mirai nikki Club
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added by missracoon
added by DisneyPrince88
added by DisneyPrince88
added by missracoon
added by ginei_werewolf
added by cam1252
added by darkmintoutau
added by DisneyPrince88
posted by ginei_werewolf
1 prequel called mirai nikki mosaic
Mirai nikki nikki mosaic is a 망가 series based around minene sama. It is pretty interesting. It shows how minene got trapped and also why she wants to become god. Not to mention it explains that the 12th actually captured her in order to get in the religion group led 의해 the 6th.

2 mirai nikki As 당신 all know mirai nikki is focused around yuno and yuki. It is about the 12 diary holders trying to become god. A sad 사랑 tale it is at the same time horror and confusing.

3 mirai nikki paradox This one is based around murumuru and akise. The plot is yuno doesn't exist and yuki got hurt therefore murumuru and akise take their places. Murumuru tries really hard to persuade akise to follow her lead so the future won't changa. However once they reach the 6th he rescues her and the future changes big time.
added by missracoon
added by ginei_werewolf
added by darkmintoutau
A lot of people have been asking me lately why I don't like Yuno--namely the people who know that I usually 사랑 the crazy characters. I've probably been asked about five times now so I decided to make an 기사 on it. I'm not making this 기사 just to be hateful (which is partially why I added the why I like Uryuu bit) I simply wanted to answer the whys. So if 당신 know (lol) 당신 don't want to see Yuno hate this probably isn't the 기사 for you. Also, this 기사 will contain spoilers.

It's true, I usually do like crazy characters, but she's a different kind of crazy than the kind I usually...
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added by xlegatelaniusx
added by SoraRoxasLover
added by darkmintoutau
added by zanhar1
added by missracoon
added by lilith-chan
added by SoraRoxasLover