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posted by cherl12345
As stated 의해 singer, Teddy Pendergrass, the whole town was practically laughing at Michael in regards to his personal life, how he raised his children, and his views pertaining to the subject of children. Michael was trying to rebuild the shattered pieces of his life though having been cleared on all counts of sexual misconduct towards a minor back in 1995. Also, as stated 의해 Aprhodite Jones, in her 2007 book, "Conspiracy: Inside The Michael Jackson Case", she points out that it was media, alongside, disgraced A.D.A, Tom Sneddon, The Chandlers;as well, as the Arvizos were the caused of his public humiliation as they as bullied Michael to the point where he almost had a nervous breakdown, and why he wanted to 옮기기 to 유럽 with his family, so he wouldn't have to put with his nonsense anymore. Who could blame him? The final straw came when the Arvizos were talking "smack" stating Michael gave them alcohol, which was later revealed in court that the Gavin and younger brother, Star, went into the private wine cellar at Neverland when no one was around, and drank Michael's wine, and entered his bedroom going through his property coming across a briefcase, which contained 읽기 읽기 not suitable for younger children. Luckily, one of Michael's employees chased them out of the master bedroom. Fed-up with people messing with him, Michael finally did something about 의해 way of the 2005 video rebuttal telling the Arvizos, "Well, bring it on" after Tom Sneddon, and the Arvizos where talking "trash" on how they were going to "kick his butt" in court. Well, that wasn't the case, and justice prevailed on Michael's behalf. Sadly, his reputation and good name was destroyed beyond; as a result, foolish talk that turned into evil hatred, and he didn't deserve that.
"Rose,get inside,now!",Michael shouted.Rose just stood there shocked unable to move."Rose,get out of here!",Michael shouted again.Rose finally got in and tried to call Alice."Who are you?Why are 당신 here?Where's everybody?",Michael asked."I'm Mark,Cassandra's little brother and also,the one who told 당신 that wants to meet Rose a few days ago.Why am I here?I think it's obvious:You betrayed my sister and she killed herself!And 당신 don't deserve Rose either!So,I came here to get rid of you!And about your friends:they were really...tasty!",he said while an evil grin showed up on his face.Michael's...
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다음 week Leo told them that they need to go in a forest to film some scenes.Michael was not happy at all,he had to convince Cassandra that he loves her and it was dangerous for Rose too!Cassandra was not happy either,that was Tala's forest.If Cassandra would do any spell Tala and her mother would show up and take her home,it was against the rules to use her magic powers in public.But Michael didn't know about it.So,they arrived and Michael's tent was 다음 to Rose's.Cassandra was of course mad about it but had no choice but to accept the situation.In that night,after they filmed a bit,they...
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posted by MJISALIVE
I woke up in the middle of the night not able to sleep....I knew mother wasnt going to let me see him even though he is my father. "God what can i do?!" i ask myself. Then I got an idea, it wasnt the best idea but it was worth a shot. I looked at my clock and it said 1:00 am, i turned on my laptop and googled SouthWest Airlines....."6:45 am should be fine" i say to myself "If i went on foot i should be there in about 4 to 5 hours...there...i have my ticket so all i need to do is pack and get dressed" i got up and pulled out my suit case from my closet. I pack all things necessary, then i get...
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posted by ILuvMetallica09
My cousin held the autograhped napkin in her arms like it was pure gold 의해 that time i knew my cosin was like at barfing stage (thats what happens when shes nervous.) then my cousin ran to the bathroom then i began to apolgize again as i was so embaressed for my cousins actions and nervous because i was sitting down with (the greatist singer in the world)"Im sorry mr...i mean michael for all this commotion with my cousin and everything." "thats ok that happens all the time, plus i would still like to get to know you." Let me see my name is peggy and i am so nervous right now.(am i kidding myself...
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jonna p.o.v

well i guess it's time to tell michael the truth i went to his house but he wasnt there so i went to his mother house she was a little shocked to she me well she fanited i walk in and ask for michael everone was shocked so i left i went to my mother she is the only one who know im alive when i went in my moms house i was my mom knocked uncoisece on the floor i dint see michael i went up stairs to lay down but when i went to go lay down i saw michael lay ing on the floor bleeding i went to call 911

on the phone
911:what is your problem
j:my husband he dieing i need help
911:we'll be right there


the put michael on the gerne i travled in the hospital 봉고차, 반 to the eregacy room they called everyone mom was there too they said she is ok just a bump from where she got hit .i told everone my little story about my FAKE death my mom told us she know what happen to my sons after i found out about my little girlfriend had my kids she going to die.
 Mr. Zimmerman
Mr. Zimmerman
Michael grabbed his sweater and he and so did evan. They began walking along michael's trail which went around over half of his property. "So mike...uh how long have 당신 lived here?" Evan asked trying to make small talk. "Um let see i moved here in 88 and it is now 1993 so ive lived here about 5 years." Michael answered. "Cool, do 당신 know how many rides 당신 have on the property?" Evan asked. " Um....hold on let me think." Michael began to list off the rides in his head. " I would say about maybe 10 또는 a little more.", "Cool...do 당신 like ever ride them 의해 yourself?" Evan asked. Michael gave...
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 jonna jackson wedding dress <3
jonna jackson wedding dress <3

Jonna POV
i waited in the back of the chapel with my mother and my cousin as the held the twins i was a little nervous but i think michael is the one and always be the one.

Michael POV
as the 음악 played i walked down the alise with the groom and the bridesmaids and my 꽃 and my two cute little boys then i saw the most beautiful person my fiance 또는 당신 can say my wife she was walking down the alise with my father i never thought he would walk with but 당신 can say he had a change of 심장 as we said our...
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posted by MJISALIVE
"Huh??...." i say "Your father is Michael Jackson" says mother

*in LA*
*phone rings* "Hello this is Janet Jackson" "Hi Aunt Janet" says a familiar voice "Paris! how are you?" "Im good...I need to ask 당신 something though..." "Sure anything" "Have 당신 ever had a feeling that we have an unknown relative???" "...Sometimes yes...why?" "Prince is having the same feeling..he even said that daddy had the same feelling..." "Wow..." "I called Aunt LaToya and she said the same thing..." "Well I dont know what to tell you...no one knows the future but God alone..." "Your right...well thats all i wanted...
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posted by asya10wooten
 jonna wedding dress she was trying on <3
jonna wedding dress she was trying on <3
Michael pov
You lookin sexy in that weddin 겉옷, 가운 she blushed she keeps sayin that j.cole is alive I dont belive it so I shurged it off
I been trying to make her feel good but she wont bugh she says im to tried to sleepy I cant even get her to 사랑 me anymore maybe she's telling the truth about j.cole being alive and I.must do something about it . I walked up to her and started 키싱 her on neck she started to laugh oh I just miss that laugh she keeps telling me to stops so I tickle her I cant help but laugh.

J.cole pov
I been stalkin jonna for sometime now I couldnt just stalk her so I go to clubs...
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posted by asya10wooten
 michael crying
michael crying
April 11 jonna's diary

Its been 2hours since i seen my son since j.cole took him im 글쓰기 in this stupid journal he gave i miss my michael i wish we were together but i think i getting feeling for j. but im arfaid for me and michael's realationship i dont to breakup.but im still freezing since i have no clothes to put on since j. took my things i wish he show a little respect since i am a mother now but whatever michael will come and save me in awhile.i just heard a bang at the door i think its j. but who knows.now im getting scared i he yelling from upstairs its sounds like michael i hope...
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posted by MJISALIVE
Its 공식 만찬, 저녁 식사 time and tonight its my favorite! Spaghetti!! then with my 가장 좋아하는 디저트 Ice Cream!! "Thanks for the 공식 만찬, 저녁 식사 and 디저트 Mom" I say "Your welcome sweetie" just then the doorbell rang "I got it!" I say. It was my lil brother coming back from a sleep over at his friend, Bobby's house "Hey!" i say hugging him "Did 당신 have fun at Bobby's?" "Yeah I did! it was so fun!!" "Im glad! Mommy made 스파게티 for dinner" "Spaghetti?! Where?!" he asks running into the kitchen. I laugh then walk into my room again. "Only three 더 많이 days until my birthday....man I cant wait!" I say to myself..I...
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Michael had closed his eyes, not wanting to watch as Saronia would be killed.
Tears streamed down his face as he screamed in anger, pain, and sorrow.
He still hadn't opened his eyes. Listening was enough for him.
The sound of them hitting the ground made his stomach churn.
Could this be the end of his beloved Saronia??
Then he felt heavy breathing on his cheek and a cold nose nudging his neck.
"S- Saronia??" He whispered opening his eyes.
He looked up and saw a horse staring down at him.
In fact, she was alive!!
He was overjoyed as he realized that she was unharmed.
But his face quickly changed as he...
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Michael arrived back at Neverland, running around in 검색 of Doug.
He finally found him roaming around the zoo.
"Hey Mike!!" Doug called out happily.
Michael fumed. "Don't 당신 저기요 Mike me!! I know whats up. And I know who 당신 are. 당신 killed three women!! And Baylaa!!" He screamed.
Doug's face changed. "Oh, so 당신 know who I am eh?? Well, 당신 don't know everything.."
Doug stood his ground and started speaking in a foreign language.
Suddenly a black vortex like image started forming.
It started floating around, heading towards Michael.
Michael watched, horrified of what might happen.
"I will not fail!!...
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posted by asya10wooten
 jonna upset because julio wont stay in her room
jonna upset because julio wont stay in her room
jonna gets a call from a stranger needed a new look at new mexico

jonna gets a call she pulls out her phone its said private so jonna it ingores it at frist but then it ranged a again so she's answer it.

on the phone

J:hello this is jonna who is this
stranger:hello jonna my name julio and was in new mexico your friend said i can stay with 당신 for a while
J:who gave 당신 this number
Julio:your friend savanna
J:ok where are 당신 now
Julio:down town at the flea market

Jonna went down town to the flea market.Jonna remeber when she was a little girl and she always went to the flea until she heard someone...
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Michael stood there for a moment, wondering if he should answer the door since it was late.
He decided to answer it and walked up to see who it was.
It was a man who looked to be in his early 40's.
Short brown hair, green eyes, and sophisticated clothes.
He seemed decent so he opened the door and greeted the man.
"Hello Mr. Jackson." The man said shaking his hand.
"Hello, please, call me Michael." He said smiling.
"As 당신 wish. Please, let me introduce myself. I am Doug Shelding. I am the head of Shelding Productions which is a company that records certain TV specials on celebrities." Doug said.
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As we were in the car going to the hospital Brooke was screaming really loud. I said" Honey calm down." " Michael i can't." As we drove up to the hospital the doctors took Brooke into the labor room. She was lieing on the 침대 screaming her head off. When she started having contractions it was time. The doctors asked me to go out side in the waiting room but i said "NO." The doctors said okay. As Brooke was pushing she said to me " Michael i HATE 당신 right now" I said "I know just hang in there." A few 분 later we heard a cry of a baby coming from the doctors arms. They went to go check...
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Back In California
Michael, Becca, Prince, Paris, Blanket, Brandon and Keiko exited the plane. They saw Frank waiting in the terminal with a sign that said "Jacksons" on it. They went up to him, Paris holding Brandon and Prince holding Keiko. "Hey Frank, it's been a while, huh?" Michael asked. Frank looked at Michael and was in shock. "Did your family get bigger 또는 something? Who's this pretty lady?" He asked back. Becca giggled at him. "This is Becca Yamamoto Jackson. These two 아기 are our new children, Brandon and Keiko. So yeah, our family did grow a bit." Frank nodded and they went to...
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 my xmas wish is for 당신 darling
my xmas wish is for you darling
Excitement is building,people shopping everywhere
But without my boy I really dont care
Childrens faces smiling filled with joy
But mine is miserable without my boy
Carols playing,xmas is in the air
But I miss my boy with the dark black hair
Santas coming they look towards the skies
I cry inside as I picture his beautiful brown eyes
Families everywhere having fun
Oooooh I wish I could buy my boy just one 더 많이 squirt gun
My 심장 is aching as xmas draws near
Cause my beautiful 앤젤 is no longer here
Tears falling as I stare into space
And hold my breath as I picture his face
Xmas lunch,how can I posibly...
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posted by asya10wooten
michael was so angry that he pinned tatiana on a tralior and screamed "WHAT DID 당신 DO TO HER ............ANSWER ME DANG IT tatiana was scraed oh what just happen

Tatiana was to scared to answer his 질문 'ANSWER ME DANG IT " he kept reapaeting
it over "shut up shut up shut up shut up " chrisy finnally said "yall too are ridicouls michael if 당신 사랑 her go be with her dont spend your time
hooking up with a trashy girl like that and listen me and alicia and dominic are going to go to the hospital" chrisy said . WOW for the frist time chrisy said something that wasnt about math 또는 me tutoring...
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The 다음 week during rehearsals
Becca had to sit out because of her being pregnant. Although, she couldn't wait until 다음 week. Mainly because she gets to find out the gender of the baby. She watched Michael dance on stage and it was just phenomenal. Soon, she heard her phone go off. She got up and went out into the lobby and answered it. "Hello?" She asked. "Hello, this is Dr. Sharp. I'm calling about your ultrasound results. I'm gonna need to 당신 come in to check it out." He said. "What time should I come in?" "Any time is fine. Just as long as 당신 get here. It may surprise you." "Alright....
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