 팬 of my babysitter's a vampire (1,390) that 당신 like vampire diaries more! dork over a year ago
damonsgirl2 commented…
Because i can! Who are you, the 팬팝 police! over a year ago
realkate commented…
ok thats fine 의해 me hi im kate todd do u like me not that i care i like my 팬 and haters over a year ago
Crazy888 said …
On part 2 of " the 날짜 to End All Dates " they don't show if they deafeated Vice Principal Stern. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I wish they showed if they deafeated Stern 또는 not?!.?! 게시됨 over a year ago
taliaruby1 commented…
i think they did over a year ago
realkate commented…
hi do u want to know what happend i work in the show kate todd here and i know what happend do u want to know over a year ago
nyomineedslove1 said …
GRRRRRR!!!! why did whitechapel have to end i was like "plz vice principle stern kill jessie not sarah" i think jessie is cute but i don't trust him. is there gonna be a s3 bcuz i wanna know SARAH + ETHAN= 4EVES!!! BENNY WAS ____________ thathat close to dying 게시됨 over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
Shut ur fucken mouth Jessie is awesome over a year ago
realkate commented…
Don't say that he is my friend over a year ago
realkate commented…
yes there is going to be a season 3 over a year ago
vAmPiReNiNjA45 said …
They expect me to wait a whole 'nother 년 to find out what happens!?!? 게시됨 over a year ago
SuperstarKK commented…
YEAR?!? over a year ago
vAmPiReNiNjA45 commented…
I hope it's not like tht but it's been a 년 since season 1 premiered. over a year ago
realkate commented…
awww u guys r sooo sweet i well tell the cast bout u guys over a year ago
SuperstarKK said …
SO did ethan and sarah get back together 또는 what? 게시됨 over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
I don't know over a year ago
realkate commented…
Ya over a year ago
Emil commented…
whoooooooo over a year ago
vampgirl2412 said …
The 날짜 to End all Dates part 2 is awsome!!!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
I know rite over a year ago
realkate commented…
Awwww thank u over a year ago
SuperstarKK said …
I bet in The 날짜 to end all dates Jessie comes back 게시됨 over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
He dose I saw part 1 and 2 over a year ago
nyomineedslove1 commented…
yep i hate jesssie over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
Shut up 나귀, 엉덩이 over a year ago
realkate commented…
저기요 he is my friend over a year ago
mermaidgirlH2OJ said …
What did they do to the theme song 게시됨 over a year ago
SuperstarKK commented…
Kate Todd and Vanessa 모건 sing it in the 날짜 to end all dates over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
Ya i 사랑 how they sing it she's the girl next. Door yeah it's meeeeeee over a year ago
swagger17 commented…
taliaruby1 commented…
no it the theme song is great 나귀, 엉덩이 hole over a year ago
0emma0 said …
LMTO vAmPiReNiNjA45!!! That really sucks. 게시됨 over a year ago
vAmPiReNiNjA45 commented…
i have been very stressed! over a year ago
tigerali said …
I was the 1,301st 팬 <3 ;) 게시됨 over a year ago
taliaruby1 commented…
i was the 1388 팬 over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb said …
I really hate vanessa 게시됨 over a year ago
Jakob_here commented…
O: over a year ago
mikmad8282 commented…
wow this is a longgg conversation over a year ago
taliaruby1 commented…
why she is not bad over a year ago
vAmPiReNiNjA45 said …
HOLY FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY DVR SCREWED ME OVER AND ONLY RECORDED THE LAST 20 MIN OF THE NEW EPISODE AND IM FUCKING PISSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
I saw it it was so awesome over a year ago
tigerali commented…
당신 mean the mummy one? Let me help 당신 out if 당신 haven't seen it yet. If 당신 go to this website: and 검색 "My Babysitter's A Vampire," 당신 can look through the provided episode list, click on "Hottie Ho Tep" (that's what the mummy episode is called) it will bring 당신 to a page where 당신 can simply click on whatever link 당신 want to watch it on your 가장 좋아하는 video provider! I'm going to watch it from that site today! over a year ago
taliaruby1 commented…
ok control yourself over a year ago
swagger17 said …
i 사랑 this show its like awesome 게시됨 over a year ago
Catolover13 commented…
very true:) over a year ago
swagger17 commented…
ik and my bro think its scary LOL over a year ago
realkate commented…
I try very hard over a year ago
mbv123yes commented…
kate 당신 and Vanessa and everyone else is amazing over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb said …
I wacthed the one with the 몰, 두더지 캔디 it was cool 게시됨 over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
the best one yet i want to see the one with the mummy over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
I saw it over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
I know I didn't ethier over a year ago
nooco101 said …
gooooooooooooo g 일 게시됨 over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
wa never mind i get it over a year ago
vAmPiReNiNjA45 said …
its depressing to think to watch the 다음 episode i hav to go through the first week of school... 게시됨 over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
I. Really want to see the girl scoot one and I am wacthing the mirror one over a year ago
beachtime12 commented…
저기요 so Ethan and Benny's faces they both farted over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
U mean welcome back dusker over a year ago
beachtime12 said …
Foochi 암캐, 암 캐 as vannwessa per and brownie likepooop 게시됨 over a year ago
beachtime12 said …
Took big one and small like a 모토 vrooooooommmmmmm 게시됨 over a year ago
tacogirl22 commented…
wattt over a year ago
beachtime12 said …
Now I toll a 초 one and it was purple like sarah focci made me cry 게시됨 over a year ago
beachtime12 said …
And it bubbled and 당신 could hear it from the 부엌, 주방 게시됨 over a year ago
beachtime12 said …
Like sarah 게시됨 over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
Sarah is a big fat 나귀, 엉덩이 over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
Sarah 나귀, 엉덩이 hole over a year ago
mbv123yes commented…
sarah is amazing if 당신 do.'t like her why are 당신 here over a year ago
beachtime12 said …
I just took a big fart 게시됨 over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
Ewwwwwww over a year ago
jht commented…
Gross over a year ago
beachtime12 said …
Let's get water come 게시됨 over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
R u crazy over a year ago
jht commented…
Wa over a year ago
realkate said …
저기요 i am kate todd here 게시됨 over a year ago
therealbloom commented…
Faker over a year ago
beachtime12 commented…
I don't think she is faking 나귀, 엉덩이 hole the real bloom over a year ago
animalcop1 commented…
i belive your the real kate over a year ago
jht said …
i just wacth this for kate todd 게시됨 over a year ago
realkate commented…
aww thank u over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
Same here over a year ago
vAmPiReNiNjA45 said …
is it just me, 또는 would an episode about aliens be like the best thing that happened to this earth ever?? ive been wanting an alien episode since the first episode of season 1. i just think it would be amazing. and that episode, would make my fucking life, and entire existence!! 게시됨 over a year ago
nooco101 commented…
its everybody LOL over a year ago
vAmPiReNiNjA45 commented…
I bet 0.0 LOL over a year ago
hinataxneji1 said …
Who's excited for the new episode Mirror/rorriM 게시됨 over a year ago
hinataxneji1 commented…
? over a year ago
nooco101 commented…
hee??? over a year ago
beachtime12 commented…
Gcjjfjftgdbkdijstiruyhytsweuolncasqrqtkngzbjihdyihssdvbis over a year ago
atticusiloveyou said …
hizzzzzz 게시됨 over a year ago
realkate commented…
저기요 sweetie kate todd here over a year ago
atticusiloveyou commented…
omg i cant bewive im talking to kate freakin todd im just here to tell 당신 u r the coolest person on this earth over a year ago
beachtime12 commented…
Make a cute couple$&@ over a year ago
nooco101 said …
hey\ 게시됨 over a year ago
jessicabieber66 said …
me to 게시됨 over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
Cool over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb said …
My fav ep is when they bring the dog back to life 게시됨 over a year ago
hi1111 commented…
Mines too over a year ago
twilight0320 commented…
me too over a year ago
jht commented…
thats my fav 2 from seson 2 its the one when sarah comes back over a year ago
nooco101 said …
hellow somboby text me 게시됨 over a year ago
atticusiloveyou commented…
Hiya!!!!!!! over a year ago
nooco101 commented…
저기요 hows it going im having a awsowm 일 lol!!!!!! over a year ago
atticusiloveyou commented…
cool! my 일 has been as boring as heck over a year ago
amber-rose said …
My fave ep is when Sarah becomes a vampire 게시됨 over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
u mean the movie not ep i like ericka better plus your DUMBBBBBBBBB!! over a year ago
amber-rose commented…
No I mean the ep cuz in the season finale of the show she begins a vampire over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
RITE u r the one who gets me over a year ago
hrjhfjshfjhsaj said …
i hope 1 episode sarah and ethan get 2gether and sooooo excited!!!!!!!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
nooco101 said …
저기요 게시됨 over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
Hello over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb said …
I am upsets with this show and them song I am listening to that rite now all the pin ups in magazines movie stars on the silver screen 사랑 it my fav from the girls is ericka and boys Benny they look so cute together and they r so funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go my babysitters a vamp u guys rock!!!!!!!!!!! But I don't like Sarah a lot just alittle bit 게시됨 over a year ago
hinataxneji1 commented…
Yeah, I think Sarah changed a lot in the season premiere. over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
I know rite over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
ya i 사랑 it i saw when ericka looks in the mirror and truns evil it was a girl inside the mirror over a year ago
Graystripisepic said …
My favourite show!!!! X3 don't deny the awesomeness of 뱀파이어 게시됨 over a year ago
xComeAtMeBrox commented…
absolutely. vamps are f-ing awesome! over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
Best vamp is ericka over a year ago
Graystripisepic commented…
my fav is benny and rory XD over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
nice over a year ago
iS2cameronboyce said …
This Is My Fav Show Of All Time! 게시됨 over a year ago
jeneese said …
사랑 this show 게시됨 over a year ago
hinataxneji1 said …
I'm still waiting for the new episode of MBAV to be uploaded on YouTube. This sucks. :' 게시됨 over a year ago
hinataxneji1 commented…
Just watched it. YAY! over a year ago
Dayana-Sustaita said …
I 사랑 BENNY!!!!!!!!!!!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
i 사랑 ERICKA AND HIM over a year ago
emoaustinlover said …
i 사랑 this show 게시됨 over a year ago
atticusiloveyou said …
i dont know why i just rlly happy 2day 게시됨 over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
I know over a year ago
atticusiloveyou commented…
heehee! over a year ago
monkeysrock189 said …
watching toxic alligator right now!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
nooco101 commented…
benny took his 셔츠 of on 구름, 클라우드 9 over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
ii know i wacthed to it attacked ericka mean i can't belive it got in a pool and ate a girl over a year ago
monkeysrock189 commented…
i know! i like how they were watching 상어 week haha! over a year ago
beachtime12 commented…
당신 were the 상어 And farting sarah why did 당신 take them purple and I'm sbbbbbbbbbb freinnd over a year ago
TeamPosey101 said …
Who agrees with me tht benny is way cuter tha ethan 게시됨 over a year ago
atticusiloveyou commented…
i do all the way but i 사랑 munro chambers over a year ago
cristyy227 commented…
meee but i still 사랑 ethan over a year ago
atticusiloveyou commented…
Omg i loved it over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb said …
I saw when the car was evil 3 times 게시됨 over a year ago
monkeysrock189 commented…
reported u 9times over a year ago
nooco101 commented…
selena is not made for this 벽 over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
i know stop geting intopeoples conversation this is between me and monkeyrocks over a year ago
vAmPiReNiNjA45 said …
I just watched the new episode. And when Benny said Beatles I was like "HOLY SHIT!!!!!!". 게시됨 over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
Yeah the car was a vamp and they killed it with a wooden stick but why would Sarah be so mean and leave ericka to Clean but ericka got away over a year ago
atticusiloveyou commented…
vamireninja im on this page bcause i canok get it ca u get that trough ur thick skull over a year ago
nooco101 commented…
저기요 kitty ha no afens 또는 anything over a year ago
crs3 said …
Who agrees,cameron "rory"is so hot and looks cute 연기 dumb! 게시됨 over a year ago
nooco101 commented…
meee over a year ago
august1095 commented…
He's also funny over a year ago
atticusiloveyou commented…
i dont ike rory im a benny 팬 i think rory is a wierdo just from my opinion over a year ago
martinsito10 said …
ur hot vanessa 모건 게시됨 over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
kate is way preetier than her over a year ago
nooco101 commented…
way pretier over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
Just watched Say You'll Be Mastak. Gosh, Rory just saved his own life. He actually did something right for once. Amazing. I always knew he was my favorite. Now he can actually kick butt. 게시됨 over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
no sarah and ericka saved jim i saw it to over a year ago
atticusiloveyou commented…
ericka and benny r the coolest ones on the show over a year ago
nooco101 commented…
no benny and sara atticus and vanessa over a year ago
sniperblood66 said …
I 사랑 u Vanessa Morgan!!!!!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
Well I hate her over a year ago
atticusiloveyou commented…
its nice 2 hate but she called kate todd a a**hole on the atticus mitchell 벽 ;( over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb said …
i saw a ep when one of the teacher is a evil one and ericka and sarah try to stop her 게시됨 over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
A over a year ago
nooco101 commented…
but he called my frind a dooshbag over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
Thanks guys over a year ago
vAmPiReNiNjA45 said …
Holy crap!! we made it to 1000 fans!!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
doctorstalker28 said …
I 사랑 BENNY!!!!:)He's cute and funny! 게시됨 over a year ago
nooco101 commented…
u r my girl over a year ago
sydnye1234 commented…
i agree benny is the cutiest one 팬 me if 당신 사랑 benny over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
Yeah over a year ago
atticusiloveyou commented…
totally over a year ago
1ilovewolfs said …
i really 사랑 this movie because i like the boys in this movie 게시됨 over a year ago
mbavfan said …
The new season is awesome! this is my 가장 좋아하는 show. 게시됨 over a year ago
nooco101 commented…
저기요 do ya want to be frinds text back over a year ago
mbavfan commented…
Sure! What do 당신 want to talk about? over a year ago
mbavfan commented…
Yea he's funny over a year ago
nooco101 said …
oh my god i cant get fbook 2 work 게시됨 over a year ago
august1095 commented…
Fbook is stupid, it's junky and inappropriate and u should really be careful unless u want to be hajacked, on the 초 thought have fun getting in trouble with bad guys. over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
face book sucks 팬팝 rocks oj amd btw tjerealvanessa is vanessa over a year ago
nooco101 commented…
i can do wate i want with my frinds unlike youaugust1095 over a year ago
atticusiloveyou commented…
ikr i doubt august1095 even has atticus mitchell's cell number cause she said she did on the atticus mitchell 벽 over a year ago
nooco101 said …
atticus is so hot!!!!!!!!<3 게시됨 over a year ago
august1095 commented…
Back away from Atticus, he's shy and kind and I don't think he really wants to 날짜 a girl that is super hyper about him over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
is he dating vanessa over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
Aww I hate Vanessa over a year ago
makorra327 said …
i didn't get to see the being episode of the new season 게시됨 over a year ago
hinataxneji1 commented…
I 게시됨 the episode in the 비디오 section. Check it out... over a year ago
makorra327 commented…
COOL!!!!!!!!...thank u! over a year ago
nooco101 commented…
저기요 guys over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
i did it was so amizing over a year ago
therealvanessa said …
저기요 guys it's vanessa 모건 and i have a picture here to proof it so hi everyone how are u guys doing. i got here 의해 hearing selena talking of this web site 게시됨 over a year ago
nooco101 commented…
ya now we all know your not vanessa over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
저기요 vanessa i 사랑 sarah over a year ago
atticusiloveyou commented…
저기요 vanessa y did u call kate todd a bad word over a year ago
mbv123yes commented…
omg thats so cool she is awesome over a year ago
mbsiav1234 said …
vanessa no 1 팬 게시됨 over a year ago
ssook78 said …
ethans mom: say cheese *ethan and benny cover sarah* and sarah: THIS BLOOD TASTE LIKE CARDBOARD I HATE THIS DRINK! me: oh sarah how the hell does blood taste like card board XD 게시됨 over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
What was that from? A promo for 다음 episode? I don't remember that. (And when it comes to my geekyness and fandoms, I remember pretty much everything, lol.) over a year ago
ssook78 commented…
no no no its when benny and ethan meet a moster hunter (their hero) even rory over a year ago
ssook78 commented…
welcome over a year ago
ssook78 said …
OMG OMG SEASON 2 WAS SO AWESOME i loved how the little girl was like for a friend >_> <_< 게시됨 over a year ago
vAmPiReNiNjA45 commented…
so now were getting Beatle people. thats a plus. over a year ago
ssook78 commented…
umm actually i wasent a beatles fanwhen my babysitters a vampire started but back that 일 i still loved them over a year ago
ssook78 commented…
and um i wactched all of the seris of season 1 over a year ago
vAmPiReNiNjA45 said …
am i the only one who watched season two?? Cause i thought for sure this club would be packed of 팬 talking about it. 또는 is everyone running around in the streets screaming for joy and going crazy? 또는 are we all just speachless cause we forgot how freakin awesome it is to watch new episodes?? 게시됨 over a year ago
hinataxneji1 commented…
Sadly, I have to wait for the episode to be released on YouTube. I don't like in America 또는 whatnot to see the premiere. over a year ago
vAmPiReNiNjA45 commented…
Hopefully it will come soon. I'd like to watch it again. I record all episodes but I still like to watch them 의해 myself;) over a year ago
hinataxneji1 commented…
It was awesome. I loved it. :) over a year ago
vAmPiReNiNjA45 said …
"have 당신 gone number one lately?" "Eww!!" That. Was. AWESOME. 게시됨 over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
"That's why it's called black magic and not sunny happy smiley magic." "You're Rory's friend? And 당신 admit it?" "...'currently undergoing treatment'..." Those were my 가장 좋아하는 lines xD over a year ago
vAmPiReNiNjA45 commented…
" so, locker boy, I get beat up all 일 because they blame you. And 당신 blame a green mist, and I bet the mist blames the unicorns...." over a year ago
Dracolove2 said …
Rori is my fav can't wait to see him again! 게시됨 over a year ago
vAmPiReNiNjA45 commented…
I like Benny<3 over a year ago
Dracolove2 commented…
Benny is funny! :-) over a year ago
vAmPiReNiNjA45 said …
Only 2 hours........ AAAAAAHH!!!!!!!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
Dracolove2 commented…
Omg can't wait for the premier. It's gonna be good! over a year ago
vAmPiReNiNjA45 commented…
Ikr!! over a year ago
love620 said …
i 사랑 ur 게시됨 over a year ago
vAmPiReNiNjA45 said …
Season Two today!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been waiting for a 년 and now it's time!!!!!!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
gigibear16 commented…
I know right!! over a year ago
vAmPiReNiNjA45 commented…
God, I can't wait!!!!! over a year ago
Jaybail said …
I always wanted my babysitters a vampire/house of Anubis crossover. Any ideas on how? If 당신 agree post a crossover idea on house of Anubis message boards. 게시됨 over a year ago