Miranda Lambert Club
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posted by rusher29
I have been dragging around
your sensitive ego
Making sure that your bags arrive on time
For the dog and 조랑말 show
a leather suit case like a brick
it kinda makes it hard to get a good grip
I drop your troubles off at the conveyor belt
I hand 당신 a ticket to go get it your self

At the baggage claim
you got a lot of luggage in your name
When 당신 hit the ground check the 로스트 and found
cuz it aint my problem now
I can't carry it all
I got a lot of troubles on my own
Its all over the yard and in the 트렁크 of the car
I'm packing it in, so come and get it

If it aint obvious what has set me off today
behind every...
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posted by savvy_kaylee
Her song, "Heart Like Mine" is truly amazing in our opinion!! She expresses the fact that she can do all these different things that other people might not like. She sings "Cause I heard 예수님 he drank wine, and I'd bet we'd get along just fine.................and I'd bet he'd understand a 심장 like mine". Other people may not get her, but she for sure knows that 예수님 does! 당신 don't have to judge someone 의해 who they are, because a lot of other people may like them for who they are...
and also when she says "He can calm a storm and heal the blind".............. I think that shows how amazing he is!!! Not only that song, but a lot of other song show her true inner self, and some other peoples too!!! We <3 Miranda!